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Everything posted by ArmchairGravy

  1. Dang it. They went for explosions and stupidity.
  2. Oddly, not as many forum users as there way for .90 release.
  3. Due to the Hype Train crashing the internets, we regret to inform you 1.0 will not be released today.
  4. Is the guitar theme song in the game, or was that just for Das?
  5. Alright. I've watched around 16 hours of the videos so far. Some of the stuff like the heat spread was done well, some of it is half-baked like the insta-scan for resources. Some of it wasn't done at all (tier 0 buildings). I'm sticking by my "gonna be a mess".
  6. If they are working this hard this close to the deadline 1.0 is gonna be a mess.
  7. Is there a schedule anywhere of who'll be broadcasting when?
  8. Well that is a conundrum. I can see where you don't want to walk away from your investment, but OTOH you aren't even on the .9 release. How much do you get to play? If it's something you can finish in a month, then by all means do your mission. If you don't see yourself finishing this mission for 6 months, then let it go and dive into 1.0.
  9. A lot depends on if they've filled in all of the big, glaring holes. Do we have a tier 0 KSC? Are all of the IVA's in place? Have the code optimizations, bug fixes and rebalancing actually done anything? Do all of the new features work, and work well? A "No" answer to any of these means they should not be 1.0, and reviews of the game will reflect this.
  10. I've checked the site 5 times today looking for the Countdown: 4 post, so I guess I'd better climb aboard the train.
  11. The various design challenges involved in exploring the Kerbol system. I still have yet to find the solution to an Eve return. Couple the design challenge with the constraints of career mode and it's no wonder I have more than 2k hours in this game.
  12. Docking was my first wall. Figuring out orbit matching, rendezvous, minimizing the spin on the target ship, translation controls, and final approaches was the 2nd hardest in the game. I watched videos, read guides, and still struggled with it. I finally came up with my own system so now it's completely routine. My system is here: ArmchairGravy's Guide to Docking with Pictures and Fairly Small Words Figuring out interplanetary travel was my second wall, and not nearly as painful. I used the transfer planning page at the beginning, then finally got KAC. My last wall is an Eve return. I'm not watching videos or spoiling this achievement. One of these days I'm going to buckle down and do it, and that will be a fine day indeed.
  13. Normal career mode and stock until KER and KAC update. I'm looking forward to the redesigns that heat will make me do!
  14. I'd like to thank the management of Squad for taking a risk and allowing Felipe to pursue his passion.
  15. Any word on if the tier 1 buildings are going to be part of 1.0? I saw where Maxmaps said they might not make it, which would make me facepalm.
  16. That stupid .1t .625 nosecone. Man I hope that gets fixed.
  17. Eigthed. I looked all over the game and video options then realized it's a .cfg edit. Even if it's restart to apply, it needs to be in the game settings menu.
  18. I'm left-handed so the first thing I do on any game is go to settings-->input and remap the controls over to the right side of the keyboard and familiarize myself with what the bindings are. KSP has a LOT of bindings so don't feel bad if you don't know half of them if you never looked.
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