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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. These are all valid questions, I look forward to reading the answers. But I have no problems with the challenge. It was fun.
  2. I like the F-32 best but they both are beautiful aircraft, far better than both of mine. And I am not ashamed to admit it.
  3. That is one good looking aircraft, but the missiles are cliptastic. I am surprised that the game doesnt just cause them to randomly explode like mine do when ever I attempt that without DRE installed. - - - Updated - - - I would start with simple then work towards more advanced designs. I have one stock design that I use everytime FAR updates or there is a major update to KSP. It hasn't changed in 2 years, it is basically a Mig-21 SSTO design. It flies like a dart, it can go straight really well and as long as it is fast it will turn well, but as soon gets slow it gets really fun to fly. It is simple yet works. Start simple then work to more advanced designs. My most simple design that I use for pilot training early in the game is just a basic jet on the back of a simple airframe.
  4. Not on Imgurs end... it is user error. I fixed it in my post. If you want the easy way to post individual pictures from imgur here it is in the imgur pic you want to post... Just click on the pic then choose BBforumcoding and copy that link. Then just post that line straight into you post and done.
  5. You have imgur linked wrong. Here is your pic. it is coded like this [ img ] http://imgur.com/rjxCFd3.jpg [ / img ] no spaces
  6. What is the take-off weight of that craft? I know with my boat-planes I have an issue with reaching take off speeds, and landing in water is hard as hell.
  7. Do you have pictures of the craft in the SPH with the FAR information screens open and pictures of the craft on the runway at take off from the side. I think you may have a problem where FAR isn't registering some parts and thus not creating lift. I have seen this before with some installs if it isnt installed correctly or there was an error in the install.
  8. What is the problems you are having with KAX and FAR? Is there something I or others could help you with?
  9. I have mine set at exactly 50%, it took some messing around with but I managed to get it. I think it has to do with the settings the game is graphically and the mouse sensitivity, but I dont know... luck could be just as likely.
  10. No offense but it doesnt look like a Mig-21 Fishbed at all. The -21 is a delta wing design. More like this....
  11. You are running into the same problem real aircraft designers ran into in the 1930s and 40s. You need to make your aircraft lighter without sacrificing durability. A while back I was trying to build a cesna and couldnt get it to work anywhere near right, until I looked at the mass of the craft I had designed and the mass of the real plane. Lets look at one of the most popular fighters of WWII, the P-51D Mustang. In real life that thing weighs just over 4 tons. And it had a sustained climb rate of 16.3m a second which is pretty low compared to most of the craft you can design in KSP.
  12. If only it used FAR... I could design a stock part aircraft that could fly and fight in FAR..... but stocks notquiteNEARlytheresouposphere just is a no-go for me. I am interested in seeing the videos of some of these fights though.
  13. Not sure if I want to get 15.4.1 Seeing as I fixed the heating problem by just installing DRE. LOL On a serious note, Ferram4 what is in the plans for FAR in the near future? Because you have already done an outstanding job and are honestly a true beacon of light in this community.
  14. So I am back in the cargo hauling SSTO business, I needed something to ferry passengers, science and cargo into orbit so this is what I came up with. 100km x 100km orbit as per HARM standards. It made a repeat flight the next day with 2 passengers and a lab in the cargobay and a mineral scanning satellite. Unfortunately the engine on the satellite died due to the overheating bug..... but the satellite works at the altitude it is at.
  15. I quite frankly wouldnt be bothered with fixing it Ferram, it isn't your problem. As others have said, installing DRE actually fixes the issue.
  16. FAR's atmospheric modelling makes it easier to handle offset CoT vs CoM aircraft. Stock it has a tendency to over do the drag at some altitudes and ignore it completely above others. As in this old aircraft picture. That one its CoT is below the CoM of the aircraft, but yet it flies fine in atmo, as soon as it gets to space it gets a bit more of a handful.
  17. The first image is a DC10, with 3 engines, 2 under the wings, 1 at the tail... the second image is a DC9, with 2 engines at the rear... From visual observations of the DC9, the rudder has 2 large elevators on it, but that because of the 2 engines location which taken the place for the elevators (if I am right), also it could be to balance the CoL with the CoM and CoT, because if I understood that correctly, having CoT ABOVE CoM, will cause the plane nose to go down, thus unable to fly... For the DC10, it has 2 wing engines, and 1 larger tail engine, but I guess it is either the 2 wing engines got more power than the larger tail engine, or the angling of the 2 elevators (and their size), will compensate for the extra thrust that will cause the plane nose to go down... Though I am interested in the physics of airplanes, I am not much into details (yet), and I would love to know more about these 2 designs so I can get to do something similar in SPH... Appreciate your feedback! If you look a them the CoT actually drives through the CoM of the aircraft and that is what matters. The DC-10 is a great example, the CoT is split between the two wing engines and the tail engine. This gives it a good deal of power for the size but also lets it cruise faster and farther with less fuel use. At least at the time it did. The DC-9 the engines actually are driving just above the CoM. But this is countered by the a the engine is shifted the exhaust port. A large amount of the time these aircraft have to be trimmed to maintain level. In stock it is difficult to deal with this, but in FAR it is quite easy to deal with.
  18. I must spread around rep before I can give you more. All I have to say is, wow... just wow.
  19. In a nutshell yes. In another challenge someone came up with a tail to tail start for the aircraft, and set the AI to different teams. The aircraft would climb on their own to altitude and then turn and fight. It was actually pretty cool to watch. I even did it myself with two drones that I built to test it out. Surprisingly it works extremely well. As in this video by t3hJimmer.
  20. Reduce the mass of your aircraft, and check your gear placement. Two common problems when people are coming from stock to FAR.
  21. While I love the ideas, I still say, lets keep it simple.
  22. I found a fix for my random parts exploding due to heat.... Deadly Re-Entry. Fixed most of my heating issues.
  23. Well you built a pretty decent aircraft there. But man you REALLY have to let things go, I am sensing some angst in some of your subtitles for your album. "Top Speed at "roughly 10km"â„¢" I am amazed though that that craft has any Yaw stability with such little vertical stabilizers it has. Good job on that one.
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