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Everything posted by roun1

  1. Would you mind sharing how you made the edits? I have the source files downloaded but I don't know how the project should be setup to recompile the dll.
  2. I don't think the procedural wings are supposed to be this expensive. Is this a config oversight or some sort of bug?
  3. This mod seems awesome. Although, I think it would kill my computer if I tried to load it, especially with all the other mods I have installed.
  4. Update: I think I found the source of my problem. Situation: I launch a rocket consisting largely of boosters. The rocket tips to the side and breaks apart. Main difference: I wasn't using the Unity-style GUI. The window disappeared, but only for a very short moment. This leads me to believe my problem was caused by a bug in Unity or the Unity GUI. However, this was only after one try so I'm going to need to look into this more.
  5. I tried another break-up test using the KSP Debug Log instead of the Ship Manifest Debug Log, but I didn't see anything that seemed to relate to Ship Manifest.
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6h0wwfdlp023beu/DebugLog_05302016_151414.txt?dl=0 Alright. Here's the link.
  7. Okay, I've managed to save a Debug Log of when the SM Window disappears. Is there a way for me to share the file with you?
  8. I have the same problems. I've done some tests and found that when I decouple a part within the atmosphere and it breaks, the SM Window disappears. The SM Button will still be green and the Debug Log won't show that there's a problem. After a while the window does come back but it gets really annoying when I'm trying to grind for more Science.
  9. If you do that the fuel will weigh so much that it will just destroy your craft. I know it happened to me.
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