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Everything posted by pxi

  1. The one thing that I would absolutely love from a multi-monitor setup would be having map view permanently on a second display. The examples you quote would be nice to have, but not so essential for me personally. I don't mean to dissuade you however, I could see many in the community wanting these things.
  2. And so it ends, for another few months. 28.21 Railroad Tycoon II: Platinum, Tomb Raider ROW, Homeworld Remastered Collection, Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest 6.79 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition 37.49 Elite: Dangerous 4.39 Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition 6.24 Call of Juarez Gunslinger + Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon 7.99 Road Redemption 3.19 Chivalry Medieval Warfare with Chivalry Deadliest Warrior 1.49 Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal 7.98 Magicka, Legend of Grimrock 2 4.99 Valkyria Chronicles™ €108.76 for 15 games: €7.25 per game, Not the best sale ever offers-wise, but not too shabby either.
  3. We had one company who had lightning strike their building. The PC's were off at the time as it was after office hours, but every single NIC blew because of current induced in the network cabling. It's unlikely as all hell (I've yet to meet another person in my field with a similar story) but if you have the equipment, I'd say you're better off using it than not.
  4. Can't blame Squad for wanting to crack another market. Unless Squad are going to do something stupid like force us to play the game via gamepad, I don't really understand the wailing and gnashing of teeth that is going on. Minecraft and Terraria seem to manage just fine on PC with console versions also being available. I agree that the PS4 is probably not the ideal platform for KSP, so what? We will continue to have the superior version on PC. All this does is open KSP to a larger market, which is most likely a net positive.
  5. As long as the refund comes through in a timely manner - I wouldn't want to be depending on it for a flash sale. Elite Dangerous at 25% off just took a hefty bite out of my budgeted expenditure. At least there's not much else in the current sale that I really wanted. EDIT: Hello Icewind Dale, you thought I wouldn't notice you were also on sale at the same discount as Baldur's Gate 2...? You were wrong! The Daily Deals as listed on the front page don't seem to be the full extent of the Daily Deals. (This is often the case with the offers you see on the store page. Often if one item in a franchise is discounted, the other members of the franchise also get discounted.)
  6. pxi

    E3 2015

    Not from what I saw, there was generally 1-3 enemies on screen at any given time. It's hard to judge from a promotional video though, the finished product could be very different.
  7. pxi

    E3 2015

    Fallout 4 and Dishonoured 2 look pretty decent. Doom 4 looks ok-ish, but I would have preferred a return to the hordes of enemies gameplay I remember from the first two games.
  8. Turns out it's Take on Mars. Added Road Redemption, Call of Juarez Gunslinger & Farcry 3 Blood Dragon Bundle, and Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition to my library.
  9. I'm reasonably confident they get a deeper discount. Haven't seen anything I particularly want in the unlocked games so far unfortunately. It's still a better gimmick than that team game they went with for the 2014 summer sale.
  10. Python, PHP or PERL would accomplish this relatively easily. A bit of googling should throw up any number of examples that you could try adapting. Stack Exchange is probably a good place to start - I'd certainly look there before reddit. Your major hurdle is wanting to do this for a number of sites, it's easy enough to write a script to scrape a single site, not so easy when you're trying to do a one-size-fits-all script. Regular expressions are going to be your friend here.
  11. Don't know about what it's like where you live, but over here if you want to buy games retail on PC, you're pretty much limited to what's in the top 10. Yeah it's a small gamble with steam in the long term, but an acceptable risk imo, and compared to what I used to spend on games retail, a lot cheaper to boot.
  12. Up to €100 usually, but bear in mind I generally put away €10 or so per month in anticipation of the sales, and I hardly ever buy anything outside of the sales. I've since bought Creeper World 3, Magica, Legend of Grimrock 2 and Chivalry.
  13. It's been known to go as low as 40% off. Keep checking those flash deals. And yeah, it's worth it.
  14. Proper sense-making right there. Only picked up Valkyria Chronicles so far, though I've my eye on Icewind Dale in case it gets a better discount. If Elite: Dangerous gets any kind of a reasonable discount I'll be hopping on that so fast. Somewhat tempted by King of Fighters XIII, though I never really liked the SNK fighting franchises outside of the VS crossover games.
  15. You can buy multiple copies as gifts for other people. No matter how many copies you buy, you'll never have more than one copy in your personal library though. Also thanks for the clarification Maxmaps
  16. If you wanted an example of how to do a review wrong, that review would be it.
  17. Nor I tbh, although I can't be 100% sure I've ever upgraded a number of components without doing a fresh install.
  18. Historically, you had to re-authenticate your copy with MS after changing 5 pieces of hardware. If MS has changed that, this is indeed worrying. Do you have a link to the statements you're referring to? (I'll be specifically doing a hardware upgrade prior to installing 10 if this is true.)
  19. If we're talking me specifically, it'd probably be GRRM explaining how his book series ends. If by some minor miracle GRRM has actually finished his book series by the time this has happened, or we are talking about something that's of general utility to humanity at large; a simple test card, saying "WE'RE F###ED - GO HUG YOUR FAMILY". Although you say, ...You do have to consider why this is such a cliche. Personally I think it's an entirely valid response to the end of the world. If we just want something that people will look at and think, "yeah that's pretty cool", I'd suggest the Daigo parry, aka EVO moment #37:
  20. To be fair, I've recently been spending so much time on reddit, where most every post clearly delineates sarcasm with a /s on the end of the statement, that not seeing it leads me to unquestioningly assume the author is being serious. I probably should re-adjust my sarcasm detector.
  21. Can see it quite fine in Ireland. I have to say it's optimistic of them to assume that when the world ends, a: CNN will still be broadcasting, and b: People will want to watch CNN in their final moments
  22. Sadly, for me that is not enough. I care about quality games. KSP is a quality game that does something innovative. Sims 4 seems to offer less than Sims 3, that's why I don't find it attractive. I'm more than happy to throw money at developers, as long as they do more than iterate on an idea that's already been done. I could make the same argument about Sims 3, because it lets you be a hacker, but really, I'd rather play Uplink.
  23. pxi


    I've read and enjoyed most of Stephenson's works, Snow Crash being a particular favorite, and Cryptonomicon get's special mention for being the only work of fiction I've ever seen a Perl script in. (*edit* and then there's The Diamond Age, how on earth could I forget that?) I saw the book in a store a few weeks ago, so even the slightest suggestion I'll enjoy it is enough for me, I'll be picking it up soon.
  24. If you were close enough to the blast to even have to wonder what you should do, it's pretty unlikely that duck and cover would have helped even in the 60's. It had more to do with projecting the idea that there was something that you could do about the situation, and therefore not worry so much about the idea of imminent Armageddon. In the 60's 80's the BBC's Q.E.D. Documentary series had an episode detailing how useless the 'official' preparedness plans were. It was later used as the basis for 'Threads', which really solidified in my mind that really, you probably don't want to survive a nuclear war.
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