Wait what happened to the resource system that was supposed to be part of 0.91? And other features that were promised would happen befor 1.0? I know i may get in trouble for saying this but going from beta to full release just seems like squad are just gonna be lazy and give up on ksp, now i know they wont but that what it sounds like. Basically if KSP went full release straight after 0.90 then most games reveiwers would say this is a very boring, hard and stupid game and all that would make people who only play games lik CoD and Halo not even acknowledge ksp. Right now without mods ksp is an extremely boring game with no purpose to build stations or bases and a game that relies on its modding community to make it fun isn't a good game. And if they release 1.0 sometime soon there will be more annoying bugs in it than an EA game and thats definitely not a good thing. 2 years ago when ever i saw a KSP video on YouTube I'd just ignore it because of how stupid it looked untill my dad bought the game for me and sadly this is what most people will do if they havn't seen a reveiw. And if you get a bad reveiw people wont watch these videos and Squad will lose out on customers if you get a good reveiw it'll be the opposite. Im so glad i kept my copies of 0.21, 0.23, 0.23.5, 0.24, 0.25 and ill make sure to keep my favourite update of all 0.90. And here's A big tip Squad, bBEFORE RELEASING 1.0 SWITCH TO UNITY 5, MANY PEOPLE WHO PLAY PC GAMES HAVE ATLEAST QUADCORES AND 16GB OF RAM. See what i did there?