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Everything posted by Starwindeu

  1. Hi, got interstellar fuel switch installed together with a few other mods, and when im about to land on the mun the game crashes everytimee, i asked in technical support and they said IFS could be the cause of it. wonder if that is the case and how to fix it? List of addons Log
  2. wierd it happens only in this case, since i can mess around on kerbin for ages, take off and land etc but on mun it crashes, tried to update the addon but no bueno deleted the log and tried again, still only fuelswitch that messes things up? new log
  3. Hi, as title say as soon as im setting my craft up for landing on the Mun the game crashes, every single time, i get a short distance away then the program stops and closes itself, addons i have atm List of addons
  4. Hello, as the title says, im curious if someone could update this mod? I cant find any similar mod out there and the original landing gear cant handle alot of weight before they break and only the medium size wheel have steering. Link to Mod Not sure if its legal for ppl to update other ppls mod but as i could read in one of his forum posts he cant update his mods anymore since he got school, etc etc
  5. Excited as heck for the new update.. love the mod, just wish it would have landing gears since the original ksp landing gears cant handle any wieght and adjustable landing gear mods is not updated. btw any eta on when it might be ready?
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