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Everything posted by SebFierce

  1. thanks sumghai, this CSM is awesome Could you, in a future update, include a non-service module decoupler below the heatshield? Since I got this mod I use the heatshield every time I use the MK1-2 pod. Problem is, the shield looks kinda off when used with a stock or KW decoupler below. It'd look way better to have the large ring around the lower part of the crew module and heatshield but not the tanks and engine. That way everyone could build a larger or different service module but still use the protective cover and heatshield.
  2. Isn't it a know bug of KOSMOS that currently the URM tanks don't work well with the launch clamps? I don't think it's because of this mod here, but could be I'm mistaken.
  3. Is there any way to actually calculate this for a specific rocket? In all the topics about gravity turns usually everyone just reports their specific experiences with their own rockets. I'd really appreciate some general guidelines or even better, a calculation method. (currently I'm designing a heavy launcher without asparagus staging and only liquid engines, 100m/s dV make or break the design)
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