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Everything posted by pxi

  1. I've been playing computer games since the early 80's. It's my primary hobby, and as such I would consider myself a 'gamer' in the way that others might consider themselves audiophiles or movie-buffs. It's my observation that the 'real gamer' or 'hardcore gamer' labels started to be thrown about sometime around the era of the XBOX, and if I was going to generalise, they tended to be used by people that previously would have derided my hobby. Make of that what you will. Anyway, I thought gamers were dead?
  2. Recently replaced my system, so 16GB here. To anyone wondering why 16GB seems such a popular amount, I'll explain my reasoning - futureproofing. Many games need 4GB these days, and a significant number are coming out that require 8GB. So I now look at 8GB as being a reasonable 'minimum' for the next year or two. Of course, I'd like this new system to be halfway viable for a bit longer than that (I got about 6 years out of the old one, which had 4GB), so I applied the old maxim of "think of a number and double it", and arrive at 16GB. RAM is cheap when you're speccing a system. You will pay slightly over the odds for older types of RAM if you choose to upgrade down the line. In the long run it pays to overspec the amount of RAM in a system in my opinion.
  3. As usual, thanks for the summary. Definitely one of the best Squadcasts in recent memory, due to the high information content. Shorter, more focused episodes like this would be great. Really quite hyped for 1.1 right now, (and I'm not usually one for update-excitement).
  4. RAID is useful, but not a silver bullet. Consider a couple of things: * Disks in RAID arrays often come from the same batch. * All the members in a RAID array tend to be in the same physical environment, and subject to very similar physical stresses (heat, vibration, power fluctuations, etc.) * The rebuild of an array is a fairly intensive affair, which places stress on disks that may already be teetering on the edge of failure for the reasons stated above. Once a single disk in the array goes, the chance of another disk going in quick succession rises quite dramatically. As has been said elsewhere, RAID, as with other forms of redundancy is aimed at maximising uptime, not preserving the integrity of your data. It's not at all a backup, even though it might walk and quack like one.
  5. Frankly people like that should be put on some kind of list, like we do in real life. http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/lists/all/
  6. While I don't agree 100% with this, it's still light-years closer to my thinking.
  7. I really don't want to be that guy... but is this the kind of 'fair use' you're referring to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use Copy-pasting the entirety of the text doesn't seem to be in keeping with the spirit of the definition of fair use. From the wikipedia article: And Seem to contradict your assertions. Can you point to a source that verifies your claims? These things often vary on a country-by-country basis too, so what you are saying might well be true. I find copyright somewhat confusing myself.
  8. This appears to be the original article. And this is a rather eyebrow-raising article which seems to be about the author I came across while searching for the original article.
  9. All of the relevant points have already been made earlier in the thread. I'm strongly in favour of life-support getting some kind on nod in stock. I'm also strongly in favour of it being a feature that can be disabled. Now that we seem to be getting a nod towards the challenge of communication in space, it's the last outstanding feature I personally feel is desperately missing from stock KSP in regards to the real-world challenges of spaceflight. I recognise that some don't find life-support 'fun', but it's another piece in the puzzle as far as I'm concerned. Personally speaking (and being extremely pedantic), I don't classify KSP as 'fun', although I do find it an extremely satisfying game. To me, juggling these things are a huge component of the 'fun'.
  10. Vacuum cleaners can be extremely good generators of static electricity. I'd never let one near the innards of my pc. Compressed air cans are my preferred solution for things like that.
  11. I just passed through Orion's Nebula, on my way to Barnards Loop. Elite: Dangerous - the game that finally made me buy a (cheap) HOTAS stick.
  12. IMO they're both good. However, they both have their drawbacks: KSP is a poor build-structures-out-of-cubes game, and Minecraft is a poor manage-your-own-space-program game. Hope this helps.
  13. Somehow I've sunk nearly 500 hours into it, building improbably-large mining ships capable of eating massive chunks of asteroids. It's alright.
  14. I think we all want this fixed, however not all of us are in the "FIX THIS LEIK YESTERDAY!!1!" camp.
  15. My personal theory is they actually live in tree-shaped houses.
  16. This. I've just tended to eyeball the orbits, it's worked fine for me.
  17. I am in complete agreement with this.
  18. I'd ask you all to consider a couple of real-world examples of achievements. Climbing Everest - Most people do it with the aid of oxygen, some do it unaided. Are those that use oxygen cheating? Sailing around the world - most people that do this use navigational aids such as GPS, weather forecasts etc. Of course, you could just use the stars. Are you cheating if you don't navigate by stars alone? Multi-hull ships are more stable in water. Are they cheating? A multi-person crew is obviously better than a single person. Is a single-hull ship, crewed by one person, who navigates by stars alone the only true way to circumnavigate the earth by ship? All of us have a sense of what is trivial to achieve in KSP, as well as what is extremely difficult. The only time I feel the word cheating is justified, is when the person lies about how they did the thing they did. This is a game about achieving goals you set yourself. I celebrate anyone in this community that raises the bar. When that bar is then used as a stick to beat others, that's where I draw the line.
  19. Having just bought some new hardware in anticipation of Win10, I feel I must ask a pertinent question. Is upgrading your hardware to get access to higher partcounts a form of pay-to-win?
  20. It doesn't annoy me, but it doesn't surprise me either.
  21. It's a fair question, it's the way it's phrased in the topic title that gets me -> Do you feel cheaty using reaction wheels? IMHO if questions like these were phrased in less pointed language, the resulting discussions would be more positive. I'm all for you playing towards a self-imposed challenge btw. No issues on that front.
  22. I've noticed this myself, but generally only in games that have been running for a while - total gameplay time in a particular save, as opposed to in a particular session of gameplay. About every 5-10 seconds a very slight pause, probably for about a quarter second, maybe even less. You could easily miss it if you weren't looking for it. It seems to happen to all of my savegames at some point, regardless of whether it's a modded game or not. I've played on the x64 and 32-bit clients, and see the same issue at some point regardless. This is on a 2.4GHz Core 2 Quad with 4GB RAM, so pretty much a potato by current standards. Having said that, it's not exactly game-breaking or anything. Roll on Unity 5.
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