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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Yes, HF inhibits RFNA's corrosive effect on some common structural metals. It makes it safer because it won't let the container burst.
  2. It's clearly something else, although it looks very similar to radix with the horizontal line which is often seen in currency signs. I'm ok with the name "root". Why was it dropped?
  3. It's worth noting that in most post-socialist European countries meteorologists, when presenting forecasts to the public, don't use percentages as they do in USA, Canada, etc. They use phrases such as: "not likely", "highly probable", etc. I disagree with such usage, but they don't lie. Also it's quite difficult to create forecasts for small countries of homogeneous topography.
  4. (these kinds of threads will make the moderators cringe ) If there was 45 °C in Wroclaw, it would be all over the news in the whole world because people would be dying like mad. Temperature readings are taken using standard procedures. This is not one of them. Standard measurements are taken using thermometers inside Stephenson screens. Little white painted, louvered closets on at least 1 m tall white legs, above short cut grass, away from tall objects. Why all this trouble - because you want to measure air temperature, not the temperature of the thermometer when it's exposed to heat rays from the Sun or the ground. ps: Global warming does not mean local temperatures are higher all the time. It means the global average temperatures are above normal, which leads to abnormal weather patterns and change in climate. It's a fact, and it wasn't deduced by wrongly positioned thermometers, but by examination of all the temperature data on Earth gathered in these kind of instrument shelters for a long time.
  5. It looks really great, but 9.99 €??? Are they nuts? It's too expensive. It's -20% at the moment, but 7.99 € is still a lot for a puzzle game.
  6. Why? Because your cardiovascular system is suffering, that's why. Your chances of kicking the bucket prematurely are indeed highly elevated.
  7. Industrial grade helium is cheaper. Helium you're talking about is not only oxygenized, but extra purified. I'd avoid it. It means more money and less lift. I'm not sure what would happen with oxygenized helium balloon. Helium leaks through latex a lot faster than oxygen, so the concentration of oxygen rises as the balloon goes up. I think it wouldn't reach typical weather balloon heights. Weather balloons are disposable. As we'd start a crowdsourcing campaign, the funds would be covered. Once the latex is stretched by the gas and blasted by UV rays at those heights, it's not guaranteed to work well next time. They're designed to burst, that's it.
  8. I can't imagine those three bobbing their heads. Two of them would be scared, one would be grinning like mad. It's not really that ultra-realistic as only Collins would be in that photo, but it's very cool nonetheless.
  9. This thread will be closed in 5, 4, 3, ...
  10. "Sleep disorder" will disqualify you from getting a licence permit for piloting an airplane. "I'm hot and sweaty and my bed is itching me and I can't sleep" is not a disorder. Most of people suffer from that during the summer.
  11. Being a troll requires doing deliberately malicious online acts. You do post a lot of threads, sometimes with tl;dr content, but I do not see you as a troll, and I doubt the admins do, either. They probably see you as a mild nuisance. You should really try to lower your body weight, 140 kg is not healthy in any case.
  12. I live in such country and I'm witnessing everything I've wrote. What you're calling "talking out of my arse" is something sociologists are currently studying and writing books about. What you call bullshit, other people are studying as a phenomena of the transitional post-socialist country. So I'd say you better check your sources because what you're saying has no value. Maybe in certain countries, but certainly not mine or, the worst example, Russia, which is a pure textbook example of what I'm saying. There are basically two types of people scared of such things: poorly educated right wing population (voting stock that gets easily swayed around by the promises of the same people that don't care about them) and somewhat educated left wing population which enjoys the feeling of being scared and has some knowledge to understand the existing threat from the rich and the corrupted, but not enough knowledge to dismiss pseudoscience. There are of course other types, but these are the two most prominent and obvious.
  13. An interesting thing is happening with postsocialist countries. (I wouldn't call them communist because they werent near it.) Transition from socialism into capitalism happened with lots of apathy involved, and lots of crime. All those street rats that were held down by the oppressive government in the past are now oligarchs, mafia. They hold plenty of stocks, they own construction companies, security companies, basically the things where rats like to hide. The youth raised in the transition period has witnessed a society where education and secular, humanist morality is not something you want to embrace if you want to succeed. There's a high increase in society interest in both occult, pseudoscience and organized religion. What was the communist party, today is Roman Catholic or Orthodox national churches. Second generation has those apathic parents and the effect is cemented for at least several decades. Levels of secularity are low, corruption is sky high, nationalism is high to the point that neofascist parties are starting to take over. Morality diverged: one side is what the public shares publicly is religious (strong opposition to abortion, opposition to human rights of various kinds of minorities, glorification of creationism, opposition to public broadcast of "indecent music", etc.), and other side, which is a public secret, is an increase in basic immoral behaviour, high number of divorces, high number of illegal abortions. Alcoholism (chronic and binge drinking) among the youth has skyrocketed beyond any prediction, drug abuse is insane. I'm witnessing it at this very moment at my place and chances are high that horrible future is ahead. The earlier system was horrible, but there was hope, things were slowly getting better and there was a feeling of publicly accepted secularity. After the system failed, all hell broke loose. The worst situation is probably in Russia, though.
  14. Whenever someone mentions summer camps, I remember the Addams family.
  15. That's great news. If helium is easier for you to get, then it'll be helium, but you should put a price tag on it, so we can calculate whether it would be easier if you could make your own hydrogen. Renting helium tanks is pricey. Tin canister won't do. It's heavy and highly conductive. Styrofoam is the best. I've already made a capsule I'm going to use for other projects. Its internal volume is 1.5 L and its mass is less than 60 g. Styrofoam is a great insulator - you can even store LN2 inside for a considerable amount of time. By heat packs you mean Na-acetate? That's very good. I have those, too. Can you take photos of all that? Can you weigh each thing on a gram scale? Someone already said about the Kerbal on earlier pages. If I had one, I'd rent it to this project so I could have a Kerbal who has been in stratosphere. Thanks. Sensors which take even more readings are readily available for 3-5 USD on eBay, and give exact numbers. As the camera will be looking outwards, the screen of your device would have to be outside, too. LCD screens can not survive such frigid temperatures. We're talking about below -60°C here. They become unresponsive at even warmer temperatures, but will surely be destroyed at the temperatures of dry ice sublimation. All except the Geiger counter could be assembled for less than 30 USD, and the counter itself would be in that price range. Nothing fancy, just CPM and microsieverts or micrograys per hour. I don't think they'd mind. In fact, if the next Soyuz would use it as their 0 G indicator instead of Dimler the cat and Red from Angry Birds, it would be great.
  16. Self-awareness starts between the first and third year for normally developed kids. It doesn't instantly turn from being completely oblivious to being fully aware of one's self, though. It's gradual. Human are remarkably good at it, compared to other primates. This raises a question if we can even form early memories without being self-aware. It's complicated and would require asking it to a bunch of child psychologists. I can't say that she could, but I don't think there's any obstacle to it. Koko clearly understands the benefit of such knowledge, otherwise she wouldn't use it on her own. I'd say she'd probably try to teach the baby. Yeah, English language is weird with these things. Animals are an "it", yet ships are a "she".
  17. Why do you want to look at stars? You won't see anything except a brighter point of light and additional abberations. Go look at the planets, they're much more interesting.
  18. NASAFanboy, do you already have any equipment for sending a hydrogen-filled weather balloon into high atmosphere? Name the things you need, so I can write all down.
  19. That's great if he can find and afford the metallization. Otherwise I don't know how could he do it. You need a vacuum chamber and all that.
  20. Even if we use Kickstarter instead of Indiegogo (we still haven't decided), I can't start it because I'm not in USA. So if anyone wants to do this, say it loud and clear. We'll discuss the expenses, write a plan and open a campaign.
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