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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. First I would like to say, great looking shuttle. Next I agree about the part, I know the MkIV parts, that add the wide cargobay for the big 3.75m wide cargo bay adapter in the B9 pack, has this exact part you are talking about. But it does not mate up at all to that cockpit. Which is really kind of depressing. And the MkIV cockpit is pretty horrid to use, it just is offset so much nothing looks good with it.
  2. Looks good, but from that angle the nacelles look to small. They should be roughly 1.2 times the length of the main hull. The nacelle arms should be a bit wider at the top. But again it maybe the angle and the lighting of that picture. I am big fan of Star Trek, but I am a D-7 K'tinga fan, and the Miranda class.
  3. You can attach intakes to wings of craft, just don't go crazy, I can find a number of real life examples of aircraft with intakes ON the wings. But I use the B9 parts to get this look, the stock parts are horrible for that. On to your question... Do you have any pictures of the craft in the SPH hanger with the CoM, CoL, and CoT icons on? You don't need that many engines, but it is nice to have them. If you are shutting down engines then they become dead weight, and that is a problem, so my solution would be get rid of the engines I shutdown. If I can still achieve orbit without them and use less fuel I have improved the design, but if I can't then I add back a single engine at a time. My goal is not to shutdown engines until it is absolutely needed. With one of my fastest SSTOs the SP-103 Jackal it has 4 B9 turbofan engines and a Poodle booster. I run all 4 Turbofans until 28km, at about 1900m/s then I switch over to the Poodle and finish the burn to orbit, which takes about 20seconds. A common mistake in KSP and with everything is we have come to believe more is better. Fact is more is just that more.
  4. Glad I could be of help, and I play in Career mode. All of those craft were designed in career mode. But I also unlocked the tree quick.
  5. Do you have a picture of the craft in question and what other mods are you running?
  6. Yeah the curved wings are a new Pwing feature, along with pwing control surfaces, being able to make control surfaces length and depth the way you want is nice. And the tanks are from the Stretchytank mod. Which is handy in just cutting down part counts if nothing else. I couldn't wait for Bac9 to update B9, so I fixed the parts I needed fixed to work, mainly the SABRE engines, and then kept on playing. If you need the fix for the SABRE engines it is in the B9 thread. And I see what you did wrong on your album link. Post your imgur albums like this [] (imgur in the brackets) ---link-- minus the # and after---[/] (imigur in those brackets after the/) So it should look like this, I am going to intentionally space it so it wont work but you will see how the code works. [ imgur]peGBO[ / imgur] That is the album of my SVO-22
  7. I actually love this pod for when I am doing, "real" looking Mun missions. Otherwise I rarely use any of the pods anymore.
  8. That maybe, as for using mechjeb, sorry I refuse to use that program for several reasons. Mostly because I am a, I can do it better myself, kind of guy.
  9. Stock KSP .23 working SABREs listed below. DRE compatible This was listed for those of you to lazy to search through this thread to find the two posts that have posted the fix for the SABRE so they work in .23.
  10. I figured as much, but even then, it takes less d/V for me to get a craft into orbit flying like a jet then it does as a rocket. I know because I have built a rocket that used the same engines had the same TWR and had the same amount of fuel, but no wings and it was a pure rocket launch vehicle. The SSTO space plane version which weighed slightly more because of the wings, had the same d/v and TWR. It made it to an orbit of 75km x 75km with just about 700d/v left. The wingless version made it with just under 200d/v left. Again those numbers are using KER, but the craft engines were identical along with the fuel and cockpit, the only difference was the presence of wings on one and no wings and launched vertically on the other.
  11. 77t meh... 108 tons and this is the early version, I have since turned it into a VTOL and with a longer cargo bay.
  12. That is about what my lowest fuel SSTO has on it, 1900m/s d/v, and it can still achieve a 100km x 100km orbit. I am using KER to estimate my d/v and sometimes it doesn't calculate right if I have air breathing engines AND rockets on the same craft. It kind of averages them I guess.
  13. This is why I like the SABRE engines in the B9 pack. With the intake, precooler and engine it looks much like the SKYLON SABRE engines.
  14. You only need about 2.5k d/V for a good space plane SSTO design with the RAPIER. 1900m/s d/V for FAR designed space planes.
  15. PWings and Procedural Dynamics have a huge affect in FAR. But very little in the stock KSP pea soup atmosphere model.
  16. That would be cool. And it would give me a use for the actual pre-coolers.
  17. Precoolers do nothing in KSP currently. The way you can keep your SABREs from overheating that fast is move them closer to the CoM of an object. It is the way KSP calculates the heat sinking abilities.
  18. If it is setup that way, yes it would. But I know I have built things and realized after I got them into space that staging is not an option.
  19. I haven't had any carry overs and I am running a butt ton of mods.
  20. As everyone else said above, you burned through all your fuel in the lower tanks, and the tanks that have fuel don't have flow to the engines. Two ways of fixing this problem. 1- Transfer fuel from the tanks that have fuel to the tanks that have routing to your engines. 2- download TAC Fuel Balancer and you can set that before you take off.
  21. SVO-22 Thrush (named after a Aerotech fighter from the Battletech universe)
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