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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Different rotations would be a great addition. It's not a big deal. As Awaras said, it just takes fine tuning upon approach (or during the first burn).
  2. Can you please change the time in the thread to UTC? The planet is not made out of one part of United States. Thank you.
  3. By the way, I got this interesting screenshot in the tracking station. It shows the orbits of the fuel tanks jettisoned while burning to extend the apoapsis to Urlum's orbit.
  4. 8/10 for cute GIF and simplicity
  5. Now that you've been advertised on official KSP Facebook page, I bet lots of people will look at your video.
  6. That would be Kerty, because he's the only player. Over 4 years of flight is a long time in case of a stowaway squirrel, especially if it's a pregnant female. Those things would chew right through the modules until they find food, and four years later you get a ship full of squirrels and lacking with snacks. Then you have to eat squirrels.
  7. [highlight]/start of transmission/ report by Kerty day: 70 crew condition: hibernation distance from Kerbol: 21 million km (crossing Duna orbit) speed relative to Kerbol: 9.95 km/s charge: nominal fuels pressure: nominal current delta v: 8919 m/s atmosphere: 100% ionizing radiation: declining sunlight: sufficient average ship temperature: -68 °C snacks: 93% Kerty: playing chess end of line /end of transmission/[/highlight]
  8. Oil is dead plankton algae. The contribution of dinosaurs is completely irrelevant and a kids' myth. That dumping was scarce, experimental and primarily in oceans' trenches. It actually isn't a bad idea if you want to get rid of it and you vitrify it first. It will get pulled in by tectonic subduction. Since then waste is either stored or recycled because it's valuable. Of course, it has no effect on CO2 footprint, or any impact, unless it's done in a terribly shoddy way. Bombs, on the other hand (thousands of tests!) did terrible damage, but can't match the global warming.
  9. You can see Kerty in the screenshots. It's a homage to Gerty the computer from the movie Moon. I kind of forked Raster Prop Monitor to finally show him, even though he existed earlier. Those are just screenshots taken by and directly hosted by Steam.
  10. I don't think people at Bloomberg would be that careless...
  11. Yes, the game is complete and perfect finally! - 3 votes
  12. That does not look like Google's fault. It seems to be an intentional link. Nothing automatic.
  13. So you were basically drunk the whole time. What you said here doesn't really conflict with what I've said.
  14. He/she probably saw it, but didn't know they were planets.
  15. I don't see any pics. Just upload it to a normal image upload site. There's tons of them.
  16. Yes, acetylsalicylic acid is an anticoagulant, specifically antiplatelet compound so it's even something recognized as a long term mediation of blood clots if taken daily in low doses. Of course, it should be taken with plenty of water because it's a solid acid. Not really for people with ulcers. Paracetamol is very safe if taken appropriately (and if you aren't a kid with Reye's syndrome), but less safe than acetylsalicylic acid. Yes, ibuprofen is something best used for stuff like musculoskeletal pains, nerve inflammations, toothaches (when it's a lifesaver; praise ibuprofen oh lawdy!), etc. As with all drugs, use the minimal dose. For example if I have a mild pain, I can deal with it. If it gets worse or horrible, I will take enough to attenuate it. There's no need to anaesthetize oneself. Placebos do not cure. They: 1) might 2) make you feel good 3) for a short amount of time 4) in certain cases. So if you have a raging toothache or influenza or rhinitis or migraine, it will not help nor make you feel better. Placebo is something you need to be persuaded in by others and "therapeutic" index for taking expensive scammy sugar pills is extremely narrow. Indeed, it is not plant medicine. Nothing to do with plants. It also isn't a medicine. It's not a drug. All those names are something that's earned by hard work and clinical evidence. There's nothing like that with chugga chugga sugary lies. Matricaria chamomilla L. infusion is a very mild sedative and very mild antiinflammatory agent. It should not be consumed by pregnant females as it has a decent potential to induce labor. Homeopathic preparations don't have to be that dilluted. For example there are preparations where the concentration of some agent is measurable. However, they're basically useless from any standpoint. They are to weak to induce any medical effect, and the homeopath quacks hold them to be useless, too, because "their dillution is too weak". The point of homeopathic preparations is to dillute something that induces symptoms of the illness you want to treat, to the point where it's just water. For example if you want to treat tummy pain, their insane "logic" would recommend dilluting arsenic trioxide (because it induces tummy ache, but glass shards do it, too! ) until you get water with statistically insignificant chance of having one particle of the trioxide and then consuming it. But not before you're classified as one of their "types", which are the same hogwash as astrology. It's a stupid cul de sac of early medicine. Worthless crap that spins a huge amount of money each year. Tylenol is paracetamol.
  17. Yes, and then 1.0.4., but I will remain in 1.0.2. for now. The crew has finished a Hohmann trajectory burn. This is the current predicted orbit which will be corrected when the ship enters Urlum's sphere of influence. The ship is in a standby mode. Radiators and telecommunication dishes have been retracted to lower the chance of micrometeoroid damage and main battery and nuclear reactor are offline to save on fuel. You can see that a good deal of its liquid fuel tanks have been already jettisoned. Jebediah and Valentina went to the Deep Freeze module for a long sleep. From now on Kerty is managing the ship's systems. 1505 Earth days until Kron 4 enters Urlum SOI. Urlum is almost two times further away from Kerbol than Sarnus is. It's a long way there. Kron 4 is, as its predecessor was, a sleeping ship whizzing through the silent void of space at more than 12 kilometres per second. It is very much possible this is the last Kron ship that will use a Hohmann transfer. Going to Neidon would last an ungodly amount of time using such approach. During the next few years, Kerty will occasionally beep telemetry data to KSC.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_Sheep Initial release 1999 And this is just a public thing. Not identical, but these things are definitively not new.
  19. Well as someone who worked with benzene in a laboratory, I can assure you that you don't use a gas mask for it. You use a fume hood unless the exposure is unimportant or very rare. For example opening a bottle and transfering a small quantity using an automated pipette to a test tube once in a while next to a window is something that won't kill you immediatelly or gradually. It is a dangerous chemical, but not a boogeyman. There's way more danger of labs where solvents are kept in an inadequate storage area where they are exposed to heat and are keeping a constant, unhealthy level of vapors in the work area. That's when a gas mask is applicable, although it's of course logical to do something about the source than to spend a fortune on filters during the years. Of course 3M will try to spook the crap out of everyone. It's their job to sell these things. No windows? That's never good. Fume hood can be old, but if it pulls the air and keeps a negative pressure in the room, and you aren't spilling benzene over the floor or in shallow trays, or keep exposed beakers and flasks of it around, and you don't do this often, I see no problem. Undamaged MCU-2/P is more than adequate, but remember that solvents cross the skin barrier. Chronic exposure to higher levels of vapors with mask only is not healthy as benzene will enter your body through your skin. Also, remember that filters are rated for vapor concentration and time they provide healthy enough air to breathe. I don't know the US standards (I bet they're different from the rest of the world like everything else), but in an unlikely case you're using EU standards, use type A filter (brown) with the approapriate class rating (1, 2 or 3). 1 should be enough because if you need 2 or 3, you really need a protective suit. I must say that, if you don't know these things yourself, or couldn't find it yourself, you probably shouldn't work with benzene.
  20. You don't need a gas mask for handling benzene. You need a fume hood. Gas masks are primarily used in cases of emergency. In case you're not working with a fume hood and there's more than a brief exposure in a ventilated nonliving room, you need to position yourself so that the wind current is carrying away the vapors. Work outside. What is the nature of exposure? Time of exposure, number of exposures, temperature of benzene, where is it, etc.?
  21. Pawel, using metamizole for headache is really foolish. What's wrong with acetylsalicylic acid AKA Aspirine? *does a facepalm so hard and gets a concussion* Homeopathy is a scam with pseudoscientific foundation and this forum is not for such things.
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