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Everything posted by JiWint

  1. I can't wait to try it out Wait,can debris lag even without loading it?
  2. I wonder how laggy was it to get it up
  3. It just showed debris icons,without their orbits
  4. thanks it works,maybe there is a way to see their orbits too? (without hovering mouse over)
  5. Making progress: btw is there a way to see debris in-flight?
  6. found the gif on reddit, More: http://imgur.com/a/B6BII#2 yay!
  7. I need debris.Lots of it.Why? It would be fun if one would hit my rocket I tried to make one kessler bomb As you see,result isn't very nice I need something..like this So do anyone know any rockets that have the Kessler superpower?
  8. Well that guy who created this two-stage missile design actually made a tutorial,check his channel I just made a video demonstrating the possibilities of that design use
  9. I just found even better design.Too bad I already made a video
  10. This guy makes GOOD PLANES too...but this thing... (skip to 1:50) He's someone that must be seen. Anyway,I did some experiments with the missile design. And that's what I got
  11. If I build a rocket for fun,everything goes to style.
  12. Doing it without mods is really,really rewarding. Actually stations are pretty useless for now,well yeah,for refueling. How to actually build one: You put a docking port and RCS on a fuel tank,then dock it to the main module,for example,a capsule with something under it. Here's another video showing how to do rendezvous and docking Clicky If you need any help trying to figure out what a station or modules need,send me a message
  13. JiWint


    Great achievements! You don't really need to bring a lander for bodies like Ike,Gilly,bop or minmus,you can use EVA jetpack for that! Good luck seeking for Eeloo landing!
  14. Oh,please... (video isn't by me)
  15. BTW I've noticed everyone wants to destroy the asteroid.Why so destructive? ASTEROIDS HAVE FEELINGS TOO #FreedomForAsteroids jk
  16. everytime I just put 2 RTGs and that's it! I (almost) always leave SAS on,but that's not a problem
  17. Well,I just rendezvous(ed?) with them,and that's it.There was a cage like thing on top,so it was easy to pick up kerbals so that they could sit in the external seats Scroll up! well,a bonus:
  18. I will surely take screenshots. Everything is going well currently... By the way,there's a damn strong wind outside,so that my lights are blinking UPDATE: I have all 3 kerbals and still alot of fuel!
  19. I'm going out to test my luck. this dude with 18k delta V (excluding the take off part) should be able to rescue them.I hope. I really hope it is possible. See you guys later By the way,the cage on top contains external seats
  20. I actually have an idea to send one screenshot to Rareden,where 2 kerbals try to seek each others hand,but can't (like in Gravity).But daaaamn...That's an interesting challenge! ^ NOW THAT IS AMAZING
  21. I'm going to test it out. Maybe I can finally find an use for my hyper speed rescue craft... Time to tune up some action music!
  22. If would be a cheater,I wouldn't ask such a question Well,I have a quicksave,but I've been in even harder situations than this one,so I don't want to miss the fun. I just need an advice in what way should I do it
  23. Should I try to catch them while they're still in kerbin or when they're in the kerbol orbit?
  24. I got good news! I've got them rescued That was so interesting to do! Good thing I'm pretty good at rendezvousing and docking.Here is the operation
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