don't be so Jules Vernes or any other visionnary peop's ; ) it's not the time yet ; ) or may be it is, not sure anyway, may be just a first step to some realized dream ;'') xDr @panda: imho it will be really sad (not to say gameplay error @ medium term) not take into account crew destination (and what they could find once there) regarding what supplies you send with a mission (and so you need to have a very few ratio to play with, one part with with a few tweakable sliders is enough to make this available a simple way*). Frankly that's what bug me the much about life support stock implementation. Especially because space is all about that sincce a long time ago. Also one tweakable bar with multiple cursor/sliders could do the trick even better: [a.........],,[c....],[empty...................] (include this way: weight, usefullness of brought material to a location, max storage capacity by tweakable merging in a single bar) Edit: On a side note ; notice this kind of bar with multipe slider could be usefull for many other things (as reducing same looking part with multiple ressource containement abilities), if such a bar is doable, but it should be, no reason it can't.