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Everything posted by RSwordsman

  1. Maybe I need to experiment with bigger rockets, but I've not noticed any considerable wobble after the structural integrity update. The problems I used to have (pretty bad ones like the infamous "engine crashing through its fuel tank" phenomenon) were fixed by KJR.
  2. Same here; it is so like Africa (complete with an Iberian peninsula above it) that no other name fits as well. But that landmass and the Crater Sea are the only regions I have semi-formally named.
  3. It saves volume where you ordinarily wouldn't be able to. But I consider minor clipping an acceptable break from reality because KSP offers less design flexibility than real life.
  4. What got me was that I never used API on its own. But it turns out that Proc. Fairings uses it so I'll try updating that and see what happens.
  5. I'm having these bugs too, with the same complaint about kspapiextensions and for some reason, the 000_toolbar too despite having made sure they were current. Any updates on this?
  6. You're not crazy OP, I feel bad for letting my little guys get killed too. Although as much grief as it gives me, at least as much is from "f***, there goes weeks' worth of planning and execution." >.>
  7. Judging by the exploitation of the latest update allowing destructible buildings, I can't entirely agree with you. I don't think of them as warlike or lusting for conquest either though; they are merely united by an inexhaustible love of aerospace. It makes me wonder why they would be naturally inclined to invent rockets before deployable ladders.
  8. Could be a simple interface bug; occasionally mine will just derp and I'll have to quit out if I want to click on things from the map view. But using the brackets "[" or "]" should still let you switch to different objects nearby.
  9. I end up doing the opposite-- making sure I have enough muscle to overcome air resistance met during my crappy gravity turn, then running on very low throttle for most of the launch. It's a lot easier with FAR though, so I'm getting better about not needing 5 Mainsails to get a piddly Karbonite scanner into orbit
  10. I don't know what that is, but it looks incredible Did you use some sort of aircraft parts pack?
  11. Modder/pilot/engineer who plays to create the backstory of my fictitious space-faring military. I like seeing the buildup from "primitive" space tech to wild, far-flung battlecruisers and take pride in making it happen myself. **I have not made more than one "capital ship" in my entire KSP history, but I'm a dreamer lol.
  12. I was gonna say that; he has plenty of reason to scream XD. This is very timely for me considering I can't figure out how to re-enter with a particular ship from high velocities without DRE reminding me that it's there (even after patching the infernal "disappearing parachute" glitch). Today's challenge is to land the sucker. I love the art style though. Looks like it was done quickly, but with a keen eye for detail.
  13. I love it! Both artistic and detailed. I prefer to think of Bob as having the tears fly from his eyes purely by the force of acceleration.
  14. Is it all in one folder? If not, you might be trying to put the mod's individual components into GameData, which might not work. It should all be in one unzipped folder with the name of the mod. **I'm not familiar with that one in particular, but 90% of all other mods are installed the same way. GameData/(folder with mod name)/(mod files)
  15. I like it, but right now I'm happy with Kethane and Karbonite. Exclusively mining asteroids means you'd first have to capture them.
  16. Can you run other games well? If not it might be because you have something running in the background and hogging the better part of your resources.
  17. That is a magnificent ship-- the kind I hope to build someday. Those artillery installations in particular have me wondering how you did that. Bravo! Unrelated, but I wish people wouldn't get so caught up in making their capital ships of a particular "class" if there aren't a couple more like it. The class is named for the first ship built. So that one would be the (prefix) Gladius, and then the rest of them based on that design would be Gladius-class battleships each with it's own name. Pretty much anything Latin would be good if you're going for a Roman theme. EDIT: Apparently Captain Jebidiah beat me to it: /rant. It's just way too marvelous a craft to let it slide XD.
  18. That's sort of what I meant, and at least in a circular orbit it means the same lol.
  19. For burning directly away from the planet or directly towards it. If you want to get technical, it's "radial" for away and "anti-radial" for straight into the orbit's center. Unless I've got it backwards :S
  20. One feature I really like about HotRockets (and maybe stock but I don't remember) is the huge cloud of exhaust and steam created upon igniting a sizable rocket from KSC. However, I noticed that when I set a target before launching, in my case my in-progress LKO station, this cloud didn't show up when I lit the fire; the booster exhaust went straight down into the grate. Is this effect known with the HotRockets mod? I decided to post in the general support forum because it might involve how the game handles targeting from the launch pad. It's a fairly trifling bug, but I thought it was worth consideration. Oh and I forgot to add I'm on 0.25.
  21. Most of my decouplings happen before I get to orbital velocity, so I leave little debris. But when I do drop a stage in orbit of Kerbin or another world, I don't really worry about it.
  22. It could be me. If it helps, this is what I'm talking about. This is my first semi-functional drilling base (second time ever successfully landing both a drill and a tank and first ever converter lol) so I have very little idea what I'm doing, but the fuel pipes work marvelously with regular resources. Is my setup alright? I even made pipes go to both the tank itself and to the converter to make sure, but no dice.
  23. Is Kethane fully compatible with KAS pipes? Because I have two tanks (one full of Kethane, one normal biprop fuel empty with a K-converter on top) connected by pipes and can't figure out how to make it work. Am I doing it wrong?
  24. I built a Kethane mining and storage base! And only had about 50% of the missions sent to it tip over on landing because it's on the slope of a crater and I've tried too many times to land in the dark XD. But it drills, stores the Kethane in manifolds on the same module, then uses a KAS pipe to send it to a larger tank (which is tipped over). Now I've got to send up a conversion module and empty fuel tanks to get that puppy fully operational.
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