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Everything posted by MoonMan22

  1. Agreed. Deploying a chute at hypersonic speeds seems a tad bit unrealistic.
  2. This map is similar to the one astro posted but just a bit more updated and detailed.
  3. Make sure your throttle is at 100% by holding shift and watching the throttle rise to the left of your navball. Hope this helps!
  4. Assembling a ship in orbit is actually a great way to avoid a ridiculous looking ship on the launchpad that will probably crash your game lol. Also Eve's atmosphere is like tomato soup, great for landing, horrible for returns, so plan accordingly. I strongly recommend watching this vid ( ) by Mr. Manley, its helpful and might help avoid some frustration.
  5. Could be you are exceeding your terminal velocity. Try throttling down until you reach the thinner part of the atmosphere. Check on this page, under "Atmosphere" : http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin
  6. space near Kerbol (0 km - 1,000,000 km) This thread discusses all the Biomes: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53567-List-of-places-and-biomes-in-v0-22-and-v0-23-%28Kerbal-planetary-geology-and-geography%29
  7. Point retrograde just as dudster28 said and burn until you bring your periapsis to about 25km this way your trajectory will be less steep. The faster you hit the atmosphere the more heat due to friction, depending on where your coming from, your velocity will vary. For example on a return form the moon you will be traveling faster when hitting the atmosphere than if you were in Low Kerbin Orbit (75km). If you don't dip deep enough into the atmosphere you will simply skip back out int space, if you dip too deeply you will decelerate too rapidly and burn up. Thus it is important to judge based on you velocity. Here's an image that illustrates the re-entry corridor on earth: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/spacecraft/re-entry/corridor.jpg
  8. Best thing to do is to switch to you map view "M" and then right click on the vessel you want to dock with and set it as your target, then as you get closer you can fine tune your target to the specific docking port by doing what Tank Buddy said above.
  9. What i do is, at the top of your ladder where your Kerbal seems to let go and begin to fall, place just the small ladder steps (Pegasus I Mobility Enhancer) and holding shift and the "wasd" keys rotate it so that it it at a 45 degree angle on the corner of the edge in question. That way, your Kerbal will climb up, then when he switches to the small ladder steps he will climb at an angle and let go on top of the ledge. Here is an example:
  10. The problem your having may be caused by the game getting confused as to where control is coming from. I would suggest to try attaching a probe pod closer to where the center of mass shifts to when two are docked together, then after docking right click it and select to "control form here". This may solve your problem. Good Luck!
  11. The effect has to do with making your burns deep inside the gravity well without entering the atmosphere. Here is a video that does a pretty good job of explaining it.
  12. Nicely done! I completely agree, this software is highly addictive in a great way. That's an impressive station! Have some cool stuff I have designed on my profile blog with craft files if your looking for some fun jets to mess around with.
  13. Im new to the community also but it just adds another reason to love the game! Lots of helpful people on here and its a great place to share your ideas and or creations!
  14. Thank you! and Thank you for explaining that, I was actually having difficulty finding a definitive definition!
  15. This is the X-NOVA-MK1 rocket. It is designed to land on both of Kerbins moons. This is its first manned mission!
  16. Just another fun jet design. This one features a lightweight extremely maneuverable design and a weapon fit design with two rockets and two bombs. Fun to fly and nice too look at!
  17. Highly maneuverable extremely responsive. Can circle Kerbin in under 45mins and is capable of suborbital flight. Painted using KerbPaint but not necessary for craft file to function! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fuhc8nHrnh4 Craft Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxILU0vQWgW0V0N4VkJBQzhzT2s/edit?usp=sharing Enjoy!
  18. Yea i realized that I posted in wrong section so I posted in the right one but then couldn't figure out how to delete this one lol. But thank you for watching anywayz. Ill record the next one with better software.
  19. Honestly I used quicktime because it came with my mac. But I will definitely check out bandicam! Thanks!
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