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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. non expected and counter intuitive asymetric results ... i just wonder if this is this a native unity only issue (i mean node, surf attach, "vectoring orient root/order" related) ?
  2. when you place a strut in vab or sph second click disapear if strut linkage broke, only first click remain (and so the resulting no vectoring force applied split highlighted earlier in the thread as one of the strut side simply vanish)
  3. (xDr remind me someone whinning to me about his 35hour/week, hey guy do you know i used to do 40hour per day ? ; )
  4. metaphoric suncatcher retractable interest example just in case may be ; ).
  5. "historical" tech knowledge progress over time is somehow emulated this way (it could at least no ?). Also it encourage the habit to use as less part as possible wich is pretty relevant on some aspect even if mass&++ are too on some others.
  6. air intake don't grab air inside cargo bay closed i suppose it's mainly the same for strut. On the other hand it might be also linked with the 3dtools face properties of a tris (strut attach on a specific face and they are unable to cross a collider surface (even from inside, so if a part to part linkage can be done you cannot do multi part crossover linkage). So attached face within the two of a tris surface probably matter.
  7. hum struting from inside collider (and/or bays) you mean chris using vab sph camera trick ? this kind of things impact vectorings calculation // with a craft "coating" ?
  8. drag vector applied to strut main root not splitted on separation. And there no way to workaround that engine related i mean (and aside *.cfg drag value adjustement ?) (this also mean when you use strut and decoupler you have all interest to have the strut roots on dropped part)
  9. was thinking the same with different offset %
  10. 2, 3, and node size then ? (and some kind of default coef applied somewhere in the code related to node size ? this or may be the rescale factor, scale thing in 3d tools related standardization when creating a part somehow messed up at some point in the calculations ? (almost everyone use value pretty close 1 to 1,25 most often but a few parts here and there got some very different rescale value, not sure anyway might worth a look)
  11. yup or what about some kind of drafting simulation related weirdness at some point also ? Because offset craft has low chance not to broke in game // in reality due to node attachement
  12. node hierarchy, root order, unity and calculation may be could get an impact ... dunno (same craft root reordered may be worth a try)
  13. Small variation in the you will not return from space today series ; )
  14. changing username don't change your IP, rep, post count anyway ; ) so it's some kind of nonsensical request a way not another. May be it's simple to recreate a new account dunno really in fact ...
  15. granted somehow ... *shrug* yeah yeah ... it's tricky
  16. nope long not seen soemone from huntsville, mentalpower ?
  17. sometime i wonder if it happen that often or not ; ) just a spacemonk kind of though anyway ; )
  18. This is just gamedata/squad/ model{...} directory call of a single model with a rescale, so yes i "guess" it has the same issue if you're not in the active vessel while linking. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Advanced_Grabbing_Unit "Non-active AGU bug Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Shortly after attachment It is possible to break the game by connecting to a claw, so that it's not the active vessel. Kerbin disappears as soon as the claw connects and the physics is broken as the craft starts to fall even in orbit.[2] It is possible that just the terrain disappears if it's possible to switch to another craft in time. Danny2462 made a video about this bug where he used two claws where one Kerbal is attached to the active claw, but the Kerbal and the claw on the active craft are not necessary.[3] To avoid this behaviour the player should switch to the craft with the claw before connection. This error seems related to the existence of script references to no longer existent game objects (i.e. the object that existed prior to docking to it with an AGU). The error can be duplicated with no Advanced Grabbing Unit present in visual range by utilizing the Remote Tech mod. For example if a station with a comm link is connected to a satellite and something is attached to the satellite with an AGU, the target reference of the station's antenna will no longer be valid. This induces the same bug causing the station to plummet to the planet below if time acceleration is attempted."
  19. Banned for after before ; ) and as usual i need to grab one too ; )
  20. immersive cockpit play piloting approach and other possible extend "whenever" yup ; ) most certainly
  21. Recycling and reuse things is bad RIC xDr *pun-a-ton* seriously ; )
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