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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. hum hum ... i think this time, i'm done and it's not a joke ; ) may i got a rename: WinkAllKerb'' ; )
  2. Great pun that everyone has thought of at least once. ( xDr not really a let's play, more a legs play ... oh and a grey cat also ... xDr but anyway ... ; )
  3. hehe ; ) tree years old are often some nice roots to begin with ; ) anyway i do must agree just or @ destroyer & W xDr one should fit anyway happy forum birthday GMPD2k ; )
  4. could have been the kitty but no ; ) Modkip (The) ; )
  5. Logic did you just say logic ? what for ? ; ) (hihi Vaporo, i consider that the fact you have trouble with my own illogic logic as a compliment then ; )
  6. unity 4 to unity 5, people wanting updates, but when update come peoples whine, ... you know thoose kind of urbans legends ... 'sigh' ... 1.1 will come when it has too and for a loop ... Ò¨ & Ò© âž
  7. hehe, mine could be vexx23, but it's just one of the mirror, within the puzzle ; ) and everyone know there no point getting a full access to the available mirror list ; )
  8. no no no no no ; ) wink' around VirtualDumb&Dumber (xDr)
  9. Ranma 1/2 & mugiwara Cut Off, creepy even more that it may appear at first ; )
  10. that's the matter with sons ; ) thay rarely ever understand the way you expect too ; )
  11. xDr ; ) trekkette or GROOV3ST3R ? (may or might be ; )
  12. Jeeez this thread is dead ... Wink'. Just wandering around "to find" whose this hand is ? None, this word is part of many vocabulary not mine. What is your name? What is your quest? When obsidian was discovered and what's it's been used for ?
  13. It's nice to see you here & back in the light green group, but hey, you know, i'm not really at ease with compliments, any way it's one or some, sort of ; )
  14. nope wink again xDr Irulan ... ahem i mean Xan too (pffffft ; )
  15. can anyone replace Spice by KSP in the dialogue just for fun ? xDr "A begining is a very delicate time ... in this time the most precious substance in the universe is KSP, KSP extand life, KSP expense counsciousness, âž,KSP is vital to space travel, the spacing guild and it's navigators whose KSP has mutated over 4000 thousands years use KSP wich give them the ability to fold space, that is, travel to any part of the universe without moving, ..., oh yes, i forgot to tell you, KSP exist on only one planet in the entire universe , a desolate, dry planet with vast deserts, even the way within the rocks of this desert are people known as SQUAD who have long held a prophecy that Jebediah, Valentina, Bill & Bob will come, some messiahs that would lead them to true freedom, the planet is Kerbin, also known as Hearth ..."
  16. Simple you get some DBZ, and Saint Seya reboot 30 year later ; ) BeeRus and Omega *yick* I might post in the science sub forum what could possibly go wrong ? (pfffft)
  17. woohoohoohooo that's wink. AlphaAsh next ; )
  18. http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791435169353/announcements/detail/788480351219164841
  19. Oh oH Oh, feeling like i exactly know that feeling xDr, nice RIC ; )
  20. yup yup some things have to be stock regarding the "player base" (ages, pgm, casu, younger ones, funny gamers, etc.) ... ... imho too ...
  21. yup but as a patented "kikoolol kind of player" i tend to prefer piloting cool looking planes xDr even if slighty less efficients ; ) anyway i'll start being real close with this try: (i kinda know what to change on this one to get slighty faster but i opted for this secure flight one with a few more part, weight and drag) All in all, i m kinda happy because with all thoose attempts and design prototypes i learned a lot about flying in kerbin atmosphere, wich is the best reward i could have ever expected. ; ) 1 Velocity CircumNavigation @ 40:01
  22. OoPs !i! one infraction remaining but recovered access to extra account setting and some posting abilities ; ) so BaCk In ; ) ; ) ; ) (the status cancel by itself with infractions and is no longer accessible, that's why.)
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