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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. sadly i have lost in time a few physical original game i realy like and already enjoyed to replay many time. startopia is one of thoose the other is homeworld: cataclysm ... and once again the remastered version do not include cataclsym xDr and a few others xDr ; )
  2. like said here imho some towns named with each animals name are even better in that conceptual "spirit" way to speech as a memorial way in addition to some statues ; ) /threads/116359-What-should-the-first-Mars-City-Colony-be-called typically the kind of ideas and concepts i can "more or less" ' 'discretly ' ' defend and promote till my own end ; ) just sayin' ; )
  3. once i watched a guy trying to fight time ... i m still watching it ; )
  4. (same) what if i m convinced that's the best i could do in the kerbal edu subforum is posting an animated gif of myself dressed like a cheerleader. Did i ever told you that irl i kinda look like a clone of "Whackjob" avatar ? ... yeah i know i shouldn't had told you that ; ) sorry really ; ) + ... ; seriously no idea what could possibly go wrong ? ; )
  5. wut WUT WUT %*!@°#%<+ù this steam availability country limitation ... i want to play this game again ... *grumpf* this one also ; )
  6. ; ) ; ) ; ) cute especially the day 35k one that what each of them desserve on each new planet we put our foots on definitely the bare minimum we could do whenever the time come ; ) " On April 11, 2008, Russian officials unveiled a monument to Laika. A small monument in her honour was built near the military research facility in Moscow which prepared Laika's flight to space. It features a dog standing on top of a rocket.[2][3] She also appears on the Monument to the Conquerors of Space in Moscow.[4]" & "Laika is memorialized in the form of a statue and plaque at Star City, Russia, the Russian Cosmonaut training facility.[29]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animals_in_space https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_City,_Russia
  7. via Imgflip Meme Maker xDr a lot ; )
  8. alphabetical genetics/rhesus ; ) a classic for sure ; )
  9. saturn rings were once upon a time an huge impact kessler syndrome tales wich combined centrifugation and gravity not turned into rings ; ) So on there no hurry at all to care about the kessler syndrome really ; ) xDr
  10. He has no use for this, it's more a problem with human economy related in general ; )
  11. elsewhere & before here ; ) here might be the: 31st May 2014 05:36 by Vanamonde xDr a oops it's not rep ; ) my bad ; ) (edit page 1 2 related anyway ; ) )
  12. huhu yup yup just mentionning the abstract statement sort of limitation paradox of this specific rules depending of the related inertial frame of reference kind of things. Semanticly speaking, kind of ; ) ; ) ; )
  13. (look like i missed some necromoaning related post lately, not that i m aware on this specific subject but ... xDr cheers ; )
  14. ; ) ; ) ; ) still waiting 4 the rainbow coloured bar group (pfffft) nah seriously ; ) huhu & ;op
  15. so i got a silly question that might bug a few minds around ; ) is using advertising alike kind of things in sigs are considered as roleplaying or some sort or not , like as some kind of owner or representative of a fictive companies or not ? (can't resist sorry)
  16. you can aslo use the html/bbcode "table" kind of code and tags for more advanced pagination center/left/border etc. within the tab just replace {} per [ and ] take care of height limit difference in preview mode and forum and caracters limits related to code and not seeable text in itself. Also pay attention to the width limitation if needed depending your image size and texts. {table="width:1000"} {tr} {td}{img}http://i.imgur.com/vSrRNoi.jpg{/img}{/td} {td} "In space time, as a big red star a white owl told me once it's often too late but never too soon to care a boot's trap." - you & me & you - "In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move." Free random link of the day: {URL="https://www.google.com/earth/"}that some or a:{/URL} Free not so random link of tomorrows everyday: {URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44302-What-Would-KSP-Be-Like-In-3-Years?"}Day To Go{/URL}{/td} {td}{img}http://i.imgur.com/rgclFmJ.jpg{/img}{/td} {tr} {/table}
  17. nope ; ) next, someone who also tend to mess with things time to time ; )
  18. a play a vanilla. a hill thks to mods.
  19. b u t t o n pressed t o o. but only on non moving atoms to bring them to movement all referential aside.
  20. 139: living short for too long. could be relative jeezzzzz ...
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