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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. used to play that game https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_(game) with this game: and my bro' was kinda fun bouncing physics related ; )
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_game_engines this + kerbal license of course and whatever they are inspired with ; ) (is it just me or the geo-mod engine not listed there ...) bah nevermind we have it's puppies ... xDr ... just sayin' anyway ...
  3. "the more they are the more they are" "they try and failed ?" "nope they tried and died" don't ask ; )
  4. banned because that's what i call blink ; )
  5. i believe we should applause and bring this one before it start also xDr
  6. banned because you can't tweet the four season by heart without using tweeter : ) notice this is a bit sad somehow ; )
  7. banned for being born and going to
  8. "childs dissaprove that" ; ) definetly a collector ; )
  9. vaca what ? erf ; ) a lost meaning a long time ago ; ) often the occur when your not expect them at all ; ) Fel
  10. i could go for something like Karmaleon ; ) and rework my whole typo may be not really a challenge ; )
  11. hum meditate on this i will. or i might or i must. followed by some laugh in the assembly. was it take one or take 2 ? take 2. then take 2 is the one ; ) i wrote this what possibly go left ?
  12. your looking for a job, try this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_policy or this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrator ... that kind of you pal but seriously no thanks because reason ; )
  13. nope, just a go pro UI ; ) Why not Blizzy ? xDr
  14. granted i wish for a crappy rocky overtop alike vf ; )
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