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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. -40 (+infinite then Ò¨ ? {question ?}) (yup but what if dislexic and tired [//++others] people not always notice you they are ?)
  2. is it sarcasm or mitochondrion ... a good question ask just you ; )
  3. that's so best @ myth ; ) you got it i suppose ; ) welcome aboard the wiki bus ; ) % % % % % and a few hexa ; )
  4. +40 oops i'm dislexic and type wrong caracter sometime correct it please : )
  5. may be because with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitosis you shall not mess ... *shrug*
  6. (might has to do with the half glass thing ... what if the glass is filled with blood, is it then half full or half empty ... sometime thing can be relative ... *someone*)
  7. (i only do larger warp i m unable to do simple + or - 1 addition soustraction but i always have "fun"* watching people do) next
  8. i replace your hill with your hill your hill
  9. not at all destro posts often made me laugh too ; ) because often they are so right and stick so well to his avatar ; ) but i tend to be often ironic for some reason(s) once you get that you get this ; )
  10. hum do you think it require an hydrogen at first for some helium laugh addition on the 2nd degree ? ; ) (xdr@destro&5th)
  11. (that gif ... mad me laugh so much each time i see it ; ) bigyihsuan please change your avatar please i beg you xDr xDr) may be snes/sup famicom 3 was one of the best mario ever to me ; ) n64 first one great too not played the other after loved the round concept introduced a few year later also but not the luck to play it.
  12. i prefer to remind that sally done this for the childs ... love thoose gif(s) .. anyway it's the same ... 'sigh'
  13. - (the next poster can use a + or - 2 as he willing or not too) (bis) return
  14. shrug ; ) i admit i laughed a lot when i saw "that" comment too so truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue hum ; ) vaporo ; )
  15. nope he his busy playing so another kind of janitor pophum hum ...paramecium
  16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯® (could'nt agree more ; ) (xdr @ some Mr. M thread = Mr M @ DD but shhh)
  17. they are just some remanent though ? over the top bottom ? (crappy pun intended) but not only and what else ; )
  18. i tried a long time to keep it empty and failed miserably ... xdr
  19. i use a rock and paper to throw rock with a shot gun at fel no ones decks or hill. no one, no ones decks, but still a hill.
  20. *grumpf* mais bon c dans l'air du temps ...
  21. 2 or 3 cp more: - mods can't be without stock to be so on playin stock most of the time is a good way to help and contribute to both stock and mods as well as it's nice to play modded installs too. - as said also mostly see the game (as well as each mods) as an artwork (wich includes it's creator(s) sensibilities and devoted time) with choices made on purpose as updates goes in parrallel with time that could be spent polishing existing adding new thing by squad team, providing a nice moddable environnement is also a large part of this work in term of dev time sink that could have been spent elsewhere or not ... (I wonder if Harv and pal are aliens with 8 pairs of hands each and drink something else but coffee xDr?) - (@slashy difference between fps ai and nyancat® remain in mp fps you have to face random players reaction, ksp environnement has no random event to face in term of piloting ; in ksp you don't play against someone or an ai just yourself and law of physics for a much larger purpose wich is often even harder than playing against others is playing with & for others). I don't see really anithing hard or to be so proud of long term in facing non random event regarding gameplay abilities, you like it or not and that's all ...
  22. to me typically the kind of vid that could lead to bloodbath in the end presented like it is (translation accuracy ... objectivity ...) ... because silly difference things ... main matter remain it's interpretation whatever the side... most of the time also the kind of things that make me lost appetite ...
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