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    Part of Kerbalkind
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    A falling Rock - Universe
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    This & that or that & this not really sure.

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  1. Still some issue with my internet box, it seem to shut down after i turn on the pc, it work properly with other devices but use to invariably lost connection a little while after i turn on the pc and then refuse to reinit until i remove the electrical cable for like some time.

    wich suggest that either:
    - my own pc send a ghost request somewhere
    - my own pc is used for some ip rooting stuff by someone else
    - the ip strike persist as long as i don't remove the box cable for a while even when the pc is turned off afterward

    not spoted anithing so far with the standard os tools but as it's start gettin' boring might investigate deeper soon ... almost two week now ...

    1. WinkAllKerb''


      another option would be something that periodically single ping my home pc ip, and start to ip strike from distance with a timer when it get a positive ping answer ...

      after two week i ll start being more and more in a capricious earth core mood

    2. WinkAllKerb''


      the caracteristic thingies is it only happen when i turn on the pc while i can use the box without problem with some others devices when the pc is turned off ...


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