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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. pluto = first step ; ) until next biggy one ; )
  2. bah just nTMF ... nTMF ... somehow ... 'sigh' ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual-tone_multi-frequency_signaling
  3. This one enjoy ice cream and appear to have a lot of fun 'sigh' via Imgflip Meme Maker
  4. yup i completed small trees challenges and had 50% better and more interesting result than some mass industrial lobbies in this sector. Sadly thoose results are biased as it was feeling interpretation and that i was missing some precise measurement tools to clearly isolate each molecules ; ) plus feeling interpretation is a total non-valuable data in science history and i totatlly miss some ; ) Sad isn't it ? could have been usefull ; ) tubm dunno what i mean ; ) ( "on the other hand i also used to work a litl' time in the "national school of physics chemestry biology" teacher staff side ... (water retreatment quality, aggro industry qualities) ) also notice thoose two departement are located in the building basement and basement side with a third one ; ) others dep are top of them ; ) fun architecturaly speaking isn't it ? )
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roquefort nahhh seriously ? ... i need some more explain around the goods exchange "my ass "nati" " law related to milk and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermentation ... and biotics a yeah i remind some eat beef with growing hormone and are good at basketball almost forgot oops ... my bad xDr => TV Show NBA anyone ? a yeah now it's about geopolitcs/sociopolitics/dna process applications from a ant colony pov ... not science at all ...
  6. ( ) () baaaah .... *shrug* ... current subway spam here (and it's few variations) ¿3 ¿3 ¿3
  7. nope next https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muesli arm less ; )
  8. 1723 ? (drum roll ...) edit: lulz just lulz ... it's not really like it worth paying attention to this kind of occurence xDr it's "too un-dread" and a lock mess after all ; )
  9. planning a trip to some esa event ; ) weather fit it http://www.spacewomen.org/ http://www.esa.int/fre/ESA_in_your_country/France/L_espace_a_travers_le_regard_des_femmes xDr
  10. if multiplying crossing and backcrossing can't be wrong ... reducing it ; it's another story ... nah really i think some are really dumbselfhish [snip] ... just cut there head off and that's all ...
  11. f1 f2 hybridation clone = ? ... i need a seed, an asteroid redirect mission and a few G to bring as much environnemental component as i can into the trip ... *bored* a yeah now aside genetic crossing matter let's talk a little about energetic cost solution ... *B O R E D*
  12. exactly (infinetesimal random addition+ infinitesimal random addition x a numerous lot not even countable time through generation and environnement)^more or less infinite time= ... this is the equation some are playing with ... and actually tend to act like considering thoose infeintesimal addition suppression are neglectable on the long run reproduce and evolve process overall ... tricky tricky 0 130 approach imho ...
  13. true not yet ; ) but you know after 200 000 000s (stopped counting) << /played it's not like i really need to play a game in real time to enjoy it or support it ; ) the ubm like fishing quietly ; )
  14. "Exchange market is so promising and hard to solve and understand that it definetly worth to play it ; )" /warptwist >>>>>>.(exp ?) @ /fp
  15. that's where the bubblegum is useful to avoid leak xDr (1951 metaphorically quickly speaking because science talk would result in a wall of text ; ) ;3 ;3 ;3
  16. nati: latin : being born somewhere ... is this somewhere earth or a country within "fictive" coarsely drawed frontier ... who still care thoose not even middle age inter "nati" law concept ... cavern people ? seriously ... wake up a litl' and grow plox ... hum may be people that like to send other fight in there name while sitting in a chair still like this old concept ; ) but hey time to time things end you know ; ) (bumped because i was expecting someone to answer faster ...)
  17. if you scale a cell to the universe then i myself like to consider them as some sort of "digestive" process all scale related (time,size etc....) ; )
  18. fact: generalist are specialist in specialists fun: specialist are generalist in generalists
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