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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. "it's all about crossover" => "il est tout au sujet de croisement" (en fr) (gramaticially ugly for conservator but even more meaningfull in some way)
  2. the coolest space mission of all time has to come and be real ; ) (in 400 000 or so , notice that if it happen before it would be better)
  3. "trainengie" (detected as "lituanien") translated trainengie in "french" ; )
  4. granted, Kerman Jebediah is and it has to say nothing on media before asking IBM-Watson and has to repeat exactly the same with always a delay of minimum 30second (no maximum) before answering anithing and repeat exactly what IBM-Watson told him to say. Also for the fun IBM-Watson is renamed Fyreflare because it always made me smile kindly when reading him/her in the forum. I wich i don't miss fyreflare around here more often that it may appear, and don't like like all human being to chit chat about this or that.
  5. who really care about human during an explosion ? ... it's all about recombined moving atom (per thermo and chock reaction), lichen, plant, acarii and ants ...
  6. I wrote this as something that could go wrong. It's kinda like a plane crash @12 , 3 car crash (without being the driver), 2 suicidal attempt, a slip from a high icy roof, (a few more or less others things of that kind), and 30 euthanasia asking for myself later to docs/medics ... wtwtch ... leaving in a coutnry with missile over head every day, my own family under menace i tend to be most of the time careless about my own than other's family but time to time like everyone i still care a little about (...), total slavery and by a tier direct body suffering ... etc ... the longer i stay alive the longer i feel the what i see all around suffering boring and that's all .... make it short ... i m just t i r e d seriously last car crash there were all trembling when i was just thinking during the event and after "bad luck not for this time ... again" ... next, what could happen better ?
  7. not at all, it's yours not mine i m just a selfhy without real existence at all but the annoying and crappy flesh part reminder. (yo do must breath and eat you silly mind that want to leave this realm) the user below me is
  8. this <= and that => http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/80108-WinkAllKerb not asking anithing just amused i don't need much sometime ; )
  9. yup as exemple that mainly why i rarely get out the subforum ; ) not being really known to be much diplomatic (an old siggy ; ) and a rules respectfull model but more right straight sarcastic and ironic way to speach when speaking around a few specifics things or two which often end bad ... knowing that about myself i camp there not to disturb the mod team too much ; ) (kinda the same kind of thing zekes spoke about earlier in this thread more or less)
  10. (profil background msg color & txt color fun // forum view ; )
  11. sadly some thing can hardly be understood without being deeply self experienced sometime ... might be why sometime proton and electron hurt lot of people with there respective signs ...
  12. found this one ... creepy in it's way ; ) via Imgflip Meme Maker
  13. Rules: As i like to mess with things in general as a personnal leitmotiv here this one ; ) share your own ... comments etc. ------------------------------------------------------- loki ; looki ; marc ; abyss ; black messiah ... roflmao & romlaglog ...
  14. who care about "f-" and ranking standart and other kind of useless IQ that mean nothing at all just do something else with your hands for exemple ... i don't know much guy from "wall street" able to do this kind of things for exemple ... even more valuable you know ...
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