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Everything posted by Jahulath

  1. Well, I had assumed he was already talking about a clean test environment? Reload database in my main install takes too long before I've even thought about load times... You can tell I'm new to KSP (sorry), Unity just makes me happy after playing about with NifScope for Bethesda models or trying to make ships for the X series.
  2. Hi, personally I use Unity because it makes life easier however it also has some bells and whistles... adding shaders like specular or alpha, setting up animations on your models, processing baked animations into useable movements and for me the biggest win is the ability to rotate your model and texture it in a ksp like rendered environment. As an example, I've been messing with IVA - that has rotation different to EVA... I can make my part and then fettle it in unity until it works. Adding lights too, that's a bell and animating textures (forgot about that whistle)... any help?
  3. No Mr Bond, I disagree... (sorry I can't help but phrase all posts to you like that). These models are a proof of concept that someone has done and then abandoned, I wouldn't be massively surprised to find that he quit in early August never to return. I have made some crew tube (and then shot Kerbals out of it but the proof of concept was this not that), you have NMB, LLL has some other I am quite sure. I think you'd be doing us a favour. The Hollow Structures and Hulls, although the models are really good and well conceived (how many parts and they all fit together logically and consistently - RESPECT) they are a bit chunky for my Arthur C Clarke Atomic spears (Fatboy engine, large fuel tank and a long truss neck to separate away the crew pod from that cooker out back) but those self same craft would benefit from some slimline cylindrical walkways - if I go all Space Above and Beyond then it will be HSH all the fricking way but at the moment JonzCo is focused on sleek styles and fertile crew.
  4. Hi folks, I have been working on the plugin by SFR to try and fix a few things and generally make some nice looking command pods. Thus far I have been doing ok and getting some models up and running using the original plugin that can be found here. Some images and that, sorry I got a bit carried away but those Kerbals just look so awesome in their little pods! Ok so I have a problem with the plugin code however my attempts at recreating the original .dll file from the source code have not worked well. The original .cs file does not Compile into a useable .dll file because the Kerbals do not spawn. What I have done thus far is to compile the code along with some tweaks, I got the IVA view working correctly and the code is running as shown by both debug warnings and the presence of the IVA model... But still no Kerbals If anyone has any suggestions, the offending code is here, I would be very happy if you could help... using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace sfrPartModules1 { class sfrUtility { public static Camera FindCamera(string name) { foreach (Camera c in Camera.allCameras) if (c.name == name) return c; return null; } public static void LogCameras() { int i = 0; foreach (Camera c in Camera.allCameras) { Debug.LogWarning("Cam " + i++ + " " + c.name + " " + c.cullingMask); Debug.Log(c.transform.position + " " + c.transform.rotation.eulerAngles + " " + c.fov + " " + c.depth + " " + c.clearFlags); } } public static void LogModules(Part part) { int i = 0; foreach (PartModule p in part.Modules) Debug.Log("Mod " + i++ + " " + p.name + " " + p.GUIName + " " + p.guiText); } } // surplus class removed here // Then on to the remainder public class sfrInternal : PartModule { Transform kspParent; Vector3 kspPosition = new Vector3(18.3f, -6.9f, 0); Quaternion kspRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, -0.7f, 0); bool isActive = true; public override void OnAwake() { base.OnAwake(); Debug.LogWarning("sfrInternal OnAwake " + GameInfo.gameScene + " " + part + " " + vessel); } public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { base.OnLoad(node); Debug.LogWarning("sfrInternal OnLoad " + node.name); } public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { base.OnSave(node); Debug.LogWarning("sfrInternal OnSave " + node.name); } public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); Debug.LogWarning("sfrInternal OnStart, StartState: " + state); Camera c = sfrUtility.FindCamera("Main Camera"); if (c) c.cullingMask |= 1 << 16 | 1 << 20; if(!part.internalModel) { try { part.CreateInternalModel(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e, this); } } if(part.internalModel) { if (state != StartState.Editor) kspParent = part.internalModel.transform.parent; part.internalModel.transform.parent = part.transform; part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, -0.7f, 0); part.internalModel.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; } } public override void OnUpdate() { base.OnUpdate(); Debug.LogWarning("sfrInternal OnUpdate"); if (isActive != part.vessel.isActiveVessel) { Camera c = sfrUtility.FindCamera("Main Camera"); if (c) c.cullingMask |= 1 << 16 | 1 << 20; part.CreateInternalModel(); kspParent = part.internalModel.transform.parent; // InternalCamera.Instance.transform.parent; part.internalModel.SetVisible(true); part.vessel.SetActiveInternalPart(part); if (part.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0 && isActive) { part.vessel.SpawnCrew(); } part.internalModel.transform.parent = part.transform; part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, -0.7f, 0); part.internalModel.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; } if(!part.internalModel) { part.CreateInternalModel(); kspParent = part.internalModel.transform.parent; // InternalCamera.Instance.transform.parent; part.internalModel.SetVisible(true); part.vessel.SetActiveInternalPart(part); if (part.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0 && isActive) { part.vessel.SpawnCrew(); } part.internalModel.transform.parent = part.transform; part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, -0.7f, 0); part.internalModel.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; } try { if (sfrUtility.FindCamera("InternalCamera")) { if (part.vessel.isActiveVessel) { part.internalModel.transform.position = Vector3.zero; //kspPosition; // Edited here to swap out for the Vector3.Zero as originally commented in the source part.internalModel.transform.parent = kspParent; part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, -0.7f, 0); } } else { part.internalModel.transform.parent = part.transform; part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, -0.7f, 0); part.internalModel.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e, this); } } } }
  5. Dude, just wanted to point out that you must have saved me about 3 hours play in the last week. It takes a LONG time to get a jet powered craft out of Kerban system only to run out of power and have to revert so thanks for removing that rather annoying part of my design process (it doesn't need to make sense or be logical in any way, if I call it "process" that's what it is hmkay)
  6. lol. Double lol because I have actually done this with all mods in GameData - don't need it? Don't load it - 32 bit architecture eh? Coolmodi, I have had brilliant results with stripping out parts of mods I don't ever use (that's everything not in Utilities or Comand in B9 as an example) and I also went to the trouble of removing all fuel tanks from all mods and replacing them with the new procedural version, same for wings and of course double for fairings. I still have 660+ parts but that's a lot better than it would have been. Alskari, I am intrigued about the tga thing - I already noticed that .mbm are vastly bigger than their .png counterparts and my Monitors went from 33Mb to 1.7 Mb when I changed that one thing! I haven't seen anyone advocating them... Also is the mipmap thing that noticeable/problematic?
  7. Hehe nice work Khaos, that ship looks like something out of XBTF or one if it's children
  8. Ok now I face a question, if one was to start producing parts using this plugin, should they post their development here until they had moved away from SFRs specific build to a more task specific plugin, or should they start a new thread and avoid constantly bumping an old one? (like I am doing right now) Assuming one was working on something of course...
  9. You see now there is the killer feature right there, don't matter how many things you have in your UI if you can just toggle em off (and X,Y,Z that'd be cool tooThought about it, every model would look horrid unless you had like an omni-hingrotroniston) of course this all sounds super easy to me
  10. Wow awesome mod. I am surprised however that you haven't done probably the most commonly used part in all of Kerban and beyond; The MechJeb unit... That part probably is on more ships right at this moment than any other part, excusing struts right here and CubicOxagonals of course.
  11. Yes definitely, the UI you have is currently tiny, it could easily hold another 3 buttons / boxes per line without compromising the useability at all - It's not FAR eh? The ability to set parameters of the action would be extremely handy I think.
  12. I disagree, Kethane already has a distinctive look and they'd be reasonable to refuse outright HOWEVER there is no shortage of mods out there that neither have that consistent style or the other thing that makes them look really good, some of these could really gain from such attention along the way. B9 is a likely candidate as they can be hard to match even though they are already so accomplished (oh to be able to get rid of a black bottom) but personally you shouldn't do anything until Procedural Tanks have stopped quoting Henry Ford at us "Any customer can have a car tank painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black white."
  13. Ok well I made a lander from the larger 2 stack and we got some science going on! There is a lot more elevator so stacking 2 becomes no problem either - what do you think? If I'm honest it would do with being 4+ meters but hey In the album you can see my lander and also a crew platform I've been tinkering with as well;
  14. No Mr Bond, I am already making furniture to put in there
  15. [shamed cough] Yes so it does... I was looking at the inline version posted on #28 fml.
  16. That's depressing, this plugin is genius and has so much potential to become a staple part of all cockpits but for a few lines of code. I can't find source or a license anywhere either so no chance of fixing it even for myself ;.; ;.;
  17. Hi Gristle, I have completely rewritten the configs several times since I first released them and I tend to use the same names but I have an enthusiastic little finger and sometimes things get capitol letters when they shouldN't... A brief look suggests they will be fine but it only takes one alpha numeric character to set your space program back months. I guarantee nothing! Please, please, backup your save!!!!! Rat, I look forward to your input
  18. Well apparently completely rewriting the op and changing the title of the thread because of a complete rebuild is not enough and I have to go through the humiliation of bumping my own thread but I'm rather pleased with the result and keen to share sorry.
  19. I like that you got so incensed that your favourite mod didn't work with your other favourite mod that you made a patch to make them work together but is it AncientGammoner's responsibility to ensure that his mod works with other peoples at all? As with you, AncientGammoner probably only supports the mods in his their own GameData folder...
  20. This autta do it you are looking for a collision mesh but there is a snippet about wheels too
  21. So that worked perfectly then!!!!!! As you said it was the lack of original texture that did it and I cannot thank you enough!
  22. Hi folks, I've made a new model for my RamJets and I have several different textures I wanted to try out but I cannot get the code to work and I'm just plain stuck. I'm missing something really basic but it's pretty much broken me. If I can't even copy another mods layout and have it work then frankly I should just get off the pitch. Here is the mod in it's not working state and here is the offending code: MODEL { model = Jonzco/JonzCo_Bullet_RamJet/Models/JonzCo_Bullet_RamJet scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 texture = BulletJet_Diff , Jonzco/JonzCo_Bullet_RamJet/Textures/BulletJet_Diff_3 texture = BulletJet_Emm , Jonzco/JonzCo_Bullet_RamJet/Textures/BulletJet_Emm } They are sitting in Jonzco/ as expressed but with a load of other stuff so I just zipped the key folder. Please help, please, all I want to do is change BulletJet_Diff and keep my engine effects...
  23. Hi Devo, I've been playing about with your freelancer pod, it's really nice to have that kind of doll house effect (but in like a really manly way of course) and I was wondering if you had seen the mod that hasn't been updated or touched for some months I was pulling it about trying to understand IVA creation (I think I do understand it - I can't work out a reasonable workflow that could allow me to do one within patience tolerance however) and as I think you also like this play style I figured I'd make sure you are all over that sh&^. I found that it's simple to get his external IVA scene into another model via some barbaric hackery and I think I may get somewhere with this path but I was wondering if you had any input as someone who had already tackled the problem of an external IVA play style and reached a good compromise? I prolly should make a rough test pic to show I'm actually spending time on it:
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