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Everything posted by NQMT

  1. Race One is now closed! NeoX Grand Prix This track was designed by NeoX who was a big part in the last Formula K competition. TIMES: 1st: GROOV3ST3R - 1:28 (5pts) 2nd: Frafor - 1:31 (3pts) 3rd: donfede - 1:31 (2pts) 4th: Kyrian - 1:36 (1pt) 5th: Blaze 9X - 1:46 6th: CaptainGiblets - 1:50 7th: DisarmingBaton5 - 1:56 8th: randomness5555 - 2:00 NOTE: Although Frafor's and donfede's times are identical, since Frafor was the first of the two to set that time, Frafor is given 2nd. donfede, if you do not agree with this decision, either PM me and I'll explain more, or simply set a new, quicker time. Championship standings: 1st: GROOV3ST3R - 5pts 2nd: Frafor - 3pts 3rd: donfede - 2pts 4th: Kyrian - 1pt 5th: Blaze 9X - 0pts 6th: CaptainGiblets - 0pts 7th: DisarmingBaton5 - 0pts 8th: randomness5555 - 0pts
  2. Races are 1 timed lap, from a standing start. Quick edit: next season there will be a cap on Cubic Octagonal Struts, a maximum of 10 will be allowed. Use them wisely. Yet another edit: No cap on RCS this season, next season will be 15 units. Refill / empty as much as you need to between each race.
  3. Camera mods are fine. They don't give you an advantage, so I see no problem. Go for it
  4. NQMT


    Is there anyone who could assist? We're quite busy with school at the moment and we need someone with experience.
  5. Well said, GROOV3ST3R. No chance of being on the Mun, however. I'm too lazy to get there. For a rally, I'd be thinking of point-to-point instead of a predetermined track. Also, Frafor, how do you measure the drag coefficient? I get no readings from FAR from the rover itself. Does it show up in the SPH? EDIT: 100 posts on this thread! Sweet!
  6. Frafor, the rules state that a maximum of 2 small surfaces be used on the rear of the car. For now, that diffuser is illegal, but next season I'll change it to 3 or 4. I'll post the Season 2 rules and regs after race 3 or 4 to give everyone time to develop.
  7. I did say 'small' redesign, right? Scratch that. You'll see soon. My aim is >0.5kn of drag for the whole car, and a top speed of 25+ on engine power alone.
  8. NQMT


    Please close this thread. Thank you
  9. I'm thinking of doing a small redesign. Will keep you updated.
  10. In 1 year, they should at least have plush Kerbals for the younger fans. 3 years, new solar system. 5 years, Squad announce the ability to have multiplayer launching from KSC 2 and the Island. 10 years, hopefully by then we'll be able to build runways on Laythe. [quick edit] And race tracks. Don't forget race tracks.
  11. randomness5555, it qualifies. Very nice! Frafor: 1. You can change the angle of the wings as often as you want, but only in the SPH. You aren't permitted to do it on track. 2. If you want your RCS to actually work, use Docking Mode. Also, I find it helps that if you accidentally hit space, nothing comes flying off - Kyrian
  12. Lack Luster Labs comes with ballast parts. Hope this helps.
  13. I was going to make races start tomorrow, but seeing as you need some time to prepare a car, I'll open Race 1 on Thursday. Does that sound good? Hope you like the challenge, Frafor! - Kyrian
  14. Yes they will. PM a screenshot of your track and state if it's clockwise or anti, and I'll replicate it.
  15. Two ideas: Steering: variable maximum steering, changeable handling at both low and high speed. Suspension: hard or soft springs, lower and raise ride height etc.
  16. Just relax, post a handful of .crafts and images, make everything pretty, just be patient. They do come
  17. I'm not a big fan of the large rear wing. I prefer a small rear and a slightly wider front, hence the use of two, spaced apart at the front and clipped together at the rear. Next season there'll be a Monaco-esque circuit where you will be permitted to use a large rear and 1 more small at the front and back, for maximum downforce. [Edit] I see sidepods, DisarmingBaton5! Nice!
  18. Instead of having the central tail and the 2 outers, extend the 2 outer tails downwards. Tell me what you think of that
  19. When I'm older and have a nice camera, my friend and I are planning on going spotting at YMML (Melbourne Intl). A388, B744, A333 and B763 come regularly, and hopefully soon, A359. Can't wait until they enter service.
  20. I must say, it's quite pretty. You don't need the lights, they create drag so I think it'd be wise to remove them.
  21. randomness5555, your car is in violation of the Aerodynamics: 1 and 1.1 rules. Your rear wing is not permitted to be a Large Control Surface. Also, the first race will be in 2 days. All tracks are around the KSC, if you don't have the mod pack yet, please get it. Link is in the OP. Please change the rear wing before then. burnoutforzai, please show a screenshot of the updated vehicle as well. Good luck to everyone! - Kyrian
  22. Suggestion for a roof-carrier version: move the main wings forward a tiny bit and make a H-Tail at the back.
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