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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Ferram4 I have a request for the next version of FAR. Can you add a settings option for the flight information window, so we can turn off some of the information and reduce the size of the window. While I love all the info for test craft, I also use it for normal use craft and I no longer need to know the c/l/d information or the AoA, really I want is the intake % required and a few other things. It would be great to be able to turn off what we don't want without having to go in the config.
  2. Exactly what I would suggest. The only change would be if you do have a life support mod or other time constraint I would suggest waiting till your launch window is perfect so once you have reached orbit all you have to do is burn to the moon. This is pretty close to what the actual Apollo missions did. They waited till the Moon was in the right place before the launch, then launched the craft, a few hours before the optimal window and did everything in one go.
  3. 746 hours according to my Steam account. Of which I can tell you 690 of those hours was spent designing and making space plane SSTOs.
  4. No there are no parts like that. I think because Bac9 knows there are already parts out there that look like that, angle and sweep not color, so he didn't create redundant parts. PWing is your best bet though.
  5. Yes, but it takes a bit of work with the angles in game. Best advice Procedural wings will make that VERY easy. But it can be done in the stock KSP and B9, just turn off snap angles and use the mk1 Eyeball to line everything up.
  6. Geez! Still couldn't get the imgur thing to work Fixed it for you... To post imgur links it goes like this. [] (imgur in the []) string of letters in your case SnJuH [/] (imgur after the / in the [])
  7. Found and fixed the error, it was a combination of problems. FAR12.3 had a fault in the download somehow, and then there was a error in the B9 file. Found and fixed both.
  8. Ok installed the latest patch 12.3 and it still shows 12.2 on the GUI so not sure if it took. But tested the docking again, I am getting this when it undocks along with catapulting it away at a high rate of speed. This is the error that is showing up in the output log RIGHT after it undocks. Joint::setBreakable: maxForce should be nonnegative! (Filename: ..\..\Physics\src\NpJoint.cpp Line: 294) Not sure what that means.
  9. You have a couple of options. You could "cheat" like smidge said, which is a valid way to fix a mistake. Or you could build a crew transfer shuttle and send them there the old fashioned way.
  10. I am getting the same bug, and I don't have KerbTown installed. I thought it was due to the RCS/Dry CoM plugin, that was updated and it isn't that.
  11. If you want a Kerbal movie, just go to Nassault's channel on Youtube. That man has some amazing videos.
  12. Just checked again, my FAR was saying 12.2, so I guess I wasn't using the latest, even though the one I downloaded was from the spaceport. I just changed over to the other download link and it gave me 12.3. So I guess that fixed it, I will test later, Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
  13. Ok I am seeing several issues with the craft that are causing your problems. 1- your engines are below your CoM which is causing your CoT to be below the CoM which is pitching the nose up. 2- It appears you have every control surface set to do everything. Try assigning your tail elevator to pitch along with your canards. Your wing ailerons to roll and your rudder to yaw. This will help with your oscillation issue. The other thing that is causing the oscillation is the speed at low altitude where the atmosphere is the densest. Try keeping the craft subsonic until you hit 10km altitude, then increase speed to super sonic speeds.
  14. Its a bug in the CoL calculation, it has no affect on the actual lift.
  15. Not sure exactly what is causing this issue but I have narrowed it down to FAR. When I undock something it catapults away at the speed of plaid, which is quite concerning as you can imagine. Last night I docked a ship to my low kerbin station at 100km orbit, undocked it and it launched through the station and away at over 1000m/s away from the station. It killed the crew but did no damage to the ship itself, it was a G-Force overload on the crew. I checked the logs and there was no faults in the output log other than the RCS related ones in the SPH and VAB, but nothing to do with the docking or undocking. My list of mods are below but I have tested this with only FAR installed and it repeats itself. It is like the decoupling bug that happened when .23 first came out. Seeing as I haven't tested anything with decouplers I can't say if it is the same. I am using the latest FAR, and my list of current mods are in my sig. I have tested this without the mods and with the mods, FAR is the only mod that I can repeat this with.
  16. I did absolutely nothing, because it's Christmas. Merry Christmas all and happy holidays.
  17. No KSP is not becoming like Minecraft, Minecraft was made by a guy (Notch) who worked on a MMO Sandbox for years with a nother gentleman (Rolf) who wanted a slow paced grind happy sandbox. Minecraft was what Notch wanted, he didn't expect it to become what it is today. KSP is what the developers want it to be. It is turning out to be a great game, and each patch is improving the game in some way shape or form. While you (the OP) feel that the game is going the wrong direction I can't disagree more. .23 was a good patch, it added more than just RAPIER engines and tweakables, it set the ground work for so much more, not only did the frame rates improve but the game had a more fleshed out in the career mode and science departments. By far KSP has been the best money I have spent all year on a game and I have bought a few games this year from Planetside 2 and Mechwarrior Online to the old X-Com games. KSP is the one I have spent the most time in, and the one my girlfriend yells at me about when I am talking about it with my friends who play. It is a great game, it reminds me in many ways of when I was a kid playing with my Legos dreaming of ships and planes and then blowing them up. I can do that now in KSP, and don't have to worry about finding those lost Legos later while walking around in my socks.
  18. I am not talking about using "ants" but the best ISP TWR boosters for this craft. So no nukes, or mainsails but something that provides a decent TWR and still maintains a good ISP, like the poodle.
  19. You're right, the Kethane turbines would be near useless on Eve. They would flame out at around 40-50km and be dead weight, and you haven't even made it through half the atmosphere. For Eve the best SSTO you can come up with a REALLY light SSTO, that takes only what is needed down and refuels down there, and that is it. It would be best to use a small high ISP rocket, to do this, and glide down to land. The smoother and more aerodynamic you can make it the better.
  20. It looks good. Now that I see the craft, you don't need that many engines, you could dump to RAPIERs and still achieve orbit. It may take a bit longer but you can do it. The only other thing I see is a FAR related issue. The amount of radial intakes you are using is uneven and will cause a larger amount of drag on the top of your craft, pulling the nose up. You could ditch that top most radial intake and still have airflow enough to meet your target numbers.
  21. Thanks, I loved some of the WWII fighter designs, they were functional yet still stylish. And here is a new one I am currently testing.... So far it works... VSR-8 Look ma no wings!
  22. So I made my first successful vertical launch SSTO... VSR-8 I have no clue what I am going to do with it, but I think it would be great for exploring other planets. It is kind of limited on range though, only a d/v of 2900m/s.
  23. There are a couple of mods, Infernal Robotics B9 and one other one which I don't remember. All three of them have moving parts that either act like or are cargo bays.
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