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Everything posted by braininator

  1. Thanks they came from Space Engine. If I am going to add more planets I am going to start recommending the aggressive texture management... and yes I think so... What types do you think I should do? I am open to suggestions. Also I am thinking of moving Amie-Thistle from around Emralled to around Sa-Fire. I had thought that moons around moons was not unreasonable.. but apparently it's unrealstic so I think I am going to edit that.
  2. I took some time and did a reentry on Emralled today with far installed. Little warning with far installed, don't be impatient with plane reentry. Eve nthough Aeries 4 was not designed for this, it disintegrated when I tried to move while reentering. jeb passed that 60KM wide river delta in under 20 seconds This was right before a re-entry. if you have cool images around the system feel free to post them. I will include the good ones(with permission) in the OP.
  3. Here is Amie-Thistle close to the surface. In most cases the Scaled space is a lot less rugged than the actual surface. I put less bland images for the PQS system to save memory while still creating a landing nightmare
  4. Requires Planet Factory Ce Edition http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE The Sa-Fire System is a gas planet system far out from Kerbol. It's main attraction is Sa-Fire, A nice warm gas planet that was originally thought to be an imperfection in the Alumina Crystal telescope, one which made it look like a sapphire. Once the kerbals had developed a telescope large enough to see it and it's moons, the original scientists were praised, rather than thought crazy. Surrounding Sa-Fire are many moons, and one moonlett. The closest moon is Rubbee, a kerbin sized bright red desert planet. it has a small atmosphere, reaching .7 atmospheres of pressure at the equator. The second furthest moon out is Emralled. A tropical/desert world, it has many lucurious beaches, with enough gravitational force, kerbals have to be careful getting out of their command pond without falling over. Surrounding Emralled there is Amie-Thistle, a relatively small atmosphere less moonlet. Finally there are two more moons, one is purple, and one is yellow. The first is Floorite, a bright purple ice moon, believed to be the same chemical that makes up Eve's oceans in a frozen state. Next is Opal, a tiny yellow moon far out from the planet, with a rugged surface, good luck finding a flat spot to crash into! Dowload for bonus HD Floorite Pack (merge Sa-Fire Folders): http://db.orangedox.com/3BGfYRUrsvXRBxSkU2/Sa-Fire%20HD.zip Download for V4(Most recent):http://db.orangedox.com/wSmMD7XgUtgZdwlELI/Sa-Fire%20V4.zip Download for V3:http://db.orangedox.com/mBmppTRsgj8sBYLfvd/Sa-FireV3.zip Download for V2: http://db.orangedox.com/qYlUe5zRpqMZrPCkni/Sa-Fire%20V2.zip Download for V1:http://db.orangedox.com/Y5kkvlglSvCxIgxwoN/Sa-Fire%20V1.zip LICENSE : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Onyx is a highly eccentric highly inclined small moon around Sa-Fire so dark that it is hardly noticeable. This is a screenshot from in orbit around Onyx with a view of Rubee and Sa-Fire in the background If you have suggestions for another planet pack (such as another gas giant*) feel free to say them. As these are high pixel count textures I recommend using Rbay's mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-5-Release-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs! Changle log: v4: fixed Amie-Thistle's normal map and made it purple - if it breaks saves let me know -, changed the color and map of Cuwarts to what I had originally envisioned, not what autosaved. Added Peynight gilly sized. ** v3: trimmed some CFG files, added Di-Mend and Cuwarts v2: Lowered Emralled's gravity, made Amie-Thistle it's own moon and fixed it's height map(hopefully). Fixed Floorite's Heightmap. Added Onyx in a highly eccentric and ellipitcal orbit. v1- initial release. *if you are to suggest a gas giant please suggest moons as well **Floorite HD still works, you can still use the same files. They are unchanged
  5. Well what do you know... Using kerbin not laythe as a template fixed my planet Emralled that was holding me back from releasing my planet pack! I'm going to go write the post, set up the download etc. When it's done I will put the link here: The images are broken on the forum post, but it's released! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82057-Sa-Fire-Planet-Pack-for-Planet-Factory-CE-v-1?p=1195419#post1195419
  6. That looks awesome! is there anything unique to kerbin that you have to include in the config? I am thinking of making a completely alien star cluster system, that's completely different to anything seen before, but I needed to make sure this was possible. Thanks
  7. Has anyone attempted to make a kerbin derivative successfully yet? I remember Krag managing Kerbin derivatives back in the summer, but I have not seen any in CE.
  8. it's not meters, I found that out the hard way. Try a much smaller number on your rings(1- a higher number....perhaps) and you should be able to see the rings. mine were probably 3x as far out as the SOI of my planet at 600K inner radius. I found 1k-6K is inside the gas planet's radius, I will use KC's jool cfg to get a good number and show results.
  9. Ah thank you for that information... I could only see the rings when i was viewing it's orbit around the sun in map view... apparently 600,000 to 1,000,000 of whatever unit was being used was really quite massive.
  10. I have tried out the new ring tools in this mod on my planet pack I am designing, though I am having a small problem. I have followed the instructions you posted, though as far as I can tell no rings are being formed. I will send you a download link via PM for the pack+ the two relevent folders for this mod. Also on a related note, the color editor for the rings does not seem to save the color when you click on the save to buffer in the editor. Thanks Edit: I took another look. The rings are there.... though... The units on the inner/outer radius are not measured in meters are they? I found the rings 100 times as far out as the planet's furthest moon. Derp. Also, what units is the tilt measured in?
  11. Awesome! I shall try to add some rings to my planets when I next have some time! I am sure this addition will be quite popular
  12. that's odd. Have you defined the PQS system in two different ways? (Such as entering variables, and then one with the map?). While I am not an amazing programmer... If you either post it here or send it to me I will take a look for you.... Sometimes all that is necessary is a second pair of eyes
  13. Do you mean that when you do the scaled mesh, it appears to look like Erin from space? I was getting that when I created Emralled, A laythe derivative. While I probably am not the best person to ask - my atmosphere and lighting is completely broken for it - it will change back to your original height and color maps when you are below the scaled space limit. I got around this by getting the normal map from SE(I can't remember which it's called... and I think you have to pick an option or it's reversed.... ). For the map I just copied and pasted the color map as my actual map and it looks the same from both orbit and the ground. I couldn't find out how to reverse the height map from SE though.
  14. Ringed Kaiser would look awesome if you could color the rings perhaps? I intend no offence, but white rings don't look right on a neon body... I look forward to the liquid nitrogen moon! I'd like to see the oceans
  15. I am also going to add onto that, just in case it is this easy, in your cfg file you are not finishing it. Based on what you put in here, you need to add two }} on the end to finish the file. If that is not it, I will compare it to to my "working" duna derivative and note differences.
  16. I can't remember where this was, but I remember sometime in February or march, Krag and NathanKell spoke about this subject. According to krag, the game breaks down if planets are edited to under 25-30KM (just smaller than gilly). and so most likely, if you want to do something to a similar degree, you might need either a part with gravity(from another mod), or go for something about Gilly sized. I will find a link to the forum post if you wish.
  17. I have encountered that problem before. I could not find out what it was then, though I might have an idea now. I think it might be due to the part in the code which states PQSMod_PFHeightColor { modEnabled=False order=30 lerp=True landClasses { LandClass { altStart=0 altEnd=0.5 color=0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 1.000 } LandClass { altStart=0.5 altEnd=0.6 color=0.0, 0.02, 0.02, 1.000 } LandClass { altStart=0.6 altEnd=0.7 color=0.15, 0.150, 0.155, 1.000 } LandClass { altStart=0.7 altEnd=1.0 color=0.99, 0.99, 0.98, 1.000 } } } as that gives the color of the planets. I think that might be overriding your color map. I am not certain, but I'd recommend giving it a try.
  18. He might possibly update it. Two months ago, one of the last times he spoke in this thread (back on page 35 I think) he said that the next update is very close. However, since about a week or two afterwards nobody has heard from him that I know off. So in all honestly... Probably not for a while... I too really wish he would update it. There are many minor tweaks that would make this an even more amazing mod than it already is.
  19. Wow don looks amazing! is that an atmosphere giving the green tint or the clouds mod? I was wondering iif you figured out how to change the natural color of the atmosphere. Because if you have with only PF CE, I will be very impressed.
  20. Is it possible to edit the radius of a gas giant? I have been trying to edit the size of my personal gas giant in my system I have build in PF CE. While the radius can be edited with this from what I can see, it looks like the scaled space is broken as you reach the atmosphere at what looks like millions of KM above the surface. (the different between stock height and my edited height). Is there anything else I need to do to edit the radius of the gas giant?
  21. Hello, I am trying to make a Laythe derivitive planet and I am having a small problem. I am trying to make it 1.2Million meters in radius, however, it claims to be 500KM in the tracking center, and when you approach it, at 700KM above the "surface" you can see the PQS. However, the radar altimeter is broken, and the atmosphere is gone. It is compeltely visible from orbit, so IDK if it is the scaled space or the PQS that is broken. This is my CFG file: PFBody { name=Emralled templateName=Laythe flightGlobalsIndex=732120 } CelestialBody { bodyDescription= The Scientist who originally discovered Emralled saw a green dot in the sky. After he reported his finding to the committee- as they had received many reports due to this- checked his telescope for impurities. After they found that the entire lens was colored, they told him he was wrong. Many years later, professionals lost track of an asteroid around Sa-Fire roughly where the scientist said his planet, that he called Emralled, was claimed to be. And so the committee finally let him name the speck in the sky. GeeASL=2.5 rotationPeriod=15000 Radius=1200000 staticPressureASL=2.5 atmosphereScaleHeight=10 atmosphereContainsOxygen=True atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier=15 maxAtmosphereAltitude = 200000 rotates=True tidallyLocked=False initialRotation=120 } PQS { radius=1200000 minLevel=1 maxLevel=10 } PQSMod_VertexColorMap { modEnabled=True order=99986 vertexColorMap=Emralled_color.png } ScaledExport { templateName=Laythe mapWidth=4096 maxHeight=6500 hasOcean=true oceanHeight=0.0 exportBin=True removeAlpha=True } Orbit { inclination = 0.5 eccentricity = 0 semiMajorAxis = 59000000 LAN = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 referenceBody = Sa-Fire } PQSMod_VertexHeightMap { modEnabled=True heightMap=Emralled_height.png heightMapDeformity=8000 } if anybody has any ideas as to why it is bugged, can you please tell me please? Thank you Edit: I found it out myself. I forgot that in the CB part it has to be Radius not radius. This solved the problem, just a minor NAN atmosphere issue to deal with before it's ready for release. Edit2: I have two more bugs until my jewel based planet pack is ready! My first, which is a pretty severe bug is that on my Laythe based planet(the original CFG above) days and night are not lined up in the scaled space. The lighting is correct for on the ground(though the atmosphere doesnt show up for some reason), but it is 120 degrees of from space. I cannot even start to guess as to what is wrong with my planet. 2nd bug is that FAR is reading approximately 150 times as many atmospheres of pressure on the same planet as above, as it should( and as the stock aerodynamics does). if anyone has a clue why as to the cause of these, please tell me thanks (I also updated above CFG file). Edit3: Narrowed it down to (I believe) one null reference. I have however, looked at the file the Kittopia space file on it and it gives absolutely no null's. Everything is assigned, so I am completely stuck. If I can't solve this planet, I will just make it's moonlet a planet and release that...
  22. The ships tearing apart is part of far now. He added dynamic pressure. Scott Manley shows this re added feature in this video. http://m.youtube.com/user/szyzyg if you don't have far installed IDK what the issue is.
  23. So I landed (getting their by cheating I will admit) on Polo. It looks awesome. I have a question, did you Photoshop/gimp the maps for the planets or did you find then on Space Engine?? I have tried to do Laythe derivatives before, however, I have always struggled to get the oceans to line to any shores or colors. Either way, your pack looks amazing!
  24. Very Nice pack! It is very good and I especially like Polo and Kaisar. They have a "flare" about them. As soon as I can get all my mods under control I will send a mission and if you want to revert the orbit add 180 to the inclination. Hope that helps...
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