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Commander Jebidiah

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Everything posted by Commander Jebidiah

  1. Searched Google but unfortunately it only gave me results of the main events in this order Sputnik 1, Explorer 1, Vostok 1. What I need is a complete history just the names would do.
  2. Hi does anyone know a complete history of space flight from 1957-present?
  3. Hes trying to make a replica of a harrier and moving the winga will make it look strange. My suggestion is to add the small control surfaces inside the plane and ahead as well as below the COM and doing this wont make the plane look different but will make the plane peform better and if this makes the plane to sensitive just disable some of the control surfaces.
  4. You may also want to download Active Texture Management, doesn'doesn't aed parts just makes it possible to have more mods by compressing textures meaning less RAM usage
  5. Wait what, where did you hear this? *walks slowly towards filling cabinet with match*
  6. Kerbals should be friends not science experiments
  7. You Say non human and I beleive that but you better not disect a Kerbal!
  8. So simple question really, I play KSP because I know for medical reasons I'll never be able to go into space unless I have own space agency and plus with mods KSP is fun.
  9. Green belt in Wado Ryu Karate (same style HOCgaming does) been going for 7 years Radio Communications and hopefully principles of flight at ATC and model making right now modeling the Eagle LEM
  10. Clouds shoshould only be added if there is a way to disable them as they kill some peoples computers/laptops, like mine
  11. Also if mutiplayer was promised like it was befor 0.25 its a really good area for critics to judge on if you releas multiplayer after 1.0
  12. Wait what happened to the resource system that was supposed to be part of 0.91? And other features that were promised would happen befor 1.0? I know i may get in trouble for saying this but going from beta to full release just seems like squad are just gonna be lazy and give up on ksp, now i know they wont but that what it sounds like. Basically if KSP went full release straight after 0.90 then most games reveiwers would say this is a very boring, hard and stupid game and all that would make people who only play games lik CoD and Halo not even acknowledge ksp. Right now without mods ksp is an extremely boring game with no purpose to build stations or bases and a game that relies on its modding community to make it fun isn't a good game. And if they release 1.0 sometime soon there will be more annoying bugs in it than an EA game and thats definitely not a good thing. 2 years ago when ever i saw a KSP video on YouTube I'd just ignore it because of how stupid it looked untill my dad bought the game for me and sadly this is what most people will do if they havn't seen a reveiw. And if you get a bad reveiw people wont watch these videos and Squad will lose out on customers if you get a good reveiw it'll be the opposite. Im so glad i kept my copies of 0.21, 0.23, 0.23.5, 0.24, 0.25 and ill make sure to keep my favourite update of all 0.90. And here's A big tip Squad, bBEFORE RELEASING 1.0 SWITCH TO UNITY 5, MANY PEOPLE WHO PLAY PC GAMES HAVE ATLEAST QUADCORES AND 16GB OF RAM. See what i did there?
  13. Zekes we all know you can make one that is the most accurate shuttle. And green iron crown is dead might want to change your avatar
  14. Oh right, well I wrote this on my tablet and I'm pretty sure it's autocorrect has something wrong with it. Also this is the first time I've seen someone complain about someone elses grammar and this community is well known for not caring to much about grammar. I'll edit it. Also I've made the Discovery class Science Shuttle
  15. Your wrong about ions being so realistic. The ions in ksp are extremely unrealistic, a real ion engine has a about 1000x less thrust than in game and can take weeks of continuous running to complete a meuneuver.
  16. Discovery hasn't been made yet but guess what it's purpose will be by its name
  17. I can tell you it will work with deadly re-entry as its stock and the mk3 parts have ablative shielding don't know about far though.
  18. elon Musk plays KSP, don't know if he does use it to test rockets and scientists at the JPL play KSP
  19. I am proud to say I have done it stock
  20. So just one question to every one. Can you make a shuttle with launch configuration similar to NASA. I have a whole fleet of shuttles each doing a different job. Columbia - Crew Transfer to and from LKO and GSO. Challenger - light weight and small payloads to LKO and LMO Enterprise - Hybrid of Challenger and Columbia only capable of Bringing light payloads to LKO Endeavour - Heavy and longer payloads to LKO only. Atlantis - 10 crew rescue shuttle, Untested
  21. If you could do something with this pic It'd be greatly appreciated. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=850009495055774&id=100001401948392&set=a.850009311722459.1073741828.100001401948392&source=56&ref=bookmark&soft=more Sorry about giving you a direct Link to Facebook I'll need to upload to imgur but that'll be 15 hours away. Edit:
  22. Welcome to the forums nice base there, is it all stock? Rep anyway
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