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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. hum nevermind and nope ,") TheCanadianVendingMachine
  2. http://www.theforestcc.com/Default.aspx?p=dynamicmodule&pageid=142&ssid=10161&vnf=1 RomlagLog a lot, chop chop inside and unrelated ? really ? xDr (outdated screen btw now tennis men are hidden in a cave)
  3. Bah, nevermind, i should remind not to post in here ; ) hehe, at least may be only in the "for question that don't merit there own thread" only ,'')
  4. He don't care about control point that's Benny Hill.
  5. 'Horny Movies' industry, and no gravity ... notice it already has the X in it's name and most of the people that could afford a ticket could probably buy one more for an escort ... anyway might be good for genetic degeneration researchs ... (Heavy sarcasm mode on, but not only) ... *grumpf*
  6. Hum, it depend if we can survive money and exchange market or not ; ) then, and only then, may be we could say we are intelligent regarding the natural selection laws ... if we disapear money might disapear too, so may be not a bad thing not be that "inteligent" in the end & and etc. pom pom pom (opening some vinegar chips, hum yummies xDr) *shrug*
  7. way to speak for myself, but, i just want to see it implemented stock one way or another at first, then i ll could tell: :confident: @ squad while waiting for it happen.
  8. you mean this could please everyone ; ) na never please everyone it's a bad idea ; )
  9. faut voir, éventuellement quelque models adaptateurs supplémentaire fournis avec, pour les différents standard ksp existant: cylindre mk2 et mk3 ... ,'') voir aussi quelques fuel tank éventuellement, enfin moi je dis ça, je dit rien ,'') comme d'hab ,'') Le truc certain: c que coté profil et homogénéité des textures ça colle tout àfait àl'esprit KSP selon moi. Encouragement de rigueur donc.
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103923-Problem-with-inverted-control-surfaces
  11. hehe haha hoho huhu hihi & ++
  12. U mad u know ? xDr some time but not all ways ? ; )
  13. Someone is trying to find enough time to /test/play/clean/finish to clean/ them all thoose within this side list. ... /scrollpalm /Snackbar slowly but surely ... 'sigh' ... currently like some months or many later ; the forest 'mode on' btw ...
  14. ; ) anyway currently space and atmospheric environnements already had and continue to have a lot of love from squad. What need lot of love from them also is water biome and vehicules possibilities probably more prio than airship at first imho (procedural water biome / sub biome anyone xDr ?!? hehe). wich include related science (eventually new device(s)), related contracts etc. To me, same, probably not actually a top prio for airship, but later on ,a basic and simplified implementation (?i!i¿), when & if possible will definetly be a ++ ++ ++. (and as always could also be an invitation to get more with the saids specialized existing mods).
  15. mostly: why don't you still play the tag game when the bell ring. ? because you watch the children playing it. I can't do anithing for people who forgot about their childhood, sorry ... anyway it's not like there is any kind of hurry for now, but later on, definetely keep it might be a "strong value-added" for the game.
  16. I have been to the Hairdresser and used some make up ,'') (xDr)
  17. Pôet ,") oh ! free brushing xana : ) ? BlueCanary , maybe !
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