one jowl don't bother , ) i m just gonna see how it evolve as time goes, might be some sort of early ticket to leave this whole mess when i m done with writing weird stuff across the net ^^
how to say lord ferret ; ) the last few years i use to avoid looking people in the eyes ; ) not for myself ; ) but more for them ; ) i prefer to prevent them encountering something deeper that the center of (this) universe black hole, believe or it not there nothing to see to see in my eyes ^^ but if it happen you cross them i can't promise anithing ^^ wherever i go i use to sit in a corner far from people so much the air is full of wii fii phone call, pheromone, and people brain magnetic ntmf stuff ...
i totally don't care about the math aspect, i just feel stuff, the fact you don't see a compass pin oscillating, doesn't mean it don't