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Everything posted by Galane

  1. Is there a way to add a tweakable to toggle the fuel crossfeed? If I edit the CFG on the dual one to have crossfeed set to false, would that block fuel from going from tanks on the top to engines on the bottom?
  2. I'd like to see an inflatable Rogallo wing.
  3. Moar boosters. To hit the TV limiter you need to have enough thrust to be able to reach TV at the altitude/density. At the ascent speeds a rocket can now achieve, the current TV changes rapidly and increases with altitude. Ie. the higher you go the higher the TWR must be to stay at terminal velocity. Not easy to do when you keep throwing away engines... That's why several of my rockets staged tanks off the top of stacks, to keep the engines on longer. New aero will make that tactic trickier to do. In testing I've found that hitting TV as soon as possible and for as long as possible saves fuel. The rocket is going as fast as it can so throttling back reduces fuel use. In .90 and earlier I'd attach some SRBsto kick it up to speed so MechJeb would throttle back. Had some rockets where right after launch it'd completely cut throttle while the SRBs carried the whole load. A few thousand meters of ascent not burning liquid fuel and oxidizer can make quite a difference.
  4. That's odd because it worked in .90 and earlier versions.
  5. Dev build 446 set a lander down within walking distance of KSC for me tonight. Build 447 is right now the latest. IIRC something about some code that wasn't removed but should have been or was removed but shouldn't have been... Anyway, Sarbian found what was causing all the crazy stuff so now it will actually attempt to land and may, if your craft is constructed in a fashion MechJeb can keep pointed firey end downward, not smash it into the landscape.
  6. Force Roll's two boxes change the roll in different stages of flight. The left one is the roll angle you want to turn to ASAP after launch. The right box (labled turn) is the roll angle you want after entering the gravity turn phase. The latest default ascent profile starts to turn very soon after launch. If you're still getting the turn that starts at 7KM, delete the cfg files MechJeb generates. Since the souposphere is gone, horizontal velocity has become more important to gain sooner than it was before. Dev build 446 is finally capable of landing with an atmosphere, at least on Kerbin, if your craft doesn't behave like a lawn dart. It must either have the aerodynamics to drop in a stable, engines forward orientation, enough control power for MechJeb to overcome aero forces trying to make it lawn dart, or use parachutes. It was able to set my lander down without crashing, within walking distance of KSC. Build 447 is now the latest as I type, I haven't tried it yet.
  7. You have to attach the AR-202 control box to your craft. To ensure flight stability, do NOT set Control From Here to the MechJeb box. With the new aero the drag and mass of the MechJeb box can affect your flight so you want it close to centerline as possible or place it tucked in behind some other part that will shield it from the airflow. Alternatively, you can use ModuleManager with a script to patch it into all command pod parts so you don't need the box.
  8. Yes! Build 446 is definitely on the right track for atmosphere landing. Got the test craft on the surface, hot end down, no crashing and within walking distance of KSC. I got this module manager cfg from earlier in the thread but it's not working right. I get the MechJeb menu without Kerbals aboard but when I go to launch I get the no control warning and even though I have the menu, I cannot launch. I don't need to unlock everything since I only play in the sandbox mode. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { %MODULE[MechJebCore] { MechJebLocalSettings { MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = flightControl } MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = flightControl } MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = fieldScience } MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech } MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech } MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech } MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned } MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = advUnmanned } MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned } } } }
  9. Eve mission using HL parts for ascent from Eve. It also makes use of ReStock parts - which I'm being lazy about updating for 1.0.2 and trying to find someone else to pick up that sword, or stick, or pair of scissors and run with it...
  10. Good to see it being updated for 1.0.2! I have a hunch I'll be needing it again for a repeat Eve mission.
  11. Terminal Velocity throttle limiter is working very nicely now. Good and smooth!
  12. If you've ever played the old DOS game Indiana Jones and the Secret of Atlantis, there's one way to randomize a quest. Each thing you had to find could be in one of several different places, all randomized when a new game was started.
  13. Up the difficult mission level with a retrograde orbiting planet. Players would love that.
  14. Something else I need to add to update for 1.0.2? PART { name = decoupler1-O module = Part author = NovaSilisko, Galane //mesh = Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerStack2m/model rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3654699, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.4508572, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple sound_decoupler_fire = decouple TechRequired = advConstruction entryCost = 2800 cost = 440 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = RockoOKTOClampo manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate & Probodobodyne Inc. description = The RockoOKTOClampo combines a Rockomax Brand Decoupler, the reaction wheels and electronics from a Probodobodyne Inc. OKTO2 probe core and a Clampotron docking port. The ROC can split a rocket in two, maintain remote guidance of the part split off and enables docking with it to siphon off leftover fuel or to refuel and recycle a spent stage into a useful rocket component. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 mass = 0.4 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 9 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 3400 fuelCrossFeed = False stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 vesselType = Probe MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 250 explosiveNodeID = top } MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.02777778 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 10 maxAmount = 10 } MODEL { model=Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort/model position = 0.0, 0.15, 0.0 scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } MODEL { model=Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerStack2m/model position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode referenceAttachNode = top nodeType = size1 } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 0.5 YawTorque = 0.5 RollTorque = 0.5 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.015 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } }
  15. I've found a problem with these. This craft is all stock except for these engine mounts. http://pastebin.com/eiaFTUms Using the latest dev build (445) of MechJeb it triggers both these mounts and the Rockomax decoupler immediately after them, bypassing the Mammoth engine which is in the stage with these radial mount/decouplers. Hitting F3 shows the Rockomax decoupler triggering an instant after the PPI ones. The damage comes along after the lander engines light. Manually staging them works. The four Mainsails carry it to the coast phase and are supposed to start the circularization, then stage off for the Mammoth to finish. It's shaping up to become my first Mun rocket in 1.0.2, if the launch staging will work. Likely will need separatrons but it's still in unmanned R&D phase.
  16. Welding parts, altering the size and/or shape. Squishing, stretching, mashing... Too bad the game engine doesn't allow for differential scaling and skewing. Could take a cylindrical fuel tank and turn it into a tapered and offset adapter. So anyway, assume the little green rocket scientists have bent their brains to the task and improved the engines that are now weaker at sea level. What would be some reasonable plausible numbers that will still fit with the new atmosphere? Not looking for Aerojet M-1 performance where the turbopump exhaust was ducted through the edge of the nozzle skirt to contribute 120 kN of thrust to the designed 6.67 million Newton baseline thrust. 'Course an appropriately scaled M-1 would be excessively cool. Just need a variant of the KR-2L that can do things like lift the Learstar off the pad. Odd that Squad did all these changes then left in a stock craft that doesn't just need a few adjustments to improve it, it's completely unflyable since it can't even launch. The original KR-2L was too powerful, with the ReStock adapter to mount four of them plus four LV diameter and one Rockomax diameter engines beneath a ThunderMaximus tank... it tended to be *too much* if those other engines were T30's and a Mainsail. Efficiency was considerably worse (with the same rocket) with all those than with only four KR-2L, even with MechJeb's terminal velocity limiter. I haven't yet fixed the CFGs for those parts for 1.0.2 but I'm half expecting that the assembly would struggle to lift off now.
  17. Try placing the launch clamps in their own stage above the first stage engines. Hit space to activate the first stage then a second time to release the clamps. That way the stage the launch clamps were in is "dropped" before the first stage burnout.
  18. The problem with using clusters is the difficulty or impossibility of stacking below them. The KR-2L used to have a sea level thrust higher than the Mainsail. It also used to have a vacuum thrust of 2500. Now it's only 1,000 ASL where the Mainsail is 1379. Shouldn't the larger engine be more powerful at all altitudes?
  19. Can't do the same thing as has been done with fuel tanks and other parts in ReStock? Many of them have had their lengths and diameters changed by different amounts.
  20. With the thrust of the Poodle, LV-909 and KR-2L being severely nerfed, what would be reasonable thrust increases to restore them to the types of uses they had in previous KSP versions? The poodle was ideal for small manned landers, even on Kerbin, due to its short length. The applications for the LV-909 were many. The KR-2L was the second most powerful engine but now Squad has puzzlingly made it weaker than the Mainsail. Is it now astoundingly more fuel efficient than the Mainsail? It would have to be as that would be the only reason to spend fuel lofting its mass and low thrust into space. The Poodle and LV-909 were likely overpowered in .90 and earlier, but now they're pretty much useless in atmosphere or for liftoff or landing on Kerbin or anywhere else in the higher gravity range. I'm thinking a buffed Poodle (perhaps call it the Standard Poodle) should slot somewhere between the current one and the Skipper, perhaps in the third towards the current Poodle. Could stretch its length a bit in the modded CFG and up its mass just a little. What to do for a buffed LV-909? No solid ideas here. For the KR-2L I'm tempted to do a straight clone of it as it was in .90. It's just silly to have an engine that's much heavier and quite bit larger than the Mainsail have so much less thrust it can barely lift itself off the pad. Try launching the stock Learstar... oh wait, you can't because Squad nerfed the main engine so much. You have to swap it out for a Mainsail to get it to move. With the new aero, rockets don't need as much raw power to overcome drag on their way up to orbit, so making copies of the engines (except perhaps the KR-2L) equal to their pre 1.0 versions would really be overdoing it. They seem to have adjusted the T-30 and T-45 just right.
  21. Status for 1.0.x I redid the RockoOKTOclampo to see what will be involved in making it work for the latest KSP release. Rather POed at the extreme nerf the KR-2L got, it's weaker than the Mainsail now, both in atmo and vacuum. WTH? If someone wants to take over maintenance of ReStock, I'll gladly hand over the reins, though I'll likely make some more parts, perhaps, if I run into a need... Definitely needs some up-rated copies of the KR-2L, Poodle and LV-909, adjusted to be in keeping with the new atmo and to fill the gaps left in the size/thrust ladder, and to fix the ridiculousness of the second most powerful engine being made essentially useless.
  22. My Valentina is still lounging in the lounge with all the other Kerbals because I've only been doing unmanned test flights. Even Jeb is weary of flying in this new and suddenly changed, thinner atmosphere he has no idea how he can breathe without passing out from oxygen deprivation. This massive change of the laws of physics also has the mechanical version of Jeb very confused, but the programming team (AKA Sarbian) is hard at work on it.
  23. That's what the TV limit does, though it's rather harsh and overshooting up and down on the throttle when hitting TV speed. Sarbian has been getting that sorted, which is a very good thing. I'm sure I'll get to like the new aero, especially after I CFG up some better performing clones of the ultra-nerfed KR-2L, Poodle and LV-909.
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