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Everything posted by Kerbart

  1. If memory serves my right they quit that practice as it was (a) impractical for those with a family life and (b) exceptionally unpleasant even for those who lived by themselves as it effectively put them in a continuous jetlag. People living on a martian clock is manageable but not while living on earth. I might be wrong though.
  2. The crew can deny it... but their story obviously has a hole in it.
  3. I don't have the time to make a video, but the concept is very straightforward. Suppose, for argument's sake, that you want to deploy 4 satellites in a one-hour orbit. To spread them out evenly, they need to be 1/4 orbit or 15 minutes apart. So you build a launch vehicle that carries all four satellites, and deploy it in an orbit that is chosen in such a way that it shares it apoapsis with the target one-hour (circular) orbit, but it has a periapsis much lower, so that the orbital period is not one hour, but rather 45 minutes. Every time you're at the apoapsis, you release a satellite and have it circularize its orbit. The next time your "deployer" comes around it's "15 minutes in front" of the previous deployed satellite (after all our deployer is on a 45m orbit) and it releases the next satellite. So you're releasing the satellites, in their circular orbit, 15m away from each other - 4 satellites evenly spaced on a 1 hour orbit. This calculator helps you to figure out the orbit specifics. In this case, for Kerbin, you'd need a circular orbit of 450.525 km for a 1hr orbital period, and a 450.525×83.854km orbit to deploy (at 45m intervals) or an 787.528×450.525km orbit to deploy (at 75m intervals). Releasing from the "higher" orbit has the advantage that your satellites need less dV (about 122 m/s) to circularize their orbits.
  4. KSP craft have the benefit of living inside a simulation, so the altimeter simply shows height above sealevel. Unlike xPlane or Prepar3d it doesn’t need to simulate RL instruments.
  5. Actually air pressure us not constant at all, which is a problem when using it to measure altitude. This is why altimeters have an adjustment knob that allows calibrating the altitude based on sealevel pressures, and airports broadcast these altimeter settings (even if an airport is at an altitude at 4000’ it will broadcast what their air pressure would be if it were at sea level, because that’s what the alimeter setting is based on). That way you can be sure that the altimeter is indicating the right altitude. Flight level is an indicated altitude based on 1 atmosphere pressure (1013 mBar) regardless of what the true pressure at sea level is. Everyone is using the same setting (collision avoidance is more important than 3rd decimal accuracy). Flight level 360 might not really be 36,000’ ASL, but it’s the same altitude for everyone who’s on FL360. It’s just practical to work with flight levels at higher speeds and altitudes, if you can’t crash into the ground the true altitude is less important, it’s more important that two planes that are supposed to be 2,000’ apart are truly 2,000’ apart.
  6. Greatly appreciate this mod! Would it be possible to follow the "Display Earth Time (24h days, 365d years)" setting in the main settings menu, when turned on?
  7. "Because it's more realistic" Trust me, I'm on your side. Yes, there are some illogical things in the tech tree, but it's designed to create an urge for technical progression. And we do need those ladders! For the argument that it improves the game because it's more realistic, I invite all of those in favor of that to complete a career without using time acceleration, and let me know how this better (because, "more realistic") implementation of KSP works out for you. Of course realism adds charm to the game. At the same time, it's a game. Let's not sacrifice game play by blindly making choices "that make it more real."
  8. Wait. Wut. You call flipping a rover a bug? Read the point above. As I mentioned... the problem is the fact that we're used to hitting F9. NASA doesn't flip their rovers. As you said... because they can't. What flips your rover is the laws of physics. Do 50mph and hit a bump, or try to make a sharp turn, and things go whaazoooeey!!! While I'm not a fan of adding realism just for the sake of realism... This is a game about space exploration, and this is how it works when you move a rover over rough terrain. What you really want is the ability for rovers to move autonomously; I will agree on that. But turning the game into Gran Tourismo because your inability to pinpoint landings or deal with the realities of space exploration... no. Just no.
  9. The revival is more likely to be hipster BS in general. While I'm happy to believe that a high end vinyl setup will yield a better sound to a qualified listener than a high end CD setup, the realtiy is that 99% of the market are made of semi-deaf untrained listeners (semi-deaf because of visiting clubs and concerts) using equipment that can best be described as "the cheapest the supermarket around the corner has to offer." Add a smaller form factor, hi fidelity sound because the element hasn't worn out (surely one could replace that, but again... 99% of the market...) and impervious to mishandling (a CD can take a lot more abuse than vinyl before the damage on the medium becomes audible) and the fact is that, again for the majority of the consumers, CD offered by far better quality than vinyl. That high-pitched noise! I remember that.
  10. To be pedantic, temperature never transfers. When my grandma shrinks over the years as my little brother grows I don't say that they're transferring length either. Heat transfers and that can result in temperature change. And that can still transfer in a vacuum (through radiation); otherwise the Parker Solar Probe wouldn't need a heat shield.
  11. I don't think it's should here; I'm pretty sure Squad knows this. Which is why they don't waste resources on the tech tree. What's the point? It will just make the other half of the players disgruntled.
  12. Will is one thing. I have the will to fly. But I just can't flap my arms fast enough to actually do it. It's the same for Squad. Where would the resources come from? Aside from the fact that most of the staff does things like interface design, 3D part design and phycical mechanics instead of playtesting game logic, it would still mean diverting development from other things towards this project. Knowing this community, there will be considerable swats of players who: Don't play career and don't care at all. Do play career and think there's nothing wrong with it. Do play career, do think the tech tree is worth important but not as important that it's worth a 1.6 version that delivers bug fixes, a new tech tree, and nothing else. And then, suppose that they do revise the tech tree... how much do you want to bet that everyone thinks it's an improvement? Let alone one worth an upgrade (over the cost of nothing else being upgraded)? We all know that for every KSP player out there who likes something, there are two who really, really hate it. It's just hard to envision this as a project that would be worth pursuing for Squad.
  13. One can argue that your problem is quicksave. Without something to bail you out when things go wrong, the lesson would sink in much deeper and you’d replace the convenience of speed by the virtues of taking it slow. Right now there’s no pay-off for carefulness; you simply hit F9when things go wrong. There’s a reason the real Mars rovers move at snail’s speed.
  14. I could point out the utterly failure this represents in your attempts to manage less projects. Or I could just thank you for this wonderful mod. I think I'll stick with that one. Thank you!
  15. Take a look at down load, mean time, foot ball, black board, wall paper, cran berry, and house wife. Nobody spells them like that. So merged words do exist in English and are actively used, not just because people incorrectly decide to use them like that.
  16. It's not that bizar. In German (and Dutch), when you couple two words, you couple them together into one word. English is the weird one. It's "to log in" but also "do download". It's "We have nothing so far" but also "We have nothing in the meantime." It's pretty confusing for foreigners to figure out when two words should be combined into one, and when they should be separated. Germans don't like confusion
  17. Well, in Dutch, if there are changes to the valuations of liability amounts, you get aansprakelijkheidswaardevaststellingsveranderingen, and that’s a “real” word. Of course it’s not a big deal to come up with longer constructs, like Kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedencomitéleden - this refers to the members of the committee that prepares the work involved for a mardi gras parade for children. But I’m sure there will be a few German entries that make this look like childs play.
  18. Somehow AVC (not mini-AVC) still mentions that this version was made to run on 1.4.3. I guess it's checking against an online repository... but where?
  19. That’s the impression I get. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing, as budget assigned to it doesn’t get diverted to fighter and bomber programs that invariably go over budget and get money from “elsewhere.” the downside is that in the budget rounds “space” now has its own heading and will be one of the first on the chopping block.
  20. I also prefer engines that don’t use propellant, or at least have an Isp of over 10,000. However, that’s not always realistic. I will admit that I happily use monoprop only for translations like you. But it’s not very realistic. KSP’s magic giro’s can do everything, but in reality (for something that fits in Orion, size & weight-wise) the best they can do for something that big is stabilizing it, not rotating it. There’s merit in having parts that are intended to make things look more real, make them act more real as well.
  21. Kerbart

    Samsung vs Apple.

    I absolutely agree with you, and the way Apple sabotages after-sales MNR is appalling. At the same time, and I might not be a standard customer, I hardly run into those issues. What I do run into is replacing my iPad “2” with a 2017 model, and just holding my iPhone next to it to set it up and have everything up and running in a matter of minutes. The XKCD comic does not take into account that labor costs rapidly exceed the hardware value of devices built to be small, not to be servicable. It takes a lot more labor for a $30,000 car to make replacing it viable (if ever) than it takes for a phone or personal device that costs the manufacturer $300 to replace. Wasteful, yes. But if you’re Apple totally understandable. Of course if they made their phones 2mm thicker and 15g heavier they could make half the parts easily replacable, but that’s not how their market works.
  22. Kerbart

    Samsung vs Apple.

    “More perfect” is a contradictio in terminis. Neither of the brands seems to offer advantages over the other good enough to entice large amounts of users to switch. Apple does a good job “locking users in,” but that’s mainly a result of offering convenience. I am far from an Apple fanboi (I use every excuse to not use the 23” iMac at work) but I do have an iPhone and iPad and every so often I get pleasently surprised with an “oh, it does that? Sweet!” moment. In that sense I have no inclination in considering a Galaxy as the nightmare associated with switching is bigger than whatever marginal advantages it would offer. That would be different if some monumental disaster struck, causing me to hate The iPhone/iPad combo, but as of yet that has not happened. Surely the Galaxy’s are objectively better, I assume, but it’s probably like comparing roller coasters at Disney and Six Flags; they offer a different kind of experience and fans from both sides will accuse the other side from being savages for not understanding what a True Experience is, and how “theirs” offers it.
  23. Instagram, twitter, linked in.
  24. Famed cartoonist Gary Larson has a great story. It involves a cartoon which displays a 1950s household. Fedora-wearing husband comes home, putting his trenchcoat and briefcase down. Wife is cooking dinner. Oh, and they are mosquitoes. The caption is along the lines of “how was work, honey?” “It sucked.” He said that he got tons of mail over the cartoon, pointing out that the female mosquitoes are the ones who suck blood, not the male ones. Never mind the house, household, clothes, job, talking english, etc. All of that was no big deal, but oh my gosh suggesting that the male mosquito sucked blood... One can argue that it’s part of the suspension of disbelief, but at the same time it’s ironic to see all these discussions about the perceived lack of realism in the tech tree, while it’s totally ok for all the other things in KSP to be unrealistic.
  25. Google “assembler programming on the arduino,” I think that’s an interesting machine to learn assembler on. I am serious for the OP though. Learning ASM is very mechanical, and you’re more operating a machine than writing real code, so that might be workable. Maybe not as a means to write an interpreter but at least to control the rocket. Although the moment you need math beyond basic arithmetic might also be the moment to decide that learning C is not such a bad idea after all.
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