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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. never taunt the magic boulder just in case you could end with the king of the ill healing the hills ; ) just in case ; )
  2. settles are nothing for multithreading users ; ) Some mutlithreads users on some hill somewhere ; )
  3. kinda oldies now, but goodies too and pretty short also like S.P. ; ) (edit: yup good concepts often (not always: hints are not all ways clues whatever the path written or not as it could or may appear ; ) remain expensive overtime ; ) wait for some sales to try ; ) if you can ; ) sometime it's hard ; ) hihi; all depending of what kind of gamer you are ; ) edit 2: this last comment is kind of kindly crual ; yup i know xDr sorry & forgive me ; ) but as told i won't spoil one or the other title ; ) i enjoyed both equally just in case enjoying two things 100% and none a single additive decimal equally is possible not sure about that and ya ? ; )
  4. Try "antichamber" whenever, if not already done ; ) you might like it too gameplay wise and with a similar and different kind of approach of the same and different concepts at the same and different times ; ) but shh shhh don't spoil ; )
  5. Wut !?! do you mean by this that peoples sometime disagreed each others and it require that one part of the show moderate the other(s) on the final decision ... i can believe that kind of thing happen in this world xDr (crappy moderating moderation pun xnor intended) . You guys & chicks ; ) ; ) ; )
  6. famo/us but what,who !?! is famo ... that's a nice question and thanks for asking it ; )
  7. plants experiment, genetic and procreation experiment and multigenerational consequences, then back to plants, then back to genetic and procreation multigenerational consequences, then back to plants, then back to genetic and procreation multigenerational consequences, and so on ... naaah ....i know it could sound boring now and at first but it's not, no ... more annoying regarding the currents results sure and in one concerned as part of a this specie ethics kind of concerns, but that's all and not much more ...
  8. It's Rocket Science, how hard could it be ? ; ESA/Euronews video & article hihi ; )
  9. If not you or me, we can say it's us.
  10. 19 started but mostly more or less far from completed/seriously tested ... others almost not even launched ... my ugly stand by list under favourite regulars ... 'sigh & sick' ...
  11. So i bought a lot of game between 0.2€ and 5€ ... now i m desperatly looking for some time to play them all in addition with KSP 1.04 ... babum tshhh (damn you steam sales damn you ...)
  12. *partially off topic mod on* Why can't i have enough time play that 40,50 or so games i now own in my waiting to deeply test list ... work also 'sigh & sick' Bah nevermind 1.03 is out ; ) let's delay all that ... *partially off topic mode off*
  13. hehe grats Vana, RIC, Diome ; ) and happy 1.03 everyone ; )
  14. here you are use it with caution ; ) sjwt
  15. something like i don't want more and avoid it as much as i can dunno if more people wear nike or drink coca i m just a selfy make the link yourself. *shrug*
  16. investissor, managers reject there faults, and awfull behaviour, choices and directives on devs teams and families while they continue attempting reproducing the same choice with some other titles not seeing the disminishing return ... mostly ...
  17. such a mess ... sad story(ies) ... between the line(s)
  18. nope a pony with a kerbal helmet because why not and almost even if not
  19. v(^^)v Ɉѭ≡ ; )
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