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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. sound like a quantiquickly cool idea ; )
  2. Would you please remove your hand from the box it's bad you know that ? xDr & enough I wish for ganima to replace leto in the storyboard ; )
  3. yup but you did not notice where is the magic boulder so on i noticed you didn't. Some things somewhere & the magics boulders whatever @ whoever
  4. yup in the end both only result in complicating and attempting to mask simple command and opperand in the prorietary / open source mess ... welcome to 2015 coding standard ... i m out too but have fun ; ) oh and i know another guy out too ... snowden ... i don't understand why at all ; )
  5. Give me back my CPC so i could code in basic or my 48GX so i could code in external i tend to be bored both with windows or linux that are overated due to the current network main roots process wich are shared anyway whatever you put top of them ... wysywig over wysywig over pseudo proprietary restrictive pseudo coding language over pseudo proprietary restrictive pseudo coding language over pseudo proprietary restrictive pseudo coding language over pseudo proprietary restrictive pseudo coding language over pseudo proprietary restrictive pseudo coding language over pseudo proprietary restrictive pseudo coding language over ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language) it's kinda like a draw repeatdly spammed with copyright sign at different size top of each others ... clearly it's crap ... but the roots is still somewhere ... just sayin'
  6. "this will never worth nothing, you are dumb winkallkerb' " i remind a few people telling me that /... RomLagLog they convinced me so much of there rights that i have two full set 1 edition xDr after all it worth nothing at all beside the fact it's "just" a +1000% invest in 15 20 years or so without taking inflation into account xDr i must be really dumb sure ; )
  7. Huhu ; ) it happen all the time ; ) main difference it at this time no e-sport no media support ; ) being a hardcoregamer was more like being an alien than anithing else hehe but never tell Luke it may be lost around the battlefield call of duty ; ) collector sentence of thoose ages: "nah! it will never happen" this one especially made me laugh a lot ; )
  8. silly question: how old are the "inter"national"" law ? ... hum oki nevermind ...
  9. @darnok yup i might had mistaken may be it's bazillion or trillion years not sure ... but hey you know it's not like a few more or less week will change anything for a 0 to 130 being ... *bored of thoose kind of arguing atm i m going to build an ark for the next kerbal crew much better ; )*
  10. in, but no press forget one thing then remind 10 new thing to forget
  11. granted know everyone is ignorant so we can all pretend to ignoring @ each other together ; ) I wish Fel not to be Fel ; )
  12. use this wisely: (a tutorial of some sort slighty "remasterised") notice that you can apply thoose kind of things and process in many way. GL ; )
  13. Nope you get a canvas , at the exact time you start to think at this canvas you start to learn to read properly and are affraid of the path remaining above you. i wish it could be impossible that i sometime like to drink vinegar like other drink water or else also that i eat various spice like if it's candy.
  14. If you fart too much in the bath then the corridor burn ? (oops ; )
  15. yup but zucker zoidberg promised telepaty for everyone soon so it's cool ... as "explained" elsewhere it won't please "liars" ... if lying to other is more or less easy lying to yourself is harder as it's called "selfdeny" and as hint if one is part of the telepaty process show the other is not ; ) So all hail telepathy for everyone xDr and be rdy to say bye bye to a large amount of dumbassholes soon exposed to everyone ... you made your time and now we're tired of your silliness so time to share the trick due to boredom ; ) lot of fun incoming guaranted be rdy inc inc ; ) ; ) ; ) it's "kinda" more or less spreading like this model "slowly" but surely ; ) have fun with history wip(e) without any mercy for patented liars it's that simple and good for everyone long term
  16. xDr ... dunno at all but i guess best is to monitor the launch by sat for precise measurement ... Romlaglog & *shrug* by diplomat you mean diplodocus Bseven ? xDr
  17. may\not lovt of so much of UV and IR ; ) did you notice ? ; )
  18. But, but ... why can't we handle so much Kriss ??? because there no Duna only Mun'Dib xDr
  19. ; ) sometime i just wonder to what point some of "this"/"thoose"/"it's" "sort of" residual(s) and assimilate similitude could travel and/or be carried trough the web https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_backbone, sat networks or else ... and be subject to "some" "miss"/interpretation ... 'sigh' just an over floating %magnetic though anyway ... ... ... @ probably all but what anybody could expect ; ) ... probably ; ) ; ) ; )
  20. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_the_universe strike back ... boring just boring arguing ...
  21. randomly thinking about it and while searching another songs thread ... anyway as it fit in here so ... ; ) unrelated edit: (@american pokemon theme .... sacrileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggeeeeee arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg that rocky over the top brainwash moisture reboot when we have something fresh ; ) ; ) ; )
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_dimension https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal_dimension https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptanalysis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9F%A9%E9%99%A3%E7%90%86%E8%AB%96 etc. & etc. & etc. plox i! free there minds i'm done and tired xDr & thks (huhu @_ _ _ & _ _ _ ) &@ => _ _ _ you know what your're trying to hide is so obvious that's it's ridiculous ... guy your're just boring and of none interests at all (but your own) and that's all ... here we go again â„— series ... 'sigh'
  23. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Head_It
  24. it work ; ) hehe but's it's a htpp:// trick yup ; )
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