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Everything posted by xtoro

  1. It's possible. I go between 198,500 and 199,000 and end up with just under half the shield intact. However, it's much easier to just swing by Tylo or aerobrake on Laythe.
  2. So I have outer planets installed. I'd like to use Jool's orbit as a relay network using RemoteTech. One probe will orbit Jool on a polar orbit, and I want the other to be on the same orbital path as Jool, but 170 degrees off, almost directly opposite from it, behind the sun. The reason I want it 170 degrees and not 180 is so that the sun doesn't block the signal between the 2 probes. What's the best way of doing this while using as little dV as possible? Option A) Launch ~180* off of the normal launch window, but use lots of dV to raise the PE when I get to the AP. Option Launch to Jool, capture, then leave Jool SOI to have similar orbit. Then lower PE or raise AP to get a different orbital period, and wait years for them to be opposite from each other. Option C?) Is there maybe some gravity assist that might help land me close to where I want to be?
  3. I installed RO via CKAN along with mods it suggested and my parts are all messed up. If I go into the fuel tanks tab, it has pages and pages of everything that belongs in other categories including pods and probes. Uninstalled and reinstalled and get the same thing. When I uninstall it, the only thing in the tanks tab are tanks, as it should be. What's going on?
  4. I might give that a shot next time I send a ship out there just for the heck of it. So far I've just been sending them directly to either Laythe to lightly aerobrake or Tylo for a gravity swing.
  5. KasperVld seems to have installed it no probs . His tweet was quoted in this article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/microsoft/windows/11769761/Windows-10-launch-live.html Yep, I've been using Cortana for a long time on my phone. You can also ask her to sing a song or tell a joke, or ask about the weather. She's quite smart and great for booking calendar appointments and reminders.
  6. I did a combination of lookups and exploration with probes and found the latter much more enjoyable. Since I now know so much about all the planets, I went ahead and installed outer planets. Now I have a bunch more planets and moons to explore that are much harder to get to. I'm also doing it exploration style and not looking up anything about them. I dont even know if any have atmospheres, so it's up to probes to dip down and possibly get destroyed to find out. So much more fun and I wish I would have played like this from the start!
  7. Yeah that's a good way to do it in-game. I even have it installed but did it the hard way lol love your antennas by the way! I use outer planets so they're quite handy!
  8. I know its not stock, but scansat will map out planets and show slopes. Using that data you can find flat landing spots.
  9. Would be neat. But then what's stopping you from sending a probe with all instruments on it? In any case, you can look up complete stats on all planets anyways by googling Procedural systems and planets would ruin the community's ability to learn from each other and have a common base to play on. Someone new wouldn't be able to ask questions about a planet's aerobraking or gravity assists because everyone would have different randomly generated planets. I think HarvesteR already mentioned this in an interview somewhere.
  10. Free pivot klaw is best for pulling objects, which IMO is the best way to grab objects that dont have a docking port that lines up with CoM. The reason is that as you slowly pull, the object's CoM will eventually come to rest directly behind your ship. If you need to change directions, do it slowly, and them slowly bring up the throttle again till it stops wobbling.
  11. There is a sort of cheat to this that involves editing your persistent save file (NOTE: ALWAYS BACK IT UP BEFORE EDITING!) Throw up your sats in geosync orbits where you want them with their AP and PE as close to the same as possible. Then edit your save file. Find one of your crafts. In the Orbit section, copy the number after sma= and paste it to the other sats so they all have the same sma. They should then remain in sync. Sort of a cheat, yes, but unless you want to constantly keep an eye on them and make corrections, it's the easiest way. Just pretend they keep themselves in sync
  12. You could do several Kerbin flybys to get you there. It's similar to the real life mercury missions where multiple Venus flybys were done. It takes more time, but you save dV. For these kinds of maneuvers, you spend either dV, or time. You can't get it done without using one.
  13. Instead of seperatrons, use fins at the top of the stages angled 5* from vertical, outwards. The lateral lift will pull the stages away from the rest of the ship.
  14. /facepalm I hope you're joking. You can build a monster PC yourself for a small fraction of that price by putting it together yourself and not going overboard with useless spec parts. It's like buying the fastest car on the road, in north America, where the speed limits are 1/5 of what the car can do. What's the point?
  15. Procedural Parts, mainly tanks, do wonders for greatly reducing part count. Instead of stacking several tanks, you just make one, in whatever shape or size you want. I now have monsterous rockets with much less parts. I even removed all other tanks from my GameData folder since I don't need them anymore. Makes the game load faster, and now my tanks part window is only one page
  16. I have a similar setup except my processor is quad core at 4.5Ghz. The amount of cores doesn't matter, it's the throughput since ksp's physics are run on a single thread. I've run over 50 mods at once with 1000+ part ships with no problems and never crashes thanks to the Linux version. 7-800 part ships have no noticeable lag.
  17. As I recently found out, there's a package available through CKAN that enables control for all probes. Its called Remotetech Probe Control Enabler. If you don't use CKAN yet, I highly recommend it. It makes adding and removing mods so easy! Then you can remove or add that mod to enable or disable probe control easily.
  18. MJ can sort of autopilot an SSTO if you adjust the ascent path to be quite flat and set roll to zero, but I haven't tried it. Try using one of the larger stock planes, swap out a tank to have some O2, keep the jets and add rapiers. That's how I started out playing with them. You can also download some smaller SSTOs from the spacecraft exchange to learn how they are built.
  19. Your best bets are to use decouplers along with struts to reinforce, or, manually lock the tanks. I really wish you could lock and unlock as an action group...
  20. Check out Dark Multiplayer mod. I played with it long ago and seemed to work ok back then. Just be aware that time warp means time warp for everyone, so you both need to be able to warp when one of you wants to.
  21. Ah! You the man! I had another one called probe control enabler installed! THANK YOU! Rep for you
  22. Haha, no... I tried using all stock cores and the remote ones. Doesn't matter what cores I use, I can control them without antennas, which AFAIK, I shouldn't be able to...
  23. Why can I still control all probes with no connection? I'm running 1.0.4 with the latest RemoteTech via CKAN. Any probe I launch shows "local connection" and I can control it even with no antennas attached. When I DO have antennas, everything still works as it should. I can make and see connections etc... I tried to remove and re-add RT but still nothing...
  24. Looking forward to it and hoping that there's a "hard mode" where you really need to setup a proper comms network to control probes.
  25. White bar now as I feel the rep system is worthless and broken. Too many threads are giving away rep for nothing, making it meaningless. Just search for threads that have "rep" in the title, then look at the rep tabs of people's profiles who post in there and see for yourself. The biggest rep fishing thread is this one http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114309-How-Close-are-YOU-to-Your-Next-Reputation-Rank The same people post every week or two and get rep for nothing.
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