Unfortunately it was Jean Claude van Damn House and Chuck wasn't aware it was Your on a boat with chuck and jean arguing to the fist and take both of there fist in the face
it might look unrelated but (from an ondulatory+air resistance+a few more that i prefer to let you find by yourself) bell make sphere , and sphere make bell what's the point in vs ? yup yup i miss an egg and a chicken
and further more, from a random survey (no links sorry anyway we're talking about sci fi xD ) you take the same problem and give it to some man and woman if you say the problem is artistic woman get best result if you say the problem is scientific the man get best result then matter is not the problem in itself but the way you present it to the audience. That's all folks
hehe Westair a "mitochondria" would say: 'let's meet the atomans if we will be ever able to (observe/interact) with them'; writers&scenarists @ your pen pls
If i have a clone of myself awekened in 20 000 to 50 000 years i probably feel like a neanderhtal. *shrug* edit: advanced is meaningless/full relative to epoch and current tendencies wich both are subjective interpretation under the dogme of our lifespan aka 0 to a few 100 years for now