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Everything posted by Jahulath

  1. And much bigger, for that is the Kerbal way! I think there's going to be some kind of field levelling event that will knock Kerban back to a technological fork... Perhaps a full political ban on Atomics (since folk are worried after what happened) but the introduction of atmospheric mining for fuels and a raw need to colonize on a MASSIVE scale (again what with that "thing" that happened, the "thing" that happened and changed the status quo)?
  2. And then maybe I'll just see what it's like with some different mods installed...
  3. So after a little while of playing KSP (Steam tells me lies about it being most of a thousand hours - Don't believe them, it's been like 20 minutes, I remember every second) and some not insignificant use of mods I have visited every astral body in the Kerbal system. Many brave Kerbals have given their lives to this achievement although reporters are touting that "The CEO of JonzCo is a true Kerbanitarian for the many brave rescues that have taken place under his caring leadership". As always there is another side to the story and some of the tabloids have printed headlines like "JonzCo sends 8 separate unmanned missions to save one crew member; How much is a single kerbal life actually worth". Some enviroactivists have suggested that the environmental impact of the current JonzCo space program may in fact require Kerbal kind to move to other planets however JonzCo representatives assure us that all of these things are unrelated and, "given the abundance of industry in the concrete jungle that we call Kerban, any chemical or fallout pollution would be impossible to trace directly back to KSP or JonzCo" So that's that. All done. What next? No wife, no kids, my friends don't visit any more and my flat is little more than a command pod shaped hole in walls of takeout containers... Do I shower? Should I find someone to talk at? Mayybe I could shave and cut my hair - change my clothes, hey in fact I'm going to get dressed, out of my pajamas!
  4. Hi, I found that it is a bit funky but I managed to mix up Unity made Emissives with "baked" movements in a single model BUT it didn't work as intended because for some reason the light object would not animate (probably becasue I was trying to do it with AnimateGeneric NOT AnimateLight or whatever the proper command would be). I did manage to get an extending aerial along with a white emissive glow, it just crapped up when I started messing with the light. I used the "Animations" window in Unity and just selected parts and added them to the main animation as I went (all with no tutorial, if I can do it you definitely can!).
  5. I'm having trouble getting "Lock Throttle to 1." to work in my windows 8 install, I have tried running it though the console and also via a loaded program but neither one will actually effect the in game throttle. I've tried querying it with Print Throttle. and that prints as one would expect (so Lock Throttle to 1. produces Print Throttle "1") I can still stage and other things but for some reason Lock doesn't seem to work - any ideas? Ok well I found a 7.x version in my downloads folder and that works perfectly with the "launching 101" script I was trying so I'm guessing...
  6. Hi, I was putting together a small lander and had a sudden thought, have you considered making one wall in your walkways into a ladder? I've not completely 100% thought it through but it takes like a minute to post it but oh so long to remember that "really good Idea I had" post pipedream. I'm pretty sure that crew sections are littered with hand holds in rl - looking at pics of the ISS it's filled with stuff to grab onto or take the skin of the back of your head but Kerbals are a bit phalanx challenged so would need something a bit more ladderish to grab onto. It would make vertical sections navigable and have the advantage of making orbital EVA a far more logical and controllable situation - you'd only need a tiny visible clue on the relevant wall too. Like I said, just a thought.
  7. Which is why you are posting in Development NOT in Release right? I already removed Kethane (too easy) after taking that ship on a mission from Mun to Jool via 3 other planets/moons so those ships are all dead. IMHO if you install a file from a dev thread then you got no comeback, especially if you have to wade through caveats like "For the adventurous"
  8. Yuhuh, I'm feeling that. I've looked through procedural tanks and that mostly makes perfect sense to me but with that code, I'm not even sure how it is expecting to find the transform through the camera position - or what it gains by doing so instead of something more straight forward like making the interior scene as rendered by the crewcam visible at point XYZ... Sadly I can tweak if I can get it working but I haven't a clue how to start to write it Did you manage to spawn a Kerbal? (Please say yes, even if it was horrible - I need that code!)
  9. That'd be great, thank you very much - and good luck with University! (Or college or school or however)
  10. They are engines, basically a 50kn atomic but they have "ceramic cones for increased heat dissipation" aka I haven't made the animation yet and have just been flying them around with reduced heat production.
  11. Here you go, only I got really carried away and it ended up a video.
  12. Please explain, I don't think I understand - the drill specifies Kethane as it's product and the fuel thingy specifies it as a resource to use. Does that not mean that, if one only use the Kethane code but have their own parts and configs, that Kethane is defacto removed from the game? I see that you will be able to see it in the "resources to scan for" window but what are you gonna drill it with or store it with or use to process it
  13. I suspect that Ancient Gammoner has turned to a life of crime like so many others, I sent a pm begging for screenshots of the Unity setup so I can have a play with some other Tank designs but...
  14. Good work, those intersections look really good (better in fact) for the hexagonal shape. I've been playing with the probe cores and Kethane and made a really lush little lander/miner (I should drop a screenie cos I'm a bit proud). If I haven't already said then have a go at dropping some small point lights in reduced to a ~0.5-1 meter area and slightly yellow for that sodium feel. I've found that the lights can go pretty much anywhere (like right in the middle of the corridor) without causing too many issues but only if they are well under control so as to prevent bleaching when you walk through them. I did find that they will flood though walls and illuminate surrounding components if they are too big /on a wall though.
  15. So like I got home and made a drill. Awesome it is not but the basic shape will work and I can texture that easily enough with a normal map for some more detail... and there's more than one way to skin a cat too.
  16. I'll make a drill this evening and post the model here if I come up with anything worth using.
  17. The trouble is that balance is really really difficult. If you add a part, say a "balanced" radial engine mount (thar be hundreds) and add it to a stock game, you have now op'd your game because you can do something new eh? So you counteract that by making your part a "bit" heavier than it should technically be and hey presto, you have not removed the effect of being able to mount 5 atomics in an area that could technically only have one (minioxagonalthingies aside peeps, read with me) but you have added a handicap to make up for it. In KW IMHO they have done a really good job of exactly that balancing act. Yes I completely agree that two mainsails are technically more effective than one Griffon or whatever BUT you can't actually get two useable Mainsails there without either scrapping some of the peripheral stuff like SRBs or alternatively doing some very fancy design work - I really hope that you made one because they're better and use it because that proves my point, the Mainsail is not made obsolete and maintains it's place but you have choices if you are willing to compromise a little for a larger engine and simpler overall build. [EDIT] It prolly does get too hot tho
  18. Well my crew would appreciate the straight pieces, as soon as the new parts arrived my engineers got to work but where horrified to discover that the newly modified rear loading pod (not released cos the plugin is a bit broken) was not going into space that day: With the falling, I think it's just a part of them walking on collision meshes or rather near the edges of them. If you'r in the middle of a nice large poly then there are no issues but as soon as you get around the edges or (sharp intake of breath) "intersecting" collision meshes it all goes tits up (literally hehe). in an ideal world you would be able to give them magnetic boots and/or reaction wheels to help but that's way beyond me. I will be sliding the seasickness module into my command pods and hoping for the best.
  19. Oh heck yes, that looks sweet! I've been making some cockpits that would look neat with this
  20. I just downloaded that one today, not managed to get it to work before but I found this and it seems ok, I'm encouraged to see it's a module too so it can be squooshed into a command pod if needed. What issues have you seen with it?
  21. Definitely not collidable, just for decoration. I found that the colliders for surfaces and Kerbals don't quite match up, they stand quite a long way into the floor on my tests with a "skin tight" version (always tinkering, rarely well). It may be worth setting the inner wall of each main collider to just cover the coving too so you could avoid clipping entirely without adding any trip hazards? Just a thought.
  22. You do it like this: // --- asset parameters --- MODEL { model = JonzCo/JonzCo_Fuel/jzfueltank position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 scale = 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } I haven't played with position or rotation but I can tell you that while scale X, Y, Z will work and will work in 1 dimension, you will need to play them about a bit because it isn't 100% one dimensional, more like 80/20...
  23. No Mr Bond, I've been thinking about the way those 45 degree sections go together and was wondering if the same could be applied to truss sections? Quite possible I've missed a trick and there is an abundance of such things but as it's relatively easy to make the trusses (Tesselate and Lattice FTW) it wouldn't take me long to whip up a batch of all kinds of nifty angles...
  24. Aww, I had feared that it would be and Thanks, I've been playing about with a plugin I downloaded made by sfr, I've made a couple of different versions just messing about really because I can't get the source code for the plugin to compile into a working .dll and I wanna fix said plugin before releasing any models. I left a post in Plugin Development with some more screenshots if you're interested.
  25. can I ask, is the window on here just for display or did it seriously have a window that big under some kind of blast plate? I know I know, I should research but I was making this and once you take away the stuff that's not a bubble with a Kerbal in it, well they look kinda...
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