Starting to think spectrum knows exactly when i need my internet working… flying from atlanta to reno and about an hour and a bit into a 4.5 hour flight spectrum pushes an update to my cable modem and poof internet, poof live traffic, poof live weather…. Im cursed. I know it.
with an hour until top of descent spectrum decides to return to service and my data returns in full. Next thing i hear after the sim chirps to alert to data restoration is a buzzer in my aircraft telling me i have 1000 feet or so until my MCP set altitude is reached… uh ive been cruising at fl360 for about 3 hours and change… so i guess the real world weather over Utah is pretty wild. 494nm to reno, 382nm to top of descent!
<cries> internet goes. Stays gone some 2 hours. Internet comes back. Stays back 10 minutes. Internet goes. <cries> i just want to fly. I just want stable internet.