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Apature rocket science

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Everything posted by Apature rocket science

  1. I think in carrer mode there needs to be a emergency, every 4-5 years a astroid is gona hit Kerbin and if you don't stop it you suffer a massive funding cut and you loose all your technology because the whole of Kerbin is set back to the Stone Age, and the athmosphere is 2 times thicker.
  2. Thankes for that but I have done a base like that before, they are [laggy], they just use up soooo Mutch memory that landing there takes too long due to the low frame rates, the only fix is to make it in the vab and hypereddit it there, that will save all the lag because for some reason when you dock things togther [lag only increases], i plan to do this type of base in the future when they fix docking
  3. How do you be Sustaible with tac life susport, and I currently have exterplantery launch pads but I don't quite know how to use it, and was thinking of a lathe base and was just woundering if there where any good lathe Pacific mod, also who knows the mimum orbiting altitude for gilly, I want to have a realy low orbiting gilly manufacturing base
  4. Know any good mods for making bases, I am a advance player and have been everywhere and now want to build bases everywhere, also is there any mods to reduce memory usage when building space stations. I have legit build stations then make them in the vab and hyper eddit them in place of the one I legit build this reduces lag because it's the same vessal, any way to advoid this ?
  5. Done #420kerbalblazzing http://m.imgur.com/AWYucX7,m03w317,mrI5eva
  6. Prolog The ksp wants to get rid of their space stations and they have contracted you to deorbit your space station and reap the rewards. You need to make sure you record you part count this is vital to your scoring and you may use hyper edit to change your orbit, Mec jeb can be used if land at the KCS. Before you de orbit you station you may send up a pay load of stuff to prep it for the Journy through the atmosphere, include pics of everything and your payload. Scoring +1000 points land at KSC -5 point per part that gets destroyed +10 per part that survived +50 points per kerbal that survived +25 points per kerbal that used a escape pod or system Parts survived divided by the total number of parts times by 100 = your survival ratio -500 points per building you destroy if you land at KSC If you don't land at KSC you may mount a rescue mission and save the survivors +100 per kerbal rescued to attempt this you must land a minium of 100,000 km away Survival Ratio = Surviving Parts / Starting Parts * 100 +200 per comfortable seat of station capacity (Hitchhikers, Cupolas, OKS Habitation, or similar - pods, cans, and cockpits do not count as comfortable seats) +500 if a manned science lab is included +500 if Snacks are provided +1,000 if TAC-LS or other more complex life support mod is used +1,000 if the station has dedicated lander(s) or shuttle(s) that can take at least two Kerbals down to the surface simultaneously, and then return to the station +2,000 if the station and dedicated craft have the ability to mine/harvest/generate new fuel +10 points per part returned from crash site to KSC Advised Mods KAS Deadly reentry FAR Kethane Interstella Mecjeb Hyper edit Rules If there are no photos it didn't happen Be truthful, -1 rep if you lie no matter how big or small no cheating at all No cheating Hyper edit is allowed please say if you use (look at the hyper edit rules if you use hyper eddit) Have fun For you cheats out there no alt f12 No quick saving, if you crash you crash, there's nothing you can do about it. You may only have a maximum of 100 kerbals on your space station You space station must be made by a minium of 2 launches, they must dock/connect Your space station must pass all, the requirements before you attempt the challenge⤵︠The hyper edit rules You may use hyper edit to build you spacestation. You may use hyper edit to move your current spacestaion so it meets requirements. You may use hyper edit to deorbit your spacesation if doing it stock is impossible. You can't use hyper edit to transport Kerbals to your space station. Cool space station If you want some images of cool space stations you could de orbit go to here http://m.imgur.com/a/UzODc Station classing system Small fuel depo minium requirements Has docking port or claw Has a fuel storage tank Has energy production Medium fuel depo minium requirements Has docking port or claw Has at least 150 units of liquid fuel and oxidiser Has 6 solar pannles Orbits at at least 100,000 km Has more than 50 parts Large fuel depo Small station minimum requirements: Has 1 to 5 kerbals Has 10 to 50 parts Has docking port Built by a minium of 2 separate launches Medium station minium requirements: Has 5 to 10 kerbals Has between 50 to 150 parts Has between 1 to 4 docking ports Has excape system or excape pods Built by a minium of 4 separate launches Large station minium requirements: Has 10 to 15 kerbals Has between 150 to 300 parts Has between 4 to 8 docking ports Has excape system or excape pods Has ssto shuttle Has capacity to hold 20 kerbals Has a fuel depo of at least 150 liquid fuel and oxidiser Built by a minium of 8 separate launches Ranking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
  7. I once was doing s massive eva and I nearly ran out so I had to. Glide though space for a long time till I got back to my ship
  8. That's about right, but I would like people to use lifting bodies instead of wings, you can use lifting bodies to fly they just don't provide that Mutch lift
  9. Dose this ship have to have a pusher plate like in the video is there any rules whats the grading
  10. What I ment by no arodimaical surfaces is no wings no controll surfaces, but I will allow structural parts that provide lift, as long as you don't spam them
  11. Background jeb got drunk and made a bet with a engineer, jeb told a engineer that engineers are dumb and that you don't need wings to make a plane, you just need a lot of thrust. The engineer took jeb up on his statement and gave jeb the challange of making a ssto that can fly only using pure rocket power. Rules .no wings .no flaps or arodimamicial surfaces. .only jet engines in atmosphere. .rocket engines alowed above 60,000m. .no intake spam. .no use of sas (except the cockpit sas) .must have 1 pilot who sits in a external seat. .no use of debug menu for anything .record your mission with screen shots .no part adding mods alowed (b9, interstella, ecta) Leaderboard . . . . .
  12. Seems like a good challange, I might attempt this challange, and are mods allowed ?
  13. Question 1 yes it is a space station as long at it meets the minium space station requirements Question 2 do you mean that your space station is a ssto shuttle and it can be classified at a space station it can fit meets all the requirements and just use some sence and make a proper space station, don't cheat Question 3 thankes for your cheating I am now going to fix that and have a maximum kerbal limit of 100 Question 4 yes you are correct I am now going to fix these loop holes
  14. Hey how's you going with the chalange, noticed you haven't submited your entry yet and if I can help please reply and tell me how I can help
  15. I use the vanguard parrashute system and if that dosn't work they can use rcs and if that doesn't work I can have them use KAS to make their own emergency system using comand chairs and rcs
  16. I like the idea, just one thing its going to lag lots when you get the whole thing going and when you do sections of the machine may. Collide with new sections and cause unwanted reaction.
  17. Great job deorbiting your space station, I was expecting there to be more parts destroyed. And regarding your question about the scoring system, i made that you can rescue them for more points because i expected that some people would just have their excape pods land any where, also sending a space plane out to rescue kerbals is a bit anoying so it encourages people to land at the ksc.
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