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Commander Jebidiah

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Everything posted by Commander Jebidiah

  1. I'm very much like the OP in this matter, what is the point in having certain kerbals. Scientist, - able to do temperature reports by rclicking thermometer on eva. Redundant, just add a probe. Pilot -hold trajectory. Redundant, after SAS is unlocked. Engineer - fix chutes, legs, wheels and increase mining eficiency. Most useful and worth the money.
  2. Again, another important announcement not made on the 'Official' KSP forums but on the Orbiter forums, why? Orbiter and KSP are seperate games.
  3. Only play the planes, only teir 1. Can't play tanks cos laptop dies. Username - Greenbean1
  4. There is a waymto fix that, and the slider is lacated in the difficulty options when starting a new save.
  5. Its amazing that everyone thinks i wanr reentry to be harder. What i actually want is the ability to increase it above 120%
  6. May i remind everyone here that im playing with reentry heating at 120% and reentering is no problem, you know you can fix the heatshield bug.
  7. Did Squad work eith the UK Space Agency on this release? I noticed a UKSA Flag in the Flag Folder.
  8. If you think tha5s bad, ive been doing french for 5 yrs, now in my 3rd yr of high school, and this is about what i can say!
  9. Time for my entry, in fact I believe this is the first Challenge I've Entered. My rocket is called the 'Fraction Rocket' Stage info: Stage 1: 1 Central Core with 1 RAPIER and 8 Outer cores with 1 RAPIER each. Outer cores separate at 20km. Stage 2: 1 LV-N with 1 Jet Fuselage http://imgur.com/a/LRgHii Payload Fraction of 19.345% (To 3 DP)
  10. Quite well but it would be, "Bonjour, J'mappelle Thomas988 et J'adore jouer le KSP!" are you learning French? And Welcome to the forums Herr Bictus Bingo i can speak a little french lets see, "Bonjour, J'mappelle Kyle, j'habite a Thornton En ecosse, j'ai 15 ans et j'adore le ksp!" How'd i do, im not very good at french and heres my favourite french sentance, "Parle tu le Anglais?" I think i got that right.
  11. Not to sound like a [snip] here but stay below 1km/s while below 23km. It should be obvious, I dont let my rockets go above 1km/s while below 25km.
  12. There is a problem with locking out the sph at the start, some players mod the techtree so they start the game with planes rather than rockets.
  13. I used to always use DRE but i wanted to use 1.0 stock with KER but i guess ill be using DRE aswell.
  14. Hi, Today I propose that the max Re-Entry heat gets increased from 120% to 200%. Currently I'm playing sandbox with max heat at 120% and you can land a Mk1-2 Command pod on kerbin without a heatshield. My re-entry pod is only a Mk1-2 Pod and a Mk 16 XL chute and this all makes it back from a 120km orbit. This makes the heatshields nearly useless other than aerobreaking at Kerbin, Eve or Jool. This also means a Kerbin Orbital Pod that carries a heatshield is only carrrying dead weight. Then you also have the fact that the Fairing around a 2.5m heatshield sticks out and is incredibly ugly. (See pic below.) I think for version 1.1 we should have; More Deadly Re-Entry and a nicer heatshield fairing. Thanks Squad for a great game.
  15. Well that depends on who i was with. if it were people i didnt like i would say,"Get the Hell off my damn planet!" and if it were people i like id say,"It's ours now! Screw you humanity!"
  16. Ive actually seen a few couple of benefits to these fairings. 1- No debris, less parts, less lagg no damge due to seperation 2- good for faked explosions. However 2 peice fairings would be nice and i always have my debris on unlimited and never have more than 5 peices of debris, also if your having to worry about fairings leaving space debris, your not dropping them early enough.
  17. Well i wont be one of the people who destroy there servers, i have school and wojt be home till 4pm GMT then will 9nly have 2.5 hrs before leaving for cadets then 1.5hrs after cadets, so basically i wont be playing 1.0 properly till tuesday and i wont be playin it extensively till friday.
  18. I just checked the KSP website and it sait that there was a server migration. Does this mean they are uploading 1.0 right now?
  19. Now this is something i never knew of but hey, atleast its not like kethane when you had to sit on the satellite to scan.
  20. Strange, when i click on the link it has '.com' at the end but after about 1 second it changes to '.co.uk' yet the language is french.
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