yup we also have the star war version (and many other but thoose two are well known) ... can't wait look so much fun xDr what a mess here since .... let's bring that mess with us in space ... sure ... old habits are not always good habits even if they have been usefull a certain amount of time. i don't like much what's behind the sat ownership process regarding that ... edit: and on an other, less semantic, more practical aspect if you asked the ksp to launch the sat that's probably because you can't do it yourself same goes for later maintenance, control, safety of the said sat/ship/whatever over time. There's no reason you could assume that if you can't launch by yourself as a company and asked a tier, kinda you bought the full service suit *grumpy mode half on/off // with semantic and what is still usefull for now sorry if a few thing could sound harsh at first*.