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Posts posted by Roboto

  1. 6 hours ago, BetaguyGZT said:

    If there's currently no maintainer, I'd like to pick it up, update, then continue development. @seanth @Roboto? Are you two still about?

    [EDIT] Licence: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. That's gonna be a problem with anyone picking the Mod up to maintain it. Until that's changed, or unless Roboto and Seanth come back, this mod's done. :( 

    Yes, we live. Just kind of busy with other things.. i can give you push access to the repository on github so you can do updates. Do you have an account? let me know and ill get you set up so you can help maintain!

  2. So yeah, since I can't get the USI Kolonization stuff to actually care that I have TACLS installed, this is looking like my best bet for "not starving on another planet because TAC forgot/refused to make food renewable"

    I've played your mod before in previous versions and loved it, but is this version going to work with 1.04? And is it going to be ready anytime this century?

    Because its starting to look like I'm just gonna have to throw obscene stores of food on all my crafts and just deal with it for the GRAND CAMPAIGN I am planning...

    It's been up on kerbalstuff for sometime now and should work fine.

  3. Hi

    I encountered what I think must be a bug. I'm playing 0.9 version of KSP with the corresponding Version of Biomass. I added an aquatic Greenhouse to my Station and did the following in that order:

    - Used TAC Fuel Balancer to balance carbon dioxide into the greenhouse

    - used TACFB to balance oxygen out of the greenhouse

    - used TACFB to balance waste water into the greenhouse

    - started IR lights

    - opened panels

    - started regular lights

    ...and then around the time the seeds had been used up all my water vanished. Not in an instant but the bar dropped very fast in a few seconds. Not only was the water from the fully filled greenhouse taken but from other parts of the station a well, which is now short on water. Apparantly the water was not turned into something else it's just gone. Does anyboy have an idea what could have happened? It was late yesterday so I have no screenshot but I will get around today and make one.

    Thanks in advance.

    Pretty strange, I've not seen that happen before so I don't really know what to suggest. Fortunately, we have done another major overhaul on the plugin dll and is now using modified versions of the stock ModuleResourceConverters, so any issues with resources going hay-wire are pretty much gone as of the next release.

    As far release date goes.., I've completed all the plugin work and polished things up a bit, we just have to sort out some of the difficulty switching details and the mod should be ready to go soon!

  4. Yeah!!!

    - - - Updated - - -


    The modifications will be something new. That did not exist before?

    Visual plant growth will be new, yes.

    We are also...

    Rebuilding our biological generators by extending the new stock ModuleResourceConverter, so the rates of production will be far less quirky.

    Polishing up the GUI BioMonitor.

    Most Likely..

    Extending the Techtree to include a Biology/Astrobiology path.

    Adding Biologist Experience Trait


    Adding/updating science experiments, contracts and agents

  5. A little something to look forward too when we release the BioMass update for KSP 1.0

    GreenHouse is an extended ModuleDeployableSolarPanel that can be added to a part cfg like so...


    name = GreenHouse
    scalePlants = true //should the module attempt to scale plant models
    plantMeshName = plant //the name(transform.name) given to each plant in Unity3D
    maxPlantSize = 0.09 //the max size the plant model should be scaled. Will not stop biomass production.

    animationName = Deploy
    animSwitch = true
    sunTracking = true
    raycastTransformName = glass
    pivotName = glass
    isBreakable = false
    resourceName = Light

    chargeRate = 1.0
    key = 206000000000 0 0 0
    key = 13599840256 1 0 0
    key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
    key = 0 0 0 0


    And that's it! The module then searches the part model for meshes that are names "PREFABplant" or just "plant", and then applies scaling to them as biomass increases/decreases.

  6. Yes, what you show is true, but what I mean is there a flag that makes it so the module is always active. I.e. the player can not turn it on or off.

    It's just always on. It would be essentially be the same as the ModuleGenerator's isAlwaysActive = true flag

    EDIT: ModuleGenerator is TERRIBLE. Unless they fixed it, giving it multiple inputs is a joke because when one input runs out, the generator still keeps making output

    ModuleResourceConverter does have a boolean AlwaysActive.

  7. There are 0.25 and 0.9 versions available for download on the dowwnload page:


    Yesterday I slightly touched (~ 2m/s) my Aquatic Greenhouse on the space station and it has now a Broken status. I cannot repair that doing EVA. Do I have to replace the aq. greenhouse?

    It seems the break force is out of whack on that one, I'll touch it up again. Unfortunately I think you will have to replace the one that broke.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Whenever I reload the game the difficulty setting is always set back to easy. Is this supposed to be this way?

    I don't think so, but I did notice the last time I messed with it, that it seemed like sometimes the button that is highlighted in the window, isn't actually the mode you are playing in. But we will have a closer look at this. Thanks!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I can't for the life of me get this mod to work. It causes the game to crash almost instantly. I have the memory free. I'm wondering if their is a comability issue? I do have a lot of mods.

    It's certainly could be an issue with another mod, but the only way to know is by disabling them to see when it starts working again. Can you post the error log right after a crash, that might clue us in to where and when its crashing. It's located in the ksp install folder.

  8. nope, 32bit, but I can run 64bit.

    I was just checking because I think there is an issue with module manager and x64? Thought maybe that might part of the problem.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Hey, just for my own info..when I declared the icons...

    resourceIcons = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>();

    resourceIcons.Add ("BioMass",loadResourceIcon("BioMass"));

    resourceIcons.Add ("ElectricCharge", loadResourceIcon("ElectricCharge"));

    resourceIcons.Add ("Water",loadResourceIcon("Water"));

    resourceIcons.Add ("Light",loadResourceIcon("Light"));

    resourceIcons.Add ("MicroFlora",loadResourceIcon("MicroFlora"));

    resourceIcons.Add ("Nutrients",loadResourceIcon("Nutrients"));

    My plan was to eventually just load an icon directory into a dictionary..is this not an ideal way of doing it for any particular reason? As for the icons you are adding currently, it wouldn't be much trouble to define the other icons in this dictionary...it should work fine as is... i think 0.o

  9. I just took your source from GitHub and edited some things. When compiling, it didn't show any errors or warnings.

    It's just the icon in the space center screen that doesn't show up, the BioCraft window works (except that it only shows the EC icon).

    In your craftManager.cs line 380

    GUI.Label(new Rect(280, 0, 32, 16), ecIco, bioResourceIcon);

    It's only placing the electricCharge icon in there, where it should be switching that out depending on the resource. It looks like when you attempted to convert over to using Texture2D**, the portion that was checking the resource name and setting the icon was lost in the process. You can fix this by creating a check of the resourceName and then set the icon you are showing at that point.

    As far as the missing button in the spaceCenter, it's certainly due to the exceptions at the top of that log. The difficulty switching feature is failing to load at all, which I believe is why the button is missing. It is possible your fork may be missing a file(s), directory structure may have been changed, or possibly something to do with missing references in your project, but I'm not really sure about this. Unfortunately I don't have anymore info than that.

    Thanks for helping out, btw. It's definitely appreciated!

    ** Texture2D - If I remember correctly, I had an issue that ate up an entire night when trying to use Texture2D when writing the craftManger, and was the reason I ended up sticking with what you see in the master.

  10. I'm almost ready with updating it, have to do some tweaking and test till it breaks.

    There are still some problems with animations that need some fixes.

    I have a problem with the CraftManager where it loads all the icons (checked this) but all the resources only have the ElectricCharge icon. How can I fix this.


    Also the BioMass Icons doesn't show up in the Space Center, can't find the code that defines the Btn

    I can have a look at this too. won't be till later tonight tho. thanks!

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