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Everything posted by Jahulath

  1. Thanks for the compliment! Sounds to me like you are hankering for a full on Kerbal cannon... It would be hilarious - I think I'll get on it tonight! Should the Kerbal enter through the base or the muzzle?
  2. Hi, it seems topical, I have just posted an elevator that uses this dll (license and credit given and that of course) - it's not a scissor lift but it'll get your kerbs up and down pretty good and packs away real tidy - I may have missed the point... The vid above is a personnel lift right?
  3. Closed for Refurbishment Hi folks, not happy with the rather surreal appearance of my initial models I have decided on a complete redesign based off some real world examples of Ram Jet engine made by enthusiasts and aerospace companies alike. As before this engine does not do a lot below mach 1 however I have reduced it's nominal speed to mach 4. In RL Ramjets have a predicted nominal range going up to mach 9 (3062m/s) but as that's a bit fast it is untested, therefore I have simply left the top end open, these will not lose power due to speed but they will quickly become a drain on your fuel supply . It turns out that although the specific impulse of a Ramjet is high, they are extremely fuel inneficient, I have translated this to a low Isp and a very high effective speed as jet engines do not really fit into "slower exhaust thrust = more fuel for given Delta-V", this is only really true in vaccume imho. So without further ado, I anounce the redesigned JonzCo Ramjet family of large and small jet engines designed to create a second stage atmospheric propulsion for spaceplanes! I cbfb to play "guess the mistake" with Space port so here They are available in two flavours, one for oxygenated atmosphere and one rather oxidizer hungry model for oxygen deprived atmospheres. Stats are as follow, Name = JonzCo Mini LFO Bullet RamJet (Requires Oxidizer but does not check for Oxygen) Thrust = 110 Weight = 0.7 ISP = 1800-800 Name = JonzCo Mini Bullet RamJet Thrust = 110 Weight = 0.7 ISP = 1800-800 Name = JonzCo Large LFO Bullet RamJet (Requires Oxidizer but does not check for Oxygen) Thrust = 225 Weight = 1.2 ISP = 1800-800 Name = JonzCo Large Bullet RamJet Thrust = 225 Weight = 1.2 ISP = 1800-800 The JonzCo range of monitors for showing meaningless SCIENCE pictorials are refined into a more ram friendly package (from 33mb to 1.7) thanks to better file structure and seeing just how massive the .mbm files are (how why?). They do nothing but light up, although the batteries are fairly substantial so there is that... Included are 3 possible emmisive textures if you change the .cfg to suit. I cbfb to play "guess the mistake" with Space port so here JonzCo aerospace division has been very slack in their research of better air intake solutions, only one model has passed quality control however it is available in regular and massive size. Massive size weights a full ton, however it has performance gram for gram the same as it's smaller counterpart! It is mainly aimed at keeping part counts down as I have found that even though it is easy enough to engineer sufficient intakes, this usually results in an unplayable ship and I don't think 32bit architecture is part of the difficulty setting of this game. The result is a load of air intakes all smooshed into one gaping maw of a hole in your craft. I cbfb to play "guess the mistake" with Space port so here The JonzCo lift is still a good seller, this highly functional item is perfect for any situation that requires a Kerbal to be raised or lowered to a desired height. At the space port here The JonzCo PulseJet and a couple of other projects have seen issues in the R&D team, a lack of skills was found however folk have been enrolled on a "teach yourself engineering in 20 minutes" internet based training course and we are hopeful that their performance improves thanks to JonzCo's commitment to it's personnel. Older JonzCo products are still available however support is limited Or at the space port here Version History: 0.1 Initial Release; Ram Jet, Monitors, Elevator incl Infernal Robotics. 0.2 Added the JonzCo Pulse Jet Engine, Updated engine glow and darkened texture on RamJet. 0.3 Total redesign of jets, added LFO variants, rejig and streamline of Monitors making them actual useable parts now, updated air intakes incl removing the small round variant due to pp texture. quick teaser of all that is and may come
  4. Hmm I'm bored so I'll run through the VERY BASIC technique I use to make near passable stockish maps. All this information is gathered from several sources and whilst it is not a great way to do things it has been working for me. Firstly I use Gimp, it's free and I'm used to it so we will stay VERY basic even though PS can do oh so much more (like Random seed your brush for example) but that's not what I'm doing. So I start with Grey - r155 g155 b155 ( ) and use that as a background. You will want to add a tiny bit of noise to this with a filter like HSV Hurl. Next I add new layer and start painting shadow by hand (something not too dark as it wants to be subtle) and messily with my mouse until I'm happy that all concave bits are done. I use an airbrush tool but I don't worry about nice clean gradiants. This layer will need a major dose of gaussian blur like 20pixels or more for a 1024* image! Next, new layer. About this point I have looked at the UV enough to have an idea what I plan to do with it. I only put detail in blocks so either pick the Magic Select tool (less good due to pixelisation on any angled selection line) or the free line marquis tool and trace out some choice blocks from the UV map. Make sure your new layer is selected (to transpose your selection from the UV layer to your blank layer) and then use the bucket tool to fill the selection with the same grey as your background (r155g155b155 more "Magic Grey") you will be very pleased to see nothing change. Now with those blocks selected run "Bevel" and see your new panels spring forth from the background! Now back to shading - Add new layer and add detailed shading around the panels you have made. This will also need a 20pixel Gaussian blur and please note the effects of putting this layer above or below your panels as you can get a good effect either way. Nearly done! - Add new layer and add highlights to the edges as they need it, I use something light but still grey (I think it's ~r191g191b191) and I try to keep this layer to the bare minimum. Last layer - I have been tending to use "splatter" as a brush to just add some gruffness to the leading and trailing edges. In my minds eye this is caused by small impacts like bees for example and just acts to messy it up a little. Putting it all together: I am a messy git so I will tend to have layers everywhere and none of them named - it's not good practice but I'm not being payed so hey ho. You will want to get your layers arranged like: Background - 1 Panels - 2 Shading (both layers) - 3 Detail - 4 Having them in this order makes it super easy to vary the opacity on your upper layers until everything looks right. Tinker with it and you are done! I tend to try and brand stuff with a JonzCo'ness but JonzCo is such a new company that their corporate style is still in flux and we don't even have a proper Logo! Tips: Keep it subtle, even the very tiny noise you added to your base layer will be really visible in game so bare that in mind. If you are planning to make a Normal Map then you can make a functional one with the filters available in Gimp or PS, just remember to save as copy and don't use the shading or background layer you added noise to! There is no such thing as "too many layers" but there is such a thing as "crap I can't adjust that without effecting this" I think that's all - I don't think I make good textures but I do make consistent poor ones which is a start. The process I have described is literally just what I do, some is robbed off Neil Blevin (Soulburn3D) who I encountered last year when I was abusing 3ds max and Vray. and I went back and found it for you so you can get horses mouth goodness.
  5. Hi, thanks for the response but it wasn't quite what I meant. I was really hoping that there would be syntax to allow it in the Config (Not FS specific). I tried tricking it by setting the GUI text the same but just got two buttons with the same text :-/
  6. Triggering multiple animations from the .cfg file with a single GUI button aka grouping animations on a part: Hi folks, I have been looking for a solution that will streamline my Lift models GUI. Currently it is using Infernal Robotics (and will be updated to their new release this eve ready for a fully functional release woot!) and Firespitter for the EVA activation (this is probably redundant as IR cannot be activated in EVA). The issue is that I have one animation for the platform game item and then a separate one to cover extending the rail – these unpack it. They have to be separate because IR seems to need two separate game objects to work (one to act as an anchor and one as the actuator) and so I have two FSAnimateGenerics (although I will go back to the stock animator). I did try a lot of different hierarchies but to no avail. Is there a way to get both of these animations to trigger with the same GUI button? It seems so very simple…
  7. Lol I dare say they are. I'm not going to point you to the big thread of tutorial threads as You have prolly already found it stickied, you already have all of the skills that you need. The biggest advantage is that you already know all of the "concepts" that you need so I would suggest that you start small, bash out a model and a texture and then pass it through the Unity system and get it in game, I'd expect it to take you about 2 hours to tweak and get your head around Unity for your first project but don't fear as it has a very Autodesk feel there are plenty of tutorials, I watched a full hour length video by LLL that showed him creating an object right from the very first primitive and that was more than enough to get me up to speed (and then right back down the scale as soon as I tried to get fancy hehe). Good luck! I'm new to KSP but have been messing with mods for years and Unity is lovely to work with (compared to NifScope for Bethesda stuff or the weirdness of X3).
  8. Hi, I stumbled on the name Soulburn3D today (totally unrelated to KSP), I've encountered Neil Blevins before when I started learning 3d modelling and his web page was an incredible source of useful information to me! You can find it here but it comes with the caveat that he is a digital artist not a game modder IMHO that's only the difference between a chef and a cook because we all want to make amazeballs looking stuff right(?) So you will need to take inspiration rather than match paint to numbers so to say. So that you can see why I got excited he is responsible for these and I have seen a tutorial making one it takes like 5 minutes... (Sorry Large Images from his display!):
  9. Hi I was sorry to see you feeling low so I thought I'd try to help and explain why I personally have not offered in the hope it may help you get the people you need. I like the models you put forward, they are good but basically you don't have any UV maps showing on your models. If I could see that you had done this very tedious and time consuming task then perhaps I would offer help BUT as it stands your thread reads like "I'm planning to start a dog walking business and all I need is someone to follow along and collect the poop" to me.
  10. Ok I have had a crack at the engine models, I made much higher res ones (~3k all in) but the textures will need a lot of work. Awaiting delivery of a Wacom Bamboo hehe
  11. Genius, I read a Dan Simmonds book once that employed one of these, so simple and elegant and in such a dirty brute force way!
  12. Hi I have much the same problems, the way the Nodes are defined is a bit vague and I have not found much help in tutorials either What I have learned is that the origin of your models scene (the point at X0 Y0 Z0 in 3ds Max) is the default position of your node (when it is in position 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0). I also know that when you rotate your model in your scene you don't actually change the XForm of that model, you need to use a "adjust pivots only" setting (or what you have in Blender) to move and rotate only those pivots. I had an air punch moment yesterday when I wrote down: Z = forward X = Right Y = Up X = RIGHT! Last thing is that we should be able to use blank game objects to get the coordinates we need via Unity, make an empty game object and call it "Ruler" or whatever, then place it exactly how you want it and take note of it's XYZ and rotations. Those will allegedly work (with minor tweaking, presumably because "scale" is a loose concept between editor and software like a sound system with separate volume controls for each device) I have not tested this yet, I got caught up in this going to work business this morning.
  13. Well thats embarrassing, for about 20 mins yesterday I had a version with the Min and Max thrust mixed up (yeah I know, I spotted it hmmkay) - redownload you are the one who managed to download it during that bit!
  14. Hi Grays, thanks for the feedback, yes my example craft was just a tart for the photo's she'd never have done any work. I took your advise on the curve though and instigated a bit of a nerfing to the good of the engine I feel! I've never seen the effect you mention with surface attach though, either playing or testing this, I will keep my eyes open. I asked the engineers about the crackling on the paint job you asked about and they told me it's due to Bees, I didn't ask after that.. My crimping pipes are intentional they are meant to look like this stuff - I've been staring at pictures of earth from space and the ATVs/space station are all about crinkly pipes, it's like a thing, a crinkly pipes thing... That sounds a lot more likely than non working keyframes as it explains the presence and numeric similarity in atmosphere curve - right down to ending on a steep curve for the highest point! Now all I need to know is what column 1 of Atmosphere curve does... It looks like a 0-1 percentage type modifier but I can't tell if it does anything
  15. Hi folks, I have been looking at the bit of text quoted below and trying to implement it but it does not seem to want to work... I take this to mean that you can set an attachment point for your part using a blank game item instead of a set of coordinates but I am having a hard time getting it to work I named my blank game item AttachmentNode and put it in the right place but the object still just uses it's models origin. As far as I can tell I need to get the code to read: ATTACH { name = srfAttach Method = LOCKED_JOINT transformName = AttachmentNode } Is that right?
  16. Introducing the JonzcCo RamJet! This beauty will take you to space and beyond* without the slightest worry of engine trouble**. Activation is as easy as flicking a switch with these engines***. Enjoy flying in safety and speed with JonzCo Enterprises. Also available for no additional fee are a set of two brand new radially mounted air intakes - so good they actually do what they are meant to. *Atmosphere required for operation ** Studies have shown that engine explosion due to overheating is an almost 100% certainty during extended use. Warranty void if engine is activated beyond the product return threshold of 483 miliseconds. ***on a vehicle travelling at a minimum of mach one (Researchers have found this to be ~340 m/s). Activation below this speed will result in substantial fuel loss. UPDATE: Following a dull morning I set about making a few air scoops to go with this engine. I got two working fine but the third is a bust (I know there is a shape but I can't find it) you can see it looking embarrased at the top of this non flying example rocket for picture purposes only.... Hi folks, I made a RamJet. The model is fine but the .cfg is a bit screwy and I am trying to learn heat animations but with little effect I know there is a light or glow missing but I can't find out where or how it's placed there (Unity? Blender?)... In it's current state it is probably a still little OP but much less. It is heavy for the thrust and only hits max thrust at 2000m/s+ so it will be a long hot windup to get there I promise. In exchange for the nerfing I have returned the ability to throttle it so mush less explosions (aww) but because it is a RamJet it still won't produce thrust below about 340m/s and even then it prefers Mach 2 to get working properly. I appreciate this is not really the scientific NASA Thrustmaster approach but I kinda withered looking at it. Feel free to add in and tell me the meaning of the text below, as you can see I worked out the first two columns of Velocity Curve but that's about as far as I got: You can download this VERY beta release here but like I said, it's OP because of the fuel curve and my not knowing what all the zeros are everywhere on that code although it is a lot better for a good nerfing. You can download the HD version here please note that the Normal maps are trash as I need a bum load more detail but the basic shape is there. There are some air intakes as pictured available here please have a look and give feedback, I am unsure whether to make them more shiny or something. They are intentionally dull and boring little bits of kit, I feel that the stock horns can be a bit ostentatious and wanted something that would look a bit more streamlined without being too "moddy". Some pictures, sorry if they're big:
  17. This looks awesome! Ksp is well in need of more moving and animated parts. Do you have a list of commands available? I am making an elevator and have it working perfectly with a combination of Firespitter and Infernal Robotics, actually using the one from docking washers There's a lot that could be done with a plugin that combines the two of those, fixed animations are all well and good but they are rare movements in real world - most machinery works in the IR way As you can imagine I am keep to get my hands on this...
  18. Gristle, oddly my first version was exactly like that hehe. I discarded it because it's the equivalent of sticking a 1*1 structural panel to the side of your ship and in the most inconvenient way. I'll upload it for you so you can discard it yourself. Scratch that, it won't surface attach so it wouldn't be much use to you and it looks horrid sorry Khaos thanks for the add, I have been looking at that thread as if they are going to post the plugin any second and they will but that's not "yet". I did get permission from the excellent snjo to use his FSAnimateGeneric and I should have that implemented by the end of this evening. By the look of his docs it better supports multiple animations as well as passing me the EVA functionality I want so badly plus a bunch of bells and whistles in that one module. When MSI comes out I will revisit and have a play, it's only a few lines of code anyway and packing all of Firespitter is frankly making me feel inadequate because it's not floating or fan powered etc, - it's just a lift Colmo, Talisar; If I could I would, that simple. My experience is all about modelling and I have no C++ or whatever so sadly I am begging around for better animators rather than getting in and owning it on the plugins
  19. Presenting the all new JonzCo foldaway elevator! This nifty gizmo will fit on any surface capable of attaching a JonzCo Foldaway Elevator! It has been especially engineered with not one but two directions of travel* and folds away neatly when not in use**. WARNING: Care must be taken at any time working with high places and protective headgear is advised. Please refrain from pressing all of the buttons at the same time as the mechanism could be harmful to Kerbals under improper use. *(up and down) **(Please note that for purposes of this brochure "neatly" has been defined within section 2 paragraph 43 of the maintenance guide supplied on purchase) Hi folks, I made a lift model and animated it. It's 8 meters long and has 2 animations, one for unpacking and one for up/down supported by the Firespitter mod by snjo, I need a little feedback before I put it on the spaceport because I want to expand a little and of course one 8 meter lift is pretty limited. If I can get any advice I'll be grateful You should be able to download here And maybe these pics
  20. Also folks like pictures, here is the lift that I made or it should be:
  21. Many thanks I shall stop wasting my time and get on with making a RamJet to go with my lift
  22. Hi folks I made a lift, I got it working but it's pretty shoddy at the moment, it looks like you'd expect and well it does what you'd expect - except that I can't get it to work from EVA... Please could someone finish the statement to allow EVA actuation for me or tell me a better way to do it? I've looked around and can't see anything in the tutorials and I don't seem to be able to get FSanimateGeneric to do it's thing like in B9 MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = lowerlift startEventGUIName = "Lower" endEventGUIName = "Raise" } Also I noticed a weird behavior, if you move a ladder that has an EVA dude attached/grabbing it he stays put while the rest of the ladder moves away... Is this a known issue or has somebody come up with a work around? Thanks
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