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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. 5th reference ban 222106072023 yes im referencing the same show. 222206072023
  2. Any chance that our rep can be highlighted in the green boxes again? That look felt friendlier than the antiseptic look our profile page has now. 215506072023
  3. Next reference: I am Zathras. Zathras supposed to ban any who are not the one. You are not the one, Zathras ban you. 203706072023 zathras good at doings, not understandings.
  4. (Wondering who gets the two references from my most previous ban and this ban) In Valens name and in the name of the Great Maker i ban thee! 191406072023
  5. I ban you to Sigma 957 184006072023
  6. @SSTO Crasher @ColdJ @Spaceman.Spiff@Nazalassa@kerbiloid @Maria Sirona @Dunas Only Moon@Space Kerbalisation Tech @kspbutitscursed@modus@LHACK4142@Ryaja@AtomicTech@Caerfinon@Kerbal Productions @Souptime@Melontime@Lisias@Royalswissarmyknife@zer0Kerbal@Scarecrow71@Kerb24@Rutabaga22 its unlocked! 114506072023 come click with me!
  7. Banned for failing my challenge and not knowing the Honeymooners. 234606062023
  8. I wont ban you if you can complete the following AND tell me who said it w/out a search engine or asking anyone: Bang Zoom __________________ 233706062023 the page is new. Is the ban?
  9. I have indeed. TUBM has met a person who has appeared ON SCREEN in Star Trek Deep Space 9 and has had a real conversation with them. 204506062023
  10. Well first tiger @Deddly has seen me declare myself as Lord Emperor, Supreme Ruler and Moderator Supreme and never stopped me and silently agreed by accepting his title as First Tiger so checks out with me. Also I offer up a Tuna Sandwich to First Tiger Deddly and all the comics he could want! 185306062023 edit: also @kspbutitscursed you failed to declare New Page! Penalty! 185406062023 new page!!
  11. as Lord Emperor, Supreme Ruler and Moderator Supreme i declare that i do not need to concur and rule no such rule requiring concurrence exists so get to singing! 184406062023
  12. You are in the boomerang zone its your turn to sing! new rule no ksp anything in calvinball 183706062023
  13. Cannot? No. But I will not play KSP1 or eventually KSP2 w/out it. Autopilot is a must have quality of life improving feature. TUBM has played Mechwarrior 2, Mechwarrior 2 Ghost Bears Legacy. 172206062023
  14. And banned to the cargo-hold 215706052023
  15. For being very reluctant to sing this: teehee 215606052023
  16. Banned to the banned state! 213506052023
  17. Good evening! @kspbutitscursed perhaps @Flixxbeatz might be next? 213406052023
  18. @Vanamonde @kspbutitscursed I actually know the answer to this. I got the chance to find out with the help of one of the mods a while back. I had wondered the same thing and a thread was unlocked by the mod specifically to find out. In a coordinated effort between us the thread was unlocked and my test post was loaded into the editor and I signaled my ready status and the thread was locked with my post in the editor. I got the signal it was locked and tried to post. The post failed. The thread lock takes temporal precedent over a post. I want to say I remember which mod helped me with this, but honestly cannot recall but it was beyond cool for them to help and i was and still am grateful for the help to learn about that subject! 211606052023
  19. From the left seat i ban the user below me for not being the user above me! 203306042023
  20. Banned if im not in a window seat! 202506042023 new page at 202606042023
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