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Everything posted by Energywelder

  1. Found a newer version of Filterextensions, updated that, errors have not changed.
  2. For reference, i tried different versions of the game, same error(s), I tried puzzling out the actual psuedo-code in the cfg files, I tried different versions of the mod, i tried deleting the problem parts (new parts then start complaining, ones that loaded perfectly before), completely deleting the mod and reinstalling. Nada. Other errors encountered include claims by the game that Heat Control, Filter Extensions, and Docking Port Indicator are out of date, if that's important. If you want the error files, I'd be willing to post them, just looks like a bunch of hexi and hardware details to me.
  3. I'm having a crash while loading the game that i just can't escape no matter how much i reinstall the mod. Here is pic: https://imgur.com/a/Zs8R2Dc
  4. I figured this out myself on saturday, before I checked the forums, took some testing, I'm up to orbital reactor V1.40 M1R1. So, next question. After beating myself to death and back with testing (because I don't want to be bugging you too much) I now have 6 power sats in orbit actually capable of transmitting power. However, something seems off to me. 2.5m pebble bed reactors (before upgrade) make about 3.5MW. Power generator gets 2MW out of that. Infra red transmission means I can theoretically broadcast 1.25MW of that. My Orbital transceiver (V1.50 M1R1) in a polar orbit with LOS to all 6 sats is only receiving ~100KW, It should be about 60x that, surely? If not, what's the ideal set up for good power transmission? And that relay thing you posted? Is that only valid for parts with "transceiver" in the name? I've tried all sorts of receivers and and folding antennas, but none of them have that link for relay button. I also wouldn't know how to get that huge dish into orbit, 3.75m aerodynamic fairing?!
  5. My problem is this, beam producer is this, but it doesn't seem to be producing any beam, I've tested several other receivers. Also, posting the link seems to be bugging the message box, so it's imgur.com/ and then a/PdiJl @FreeThinker @Nansuchao
  6. I sure would love to, but for some reason I am unable to attach pictures to one of these posts, could you tell me how to do that first?
  7. I sure would love to, but my browser isn't letting me paste pictures into the box, how do I do that first?
  8. I'm hoping for some help with my power network. I've lofted 6 pebble bed reactors into space (each on it's own satellite), megajoules says they're making ~2MW. But none of them seem to be able to connect to eachother. I have the diode array on each sat, so they should be able to transmit, and on each sat I have 2 receivers (which I made sure were on) whose description says they should be able to receive any wavelength. Transmitter: Diode Laser Array (Beam Producer) set for long infrared Receivers: Circular Thermophotovoltaic Receivers.
  9. I'm hoping for some help with my power network. I've lofted 6 pebble bed reactors into space, megajoules says they're making ~2MW. But none of them seem to be able to connect eachother. I have the diode array on each sat, so they should be able to transmit, and on each sat I have 2 receivers (which I made sure were on) whose description says they should be able to receive any wavelength. Transmitter: Diode Laser Array (Beam Producer) set for long infrared Receivers: Circular Thermophotovoltaic Receivers.
  10. Hi, I love this mod, but it seems to me that no matter what setting, it is always on "hard", I never seem to be able to keep costs down to anything reasonable, for instance, I just tried sputnik II (which in real life was the Russians launching a dog into space) and I had 20k worth of parts, but 28k worth of fuel? Nuh-uh, that formula needs to be adjusted. And when I got to the apoapsis to burn, I discovered my probe module had run through all of it's electricity and could not turn to face prograde, and when I went to restart the flight, I got deducted another 48k? I was suddenly down to 300$ and absolutely screwed. And then when I went to go back to VAB, I didn't have the money to launch. Something needs to be adjusted. Could test mode be "Easy mode" and just tune up the prices to 4x what they are now, so a test doesn't cost 2.5k but 10? And then normal is reduced by half to 20k a launch (and doesn't bankrupt you) and then idk what to do with hard, some people are masochists that way, LOL. BTW: Cheat, launch in test mode, and right before touchdown, switch to real mode and get paid
  11. When you warp, apparently it just shows your spacecraft going REALLY REALLY FAST, it really is just a bunch of icons on the map view and a chat engine, still interesting though.
  12. Can som1 post an address this is both updated to .0.7.0 and has people on it?
  13. I just built my first "Stock only" combat ship, a fighter, small like the mosquitos but more massy and can probably cart around a larger stack of torpedoes too.
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