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Everything posted by xtoro

  1. xtoro


    An iPad would run KSP just as well as my toaster would lol Agree with marce that a real tablet like the Surface has a much better chance at running it decently. Especially once U5 version is working.
  2. There's a misunderstanding here about objects/thread. Replace "object" with "ship". Basically, it'll be one group of objects per thread. Objects that are not connected to other objects in the same space can be run separate threads. Same with two groups of objects(ships) will be run on different threads. That is, unless they approach each other and get close enough to within a set threshold and are about to interact with each other. At this point, both ships would end up on a single thread so that the physical interactions can be calculated.
  3. To run longer you need to use less memory. Try going through the parts and delete any that you don't think you'll ever use. If you haven't already installed it, use Active Texture Managment mod. It'll reduce your RAM useage. You can also try running in OpenGL but it'll probably slow your frame rate. Till they fix it, there's no way to escape it. All you can do is find ways to be able to play longer. Just curious though, how many launch/reverts are you doing? I do a LOT and haven't had a CTD from it yet.
  4. I got an AR.Drone a few years ago, the one with 2 cameras. I played with it quite a bit for the first couple months. Haven't touched it since Hows the battery runtime?
  5. Thanks for the compliments guys, and sorry for the wait, but I need help. Please go here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131480-Avalon-s-design-in-1-x And vote and discuss there. I made it a separate poll to keep this thread clean so comments about it go there please. Thanks!
  6. So I have several designs done in 1.x for Avalon and it doesn't quite look the same. I also have parts that don't work the same. If you don't know what I'm talking about, click my signature and read on So I wanted this poll so people can help me decide. I know many are waiting for more, I'm working on it!
  7. Ah, well, download Gimp, its a free image editor. Create new image 255x255 and use the gradient fill tool. Set from pure white to pure black and it'll fill in all the in between shades for you.
  8. Not sure what you mean here... You want a 255x255 image?
  9. xtoro

    Heat Wave...

    Same in Canada, we're getting 32*C/90*F here without humidity. PC is watercooled and runs fine, but my laptop is definitely struggling to keep cool running KSP!
  10. Update for me was great. Love the new look and features and the new Edge browser. Overall I find it faster than 8.1. And it didn't mess up my Linux dual boot loader. As for tracking/privacy stuff, it's easy to change in settings. But upon upgrade/install, don't use express settings, use custom and then you have the option to turn off all those things right from the start. Anyone concerned with privacy should probably not use Gmail or Hotmail and run their own email server, oh and don't use any google/andoid programs or use Facebook etc etc etc.... Or better yet, if you're that concerned, just never connect your computer to the internet, problem solved as that's the only way to ensure 100% privacy. Drivers for my graphics card and everything work perfectly and I love having Cortana on my PC because it's been very handy to have on my phone. I for one won't be going back to previous versions. - - - Updated - - - As for DVD playing, I've always used VLC because it loads fast, it's lightweight and free. Then again, I can't remember the last time I watched a DVD even though I own hundreds. My PC build has a bluray drive but I never bothered to plug it in. Between Netflix and other digital media, there no need for discs anymore. In fact, I'm going to be hooking up an HDMI input to start capturing the movies I bought through my cable provider too.
  11. I've had this in a couple designs but not all of them. Not sure what causes it but there's a mod called Pilot Assistant that has a button that will keep the plane level and counter the roll. Works great for my planes that have this issue. Has other cool features too that are handy.
  12. It is the Xbox app which is installed by default, but you can remove it if you want I guess. I don't see how it's any more of a risk than any other screen recording software...
  13. If you're using maneuver nodes, you don't need KER or MechJeb or anything. Just adjust the maneuver node so it's right above ground and pull the retrograde adjustment until the AP is where the node is. And there you go, the info that shows next to your navball is all you need, you have your required m/s to come to a stop just above ground, and burn time, and time to node. So just make sure you start your burn while the time to node is greater than burn time. Done.
  14. Just some fixes, see release notes. Also, 4 is better than 3 because it's bigger
  15. Uhhh, what? You really shouldn't drink and post, it gets you in hot water, trust me lol
  16. Did it just tell you that? It doesn't give you the option to record anyways? That's too bad. I didn't think it would be so hardware dependant... - - - Updated - - - Good to know. Maybe it only works with DirectX games since DX is also Microsoft? I hit the Win+G keys last night while just browsing the net and a window popped up wanting me to confirm that I was playing a game, but I cancelled it. Wonder what would have happened...
  17. Eh, ok, because KSP runs in 4k? LOL Looks the same on playback as it does ingame at 1600 widescreen, no lag, crisp etc... Not making professional IMAX movies here dude, it's KSP, and going up on YouTube... And by the way, what format do you think YouTube suggests you upload? lol https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en P.S. If you don't make videos, why bother making comments?
  18. Anyone see this yet? SO AWESOME! When playing a fullscreen game, hit the Windows Key+G to bring up a popup menu in-game. There's options here for stuff, but the big one is game recording! Saves as MP4 and you can trim it beforehand right within the XBOX app. Just click on the "Game DVR" tab, edit and upload to YouTube! Finally a good free way to screen capture, and with no noticeable lag on the game! FRAPS is ok, but gives a performance hit. I get none with the XBOX recording app :)
  19. The path that voyager 1 took only happens every 176 years when the planets line up for such a maneuver. In KSP, it would be a lot of timewarping to find a window like this. But I don't even know if it would ever happen as I'm not sure what the ratios are for planetary orbits around the sun. It may be possible that it never happens because at some point, the planets wind up in the same positions as they were when you started a fresh save.
  20. Most of the time, complete rewrites are riddled with new bugs and it takes a while to get back to stable. As a programmer myself, I've ruined my fair share of apps from rewrites, and the worse was a DirectX app, I think from 7 to 8, don't remember. But the big issue is usually old legacy code that isn't commented, and you don't remember how that method worked or what all the parts did or required. This just leads to confusion and wasted time going over it all to try to add comments. Usually these old working parts are the hardest to rewrite, especially when they're part of the base core of the project. So for major rewrites, I'll wait and see what everyone else experiences first and stick with what works.
  21. I've had no issues upgrading from Win 8.1 to 10 and I find in general that it runs faster and smoother. This was an upgrade and not a fresh install. My laptop was also set to dual boot Linux and Windows and it didn't change the boot loader, so I can still boot into both. I'm loving the new additions and look, and I love the new Edge browser. I rarely used IE, it was always Firefox for me, but I find I'm using Edge all the time now because it loads and renders so much faster. And, it syncs my open tabs with my phone and vice versa so that's handy!
  22. I've been running KSP on Windows 10 for over a week now with no issues. And KSP looks EXACTLY the same as it did on Windows 7 and 8. Font and all are the same. I actually find it a little bit of a boost in performance but that might be because I finally upgraded my 2 year old graphics drivers... - - - Updated - - - Sounds like you have a steam problem. As for browsing, I have no issues with Edge, Firefox or Chrome. Edge is much faster than IE
  23. Buuuuut, technically, while using only one stage to get to orbit, you're still launching two stages to orbit, even though you use the 2nd stage once IN orbit... Definition not too clear I guess.
  24. I haven't had any crashes since 1.0.2 which weren't related to too many mods (out of memory). And I play very close to the memory limit. That's on my Windows installation. On my Linux install, I've never had a crash, ever, and I mean over several years, and playing with 40+ mods using well over 5 Gigs of RAM.
  25. I started doing SSTO after 1.0 when it got interesting. I agree with RIC that it was too OP before. You should not be able to establish a 150km AP from within the atmo using only jets... That made using rockets almost pointless for satellite launches, and there were way more SSTO flyers and builders before 1.0 because it was so easy. SSTO that could tour the whole system were a joke.
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