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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. (experienced this only once too a few day ago, not bothered me much more but, may be this could help: ) i suspect this to be related to a revert in speed value as it happen at the exact same time the navball revert. i mean the game act if you're doing a huge accelleration to simulate the fact that speed is remaining constant and revert in the coordinate system (not sure it's well explained but, probably some clue around this part within the code, and how some other sub routine deal with this fictive acceleration due to coordinates references changes)
  2. not sure ... not sure at all but thks for asking xDr
  3. hiding ? wut ? but around yup ; ) hum hum the destroyer ; )
  4. oops, such bad luck that mean Sampa can't be our boyfriend ? doh ,'') Xan we need some apoligies right now xDr ; ) (pfffft)
  5. yop, oh my oh my oh my, this bode very well ; ) Next might be JustOnePieceOfAdvice ; )
  6. your wrong i m a brume-969 wich is a drag'on not an illu ... such a weak thing illu are :cencsored_emote: illu are ... *butt_-_mode on_-_really thay are weak you have_-_no_-_i_-_dea_-_* by this imean of none interest at all such thay are pre*-vivble ... that's just boring you know ?¿¿? i!i and at least templar are more fun to deal c=with ... but illu serioulsy ... just fool ... nothing more ....
  7. i found it's quiet even fun you ask : ) but anwyway "feel" free to ask xDr at .,; it the least ... could i ?
  8. or a sphere (total random mode on ; ) (((( tks cantab )))
  9. i just bless ya that you never had any idea at all of what i m speakin' a boot "BB" ; ) (n.a.: keep it 4 what it worth but be warne dtaht if you don't you will remind 4 ever & ever &&& even more & more ; ) that's just a WiNk never forgot . . . .)
  10. are you ; ; ; just ; ; ; ;;; i'm just bored you know ... mainly a 8k matter sss ...
  11. you're welcome ; but remember ; ) sig are never reality ; àt least tha,t;s fit or it's close in some ways
  12. ® warp ¶ (seriously who CaRe rOmlaGlOg aka LAG) (next might be fun due to taht =^^=] }
  13. if only ... ... ... ... ¨^.... sis/bro ...
  14. yes, it's just a 101% total snip as you don't even understand what's your talking a boot but if;,; if you need a , , , just ask me ; ) ; ) ; )
  15. grante' ; you just meet tse tse, but hey ; hey ... .. . now you know what"s tse tse no mean 'i' at zll . .. ... i wish thing coulp be the same ever and ever and ever & ever a gain(s)[the§a]{z} ***sick***
  16. hihi you like Bonn ; ; ; so you can't be wrong xDr
  17. tooo slow, anyway just '' i was meaning Ma... ... Zekes ; )
  18. double post, but hey you know it's not like i really care aboot thoose kind of silly rules ; ) ; ) : ) http://www.ina.fr/video/PUB3774417136
  19. no one is allowed 2 nevereverever'xxx to let this trhead dead from the front page is that clear once and for all ?i? ; ) it's réasúnta simple, do so ; and whatever the wwway consider yourself as simply canceled from his 鳥 ; ) - R. K. -
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