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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. thks Xana yup, i suppose i could go under the hour with this plane with proper take off and landing ; ) will continue to try ; )
  2. I'll probably give this a go too later on ; ) had few similar things in mind before opting for the relax contract ending ; )
  3. Hum ; ) this is my second attempt just a few bad luck while braking (probably a rock or something) Anyway as i have some extra fuel i can even go a little a faster and take more care while landing next time ; ) hehe around 1.01 1.03 not bad for second prototype and first try with it. ------- Edit: Second attempt succesfull to reach KSC (third all attempt included) but an ugly spin while final KSC approach losing a few minutes because of that, also a pretty ugly fuel efficient take off so i had to slow down a little while circumnavigating around Kerbin to compensate :| . 1 Circumnavigation @ 1:07:22
  4. I might join again soon, but y a know getting half banned reset this status xDr not that i want getting you more mad than you already are swithcing hihi ; )
  5. dunno ; ) at least they are related to it to some ° : C or F not sure ; ) edit: (may be sal, ric, vana, duodex, golden, tao etc. got some clues btw ; )
  6. (my own advice about multi remain this one: try to think about multi game mechanics to avoid as much as possible the nowdays recurent "pew pew me see me grief" wich to tend to be real anoying on random server) Aside that, nothing at all against mutlti implementation but this point remain really annoying too often and really require some brainstorming imho.
  7. nope but let's go for some xxx-alistic
  8. confirmed: while accepting 2 contract supposed to grant 3 and 1 science with there advance and outsourced @ 25% => no science gain EDIT: switched to verify the "unpaid research program" this one grant science properly
  9. Successfull reentry, kinda happy with that because i never really tried to play without some "assist(s)" so far (had to test 3 launcher design & then orbit and reentry succesfull on first try with the right design). updated with latest progress and orbit achieved: And this is where thing start to become a little bit more complicated 440 pts to go ; ) Edit: ; ) mostly used contract near the end ; ) but could have done a few others ways also ; )
  10. quietly omw to achieve the caveman challenge xDr
  11. VAB/SPH: part placement for offset and rotate tools: optionnal pop up window with (absolute/relative) numerics values you can manually enter ------ Edit: btw what miss the most is probably the ability to reset to 0,0,0 absolute and relative (especially for rotation & absolute) and/or the ability to enter preset decal value instead of full manual entry could be nice 1 5 10 25 50 100 // 1° 5° 15° 45° 90° 180°. (mostly thinking around the "Kinetic Void" Shipyard left side UI tools wich was kinda handy and really well thought regarding reset position, rotation, preset values and a few other things) (more details about shipyard button fonctionalities in KV that could be usefull for KSP can be found bottom of this steam guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=258410158)
  12. also adding some wing in front of the *04.craft file: while moving the craft COM to a better location do not change the fact flap continue to work properly wich tend to confirm the flaps parent(s) part(s) COM attachement matter related to main body COM.
  13. Oki so here a clue // to attachement and offset after a few more tests part attached backward then offset front: work properly part attached directly in the same position without offset: don't work properly also notice that time to time & very rarely depending launch from sph or loading a plane from the runaway flap could be inverted not been able to reproduce that each time succefully yet. (might had something to do with memory usage may be, not sure) this tend to confirm that the problem come from the main COM and flap parent part COM location to each other during (primary (?)) attachement and eventually the use of offset or not afterward.
  14. then you won't like starbound xDr and pineapple ; ) what if i need a few /flap on the head xDr
  15. Grats Bev ; ) (edit: hum hum finally made it to orbit pretty easily on third rocket design try with a pretty simple one in fact & of course without watching other designs and with my own blind launch attempt , time to finish the tech tree with some orbital science now ; )
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_disc & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_detection_and_correction (eventually this also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function) & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burst_error-correcting_code more or less the same process applied to DNA // time // chemical & non com. process imho
  17. when you can't reach the bare minmus "just moan at the Mün"
  18. i switch stargate to iss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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