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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. I will/I might sometime but not always and until next. xD
  2. nope, just a beer and a cheers. Rowsdower.
  3. can't really answer because too much but here one from the list i especially like for many many & manyssssss reasonssssssss
  4. nice gif, is it a harmless species (feeding unrelated) ?
  5. 563: zokesians wanted so much to join the community all around that their leaders finnaly got no choice but to become singles citizens too.
  6. 558: Thanks to Martin Stephen Luther Kerman, kerbalkind finally rated a single languages instead of many. It solved a lot of things even if the road was painfull @ some point and the ancestors and locals myth were not forgoten in the process.
  7. "hungerness" and "tiredness" and a few of their "way to speak" variants from fr has no translation in thaï xD (google traduc is a lot of fun, sure thing and teach a lot about a community "intrinsec" values/abstract concept/contrast from what it has more or less in the vocabulary, and sometime many translation for a single thing etc.&etc. and/or algorythm behaviour it depend)
  8. may be he care more about something else and he is also annoyed that you not noticed it because your stuck & blind by your owns focus. (Old mirror trick again, yup)
  9. That tone weight tons for sure Nice abstract object approach, and cool now we finnaly got a name for it.
  10. Nice plane 8/10 and then spartacus
  11. soron. ça rime my own daughter in front of my eyes or me in the deep
  12. granted but not for you I wish *don't ask* not miss me so much.
  13. Granted but you forget to teach them to write so nothing remain. I wish for lower and higher frequencies and an oscilloscope ...
  14. hexa, binary, electric/ondulatory signals and there modulation top of each others ... all current systems are similars
  15. It may appear like that at first. But it produce specific targetable network signature too. Result => exactly the same
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