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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. I bet the whole confusion resides in the fact that people tend to explain force with their hands, and knowing that holding something heavy or pushing against something uses chemical energy stored in our bodies, people think that acting with force requires converting energy. That's only because people generally don't know how muscles work. A hand pushing against something might seem stationary and thus violating the whole "work is energy over distance" thing, but it's just because you're looking at a black box model. If you could see the muscle at a molecular level, you'd see protein machines constantly converting energy by hydrolising adenosine triphosphate into adenosine diphosphate and phosphate which provides chemical energy for that action. Look at this video and it will be clear to you. NHF, but some of you here know physics, but don't really know how to explain it. Being an educator requires interdisciplinary knowledge and approach.
  2. Miranda is a great choice. Landing on a jumbled terrain will be challenging. I'd suggest at least one retrograde orbit satellite in the whole mod. For example Sarnus could have one more like that, as an analogue to Phoebe. Also, Iapetus is an intriguing satellite. Well if you need any help (and if I'm capable of it), I'll be happy to provide it. This mod is something I hope to see in stock version. It is similar to our system, but it's something else, and that's good.
  3. When could we expect Urlum to get satellites and what are the expectations for their number and analogues?
  4. Using 4 Vesta's density, I've calculated that the force between those two bodies is roughly 10.3 kN, which is a force an object with the mass of 1047 kg would act on the surface of Earth. That's the mass of a very small car. Indeed a small force, but sufficient to overcome any photon pressure, etc.
  5. Unlike those, OBS is free and yes, it does record on your storage medium. I've used it and it's a decent program when you figure out how to do it. As most highly versatile programs, it requires you to set up everything and it turns into fiddling with graphics card's settings.
  6. It should be ok if it wasn't opened. Try to eat it as soon as possible. Why wasting perfectly fine yoghurt?
  7. Wow, so you've made it! Congrats, good work! Yes, it has an awesome view, and you don't even need a lander for it; jetpack is more than enough cause this satellite is lighter than Gilly. Navigation around Hale (and Ovok, to some extent) is more like rendezvousing with a spacecraft than actual landing. Try to jump and record the maximum height.
  8. You got it, I'll do it next time I get the error. BTW when I've landed on Ovok and zoomed out to the maximum, the satellite wasn't whole. It was as if the quarter to third of the opposite side was missing in irregular shape. You might want to look at that, it could be useful. You have to sneak up on it using an orbit of very similar eccentricity and not terribly different radius. It's like taming an ocelot in MC. Click on my signature banner and you'll see it's possible. The key seems to be not rendezvousing with it at a large relative speed, otherwise you don't get a periapsis mark and the satellite will be rendered incorrectly, leading to crash into its surface. It's a bug, obviously. 450 m/s is way too fast. Also, use either attenuated RCS or set your engine thrust to 5.5 (minimum). Hale has smaller SOI than it says in the game and it's easy to miss it even when the relative speed is decently low.
  9. It would be a shame if this mod didn't become more stable. I've had several NaN Kraken accidents today, but with enough restarts and quickloads, I've finally entered Ovok's SOI and landed a probe on it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104160-Kron-series?p=1711274&viewfull=1#post1711274 There is still some pretty decent teleportations along the orbit upon exiting the SOI, and it happens with Hale and Ovok only. Eeloo only loses its grip of the spacecraft. Slate seems to be ok, for now.
  10. One more probe (Kron 3B) was sent as a target, this one on Ovok. It is an ion engine powered, active tether type probe. Half way between Jool and Sarnus, light is so low the solar panels are just a dead weight, so I've jettisoned them. It took several brakings some 150 km above Sarnus' atmosphere to slow down enough to start planning a rendezvous with Ovok, and it was a success. It took less than 25 m/s to turn this orbit into a polar one. Glowing of the stones reminded me of the first time I went to Minmus. KAS hook was used, again. Landing site was rim of one crater. And now the probe lies in the icy fluff of Ovok, bombarded by the ionizing radiation around Sarnus. There's enough energy in its RTG units to keep it alive for a long time, but by the time Kerbals visit it, they will he very depleted (RTG decay mod).
  11. I've never had such problem with any of the stock game bodies, and I don't run near total RAM capacity. There's a quicksave in my mission before the problem arises so I'll report what happened. True. I'm not even sure I could do it without such approach if I want another larger ship to return home afterwards.
  12. By the way, I've set up a target for one of the future Kron mission to Sarnus system. Kron 3A. A chemical propulsion probe brought a tiny lander without any propulsion and threw it on Hale. The lander ejected a hook and caught the surface of this object which is even smaller than Gilly. After some yo-yo action, the thing locked itself in place, took some readings and turned itself off. Some future Kerbal will probably do an extreme EVA to retrieve an instrument of it. banner b, banner c, banner d, banner e, banner f, banner g, banner h, banner i, banner j, banner k, banner l, banner m, banner n, banner o One of the instruments was broken, but either way there wasn't enough charge in the battery for all of the experiments.
  13. For unknown reason, I've managed to enter Hale's SOI and then successfully landed a probe with a tethered hook. The probe which delivered this lander later tried to rendezvous with Ovok, but same problem happened which resulted in, again, a NaN Kraken attack. So far Ovok brought me nothing but misery.
  14. A sufficiently advanced computer program (AI) would be considered alive, but we're talking about biological organisms. Such life has a set of rules governing its definition. For example it must have a metabolism which it uses for gaining energy from the environment by absorbing matter and energy, it must have a membrane and an interior different from the environment (that's a hardcore rule you can not avoid), it needs to react to input (whatever the input is) by trying to nullify its effects in order not to change its basic structure. Additionally, it should be able to reproduce. That is one of the weaker rules because such ability might be lost. Viruses are in the gray zone. They sometimes display some features of life. There are even simpler phenomena like viroids and prions. They are basically smart molecules. We might even consider them sort of a molecular error which got its ability to be expressed outside pure nucleotide code, using a foreign cell. Even biological life is not something you can say it "is" or it "isn't". There is the gray zone. True, anaerobic metabolism we know gives only a handful of ATP molecules. And sedentary ones who prey will have radial symmetry with tentacles. Filtrators don't need symmetry at all. I thought it was obvious we were talking about breathing elemental oxygen. They don't breathe metal, as metals are solids and also you almost never encounter metals in their elemental forms in nature, except when they're so inert they stay like that forever (gold). They get energy from reacting metal ions with something else. You have them in your home. Iron bacteria. They get energy from oxidizing Fe2+ into Fe3+, and get the matter from traces of organic molecules in the water. It's the gooey rust you probably encountered before. It might not even be their sustenance, but only a source of energy. Then again, they probably incorporate some of the liberated ions into their cells.
  15. Not me. I've seen some of the new episodes and they are pretty bad. It seems that someone should end their misery.
  16. Yes, unfortunately it keeps repeating itself. I have no problems with Eeloo and Slate, but the Ovok and Hale are totally not working. Could it be because of the rings?
  17. I've tried to make a flyby of Ovok and land a tiny lander on Hale. It's impossible to enter SOI of both bodies so you smack into their surfaces without knowing what is happening. Surface becomes invisible close enough. If you eyeball it and you approach the surface slowly, you glide through it and all of the sudden you realize the probe is inside the satellite. I don't think this is my fault. I don't use any visual enhancement plugins/mods anymore, except for Planetshine and Distant Object, both of which have nothing to do with rendering of the physical surfaces and SOI.
  18. I've caught this now. Click for larger screenshots. I've never seen solar panels opening live. It was quite fast.
  19. I've tried to send a probe to Sarnus, Galileo style. Unless it's Deadly Reentry's fault, Outer Planets Mod doesn't work out the atmosphere correctly. It's like immediately hitting the lowest parts of Kerbin's atmosphere. Decceleration is intense. From over 6000 m/s to 50 in few seconds. You're left with a spinning probe descending at an ever slowing speed. The atmosphere is not around you like at Jool, and you can never reach the bottom. I don't know what's the limit of the function which describes descent in this case. It might be zero, but you'd need eternity to reach it. I waited at 4x timewarp for almost half an hour and reached 12 m/s descent only to get into area of very low atmospheric pressure. The probe spins like mad.
  20. Even with hard mode, DRE is very forgiving. You really have to to a lot of mistakes to destroy a vehicle...
  21. It would lower the efficiency of the primary power generator. Work is done by heat gradient, not by heat. As you can see here, the hotter the source and the colder the sink, the more work you get.
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