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Everything posted by xtoro

  1. You're right about the control surface options. It dictates what kind of input the surface will respond to. For example, you don't want the vertical tail fin at the back to respond to roll, only yaw. To visually see the forces in action, launch your plane and hit F12. This will show you the aerodynamic forces at work. What you will be looking for is the yellow lines which react to the control surface movements.
  2. Circular would work just fine as a nice platform for a base or landing/takeoff zone for rockets. I'm playing with KIS and ground anchors to try and make something workable, but it uses too many panels. Gonna make oversized panels and see...
  3. Don't know if it flies in 1.x, but.... The "Razorback"
  4. Attaching a 3-point coupler to a 3-point coupler in the VAB doesn't work because it really only attaches one of them. Docking in space together will work however. Also, is sounds like you're saying that your payload moves around in the cargo bay? If so, attach struts from your payload to the inner walls of the cargo bay.
  5. If you're not against part packs, try Fuel Tanks Plus. Great for more options, and LF only tanks.
  6. I've never thought of trying to calculate how many I need. I just go by what worked before and how fast I hit the ground. Also have to take into consideration speed, gravity and atmospheric density. When I think I have enough, I add two more. They get recovered anyways so no loss by putting more on.
  7. If your landing gear is straight, there are two things you can try. 1) Sometimes jets spool up at different speeds. Put your brakes on and fire the jets at 50% throttle. Once they spool, release brakes and go full throttle. 2) Sometimes due to flexing and slightly uneven lift, you will get yaw drifting. Try pulling up right from the start and all the way until you lift off. I find with heavier planes that this will keep even pressure on the rear wheels and also prevent uneven lift.
  8. Maneuver nodes do update, but not accurately. I think the position of the node adjusts according to the burn you originally wanted when you set it, and before you passed it. However, it does not update according to the changing mass/TWR of the ship, which I noticed by decoupling a large heavy stage (the node did not move). Therefore it does use the original mass/twr of the ship when you first set the node. For very long burns (using nukes for example) I will burn until I'm about a minute past the node (depending on how long I have left to burn), delete the node, and create a new one ahead if me and continue. It's annoying to recreate nodes but it's more accurate in the end. Also, if I ditch a stage midburn, I will delete and recreate the node. However, if I'm feeling especially lazy, I'll just finish the burn and do a correction burn halfway through. But I do prefer the set-it-and-forget-it approach so I don't have to pay attention to that ship until the destination SoI...
  9. Heh, ok, we'll let's just say I remember seeing it when it came out. At least I was a kid though lol
  10. xtoro


    Correct! Was it the last hint that gave it away? Your turn!
  11. xtoro


    Nope Nope RAINCRAFTER was on the right path. But had he followed a path to his answer, it would disappear at the real answer. (Another hint) Riddle again: I am beautiful yet violent. I have no color, but you can see any color when you look beside me. You can't see me. You can briefly see the beginnings of my effect, but you can't see the effect once it takes place. I am a result of a thing, and without it, I do not exist.
  12. xtoro


    No but you're on the right track, or the wrong one depending on which way you're going (hint)
  13. xtoro


    I am beautiful yet violent. I have no color, but you can see any color when you look beside me. You can't see me. You can briefly see the beginnings of my effect, but you can't see the effect once it takes place. I am a result of a thing, and without it, I do not exist. Tried coming up with something original, I hope I gave enough for some good guesses and didn't make it too easy
  14. Hmm, yeah I'll admit I don't know the work behind the terrain modeling... Perhaps then the unfolding self leveling platform...
  15. xtoro


    Mercury. Heard this before, the God Mercury, or Hermes is on my army badge
  16. I would be nice to find a peak on Duna(or wherever) and bring down some equipment to give yourself a nice flat plateau for setting up bases. Or maybe plow yourself a nice flat runway. To make it not so overpowered, the equipment can be very heavy and consume lots of fuel/power. Alternative would be a large platform that unfolds itself and plants down adjustable legs to have a flat horizontal platform.
  17. For missions beyond Kerbin moons, using KER or MechJeb is a must to ensure proper TWR and Delta V. My recent failure was due to new game behavior; sent a probe to Eve with just enough DV to aerobrake to orbit and return. But I installed unshielded solar panels, so before hitting Eve atmosphere, I realized they don't retract. Entered atmosphere in the sun, panels got ripped off and swung around to the dark side. Didn't think to cut off the electrics because I was peed, and it died while finishing orbit on the dark side...
  18. There's only 5 or 6 countries that use imperial. Feet, inches, yards, miles,none of them can be converted easily without a calculator when dealing with large numbers. How many feet in 7/8ths of a mile? How many feet does 387 inches make? So much easier to just shift the decimal point around. Imperial is outdated IMO.
  19. Use KJR together with Quantum Struts and you'll be golden. QS reattach when you dock up, comes in handy.
  20. I've had fairings close on heat shields multiple times. I don't have the ISRU yet so I can't confirm that. Are you using any modded parts that you're trying to enclose?
  21. I've used them in both directions because I was curious as well. But I didn't notice a difference, at least nothing I could tell in-game. Is there actually a small difference in position?
  22. I have ATI(AMD)/Intel switchable graphics on my laptop and it works great in Linux. I actually don't really see a difference in running Windows or Linux (dual-boot) except for I don't get crashes in Linux....
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